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- <text id=93TT0223>
- <title>
- Aug. 16, 1993: Heidi Does Hollywood
- </title>
- <history>
- TIME--The Weekly Newsmagazine--1993
- Aug. 16, 1993 Overturning The Reagan Era
- </history>
- <article>
- <source>Time Magazine</source>
- <hdr>
- Heidi Does Hollywood
- </hdr>
- <body>
- <p>The downfall of the very model of a major madam sends worried
- executives and stars fluttering for cover
- </p>
- <p>By JESSE BIRNBAUM--With reporting by Jeffrey Ressner/Los Angeles
- </p>
- <p> According to her own statement, Heidi Fleiss ran the best little
- whorehouse in Hollywood: satisfaction guaranteed, discretion
- assured, classy girls, no group sex, nothing too kinky, condoms
- absolutely required--all for $1,500 a popsy in cash or checks.
- No doubt about it, if a body would meet a bawdy, Heidi could
- fix it.
- </p>
- <p> SCENE: A suite last June in the Beverly Hilton Hotel. HEIDI
- arrives in response to a phone call from Hawaiian businessman
- SAMMY LEE, who explains that he wants to provide entertainment
- for some associates.
- </p>
- <p> Heidi: O.K., let me just tell you how I do it...In the history
- of this business, in one year, no one has ever been able to
- do what I do. I know 1% of the wealthiest people and the nicest
- people in the entire world, or maybe 1/2%. Every girl I select
- has some quality or value about her that I think is different
- from the rest.
- </p>
- <p> Lee: Right.
- </p>
- <p> Heidi: I just have a fixed price, and no one is hustled, and
- no one is, like, crude and, or, you know, where someone is spending
- all this money, and Heidi's going to find some drugged-out freak
- coming in with her fingernails all dirty, and I can't afford
- stuff like that 'cause of all the people I deal with.
- </p>
- <p> She dealt with the best. Madam to the stars and moguls, foreign
- and domestic, Heidi prospered for three heady years, reaping
- 40% of her girls' earnings. A slim and attractive 27, she hung
- out in the best joints, was seen with the likes of Billy Idol,
- Sliver producer Robert Evans, and Victoria Sellers, Peter's
- daughter. She lived in a $1.6 million Benedict Canyon mansion
- (Hollywoodese for house), whose previous occupant was Michael
- Douglas and whose current owner is her father, Los Angeles pediatrician
- Paul Fleiss. She threw a smashing party there for none other
- than Mick Jagger. Jack Nicholson showed up, and so did Prince
- and a couple of Red Hot Chili Peppers. Life was a glorious movie.
- </p>
- <p> Now it's a wrap. Heidi is out of business, charged with "pimping,
- pandering and sale of narcotics." Her notebooks, audiotapes,
- pictures, cellular telephone, passports, credit cards, bank
- statements, checkbooks, cash and 13 g of cocaine have been confiscated
- as evidence.
- </p>
- <p> And is Heidi in a snit! To begin with, she says the police raid
- on her house was ridiculous. She was taking out the garbage
- with a friend, when eight cops, mind you, accompanied by a drug-sniffing
- dog, suddenly leaped out of the bushes and yelled, "L.A.P.D.!
- Which one of you is Heidi Fleiss?" As if they had to ask! Worse,
- Heidi was certain she was brought down by any number of envious,
- low-rent madams who run tacky $200 and $300 doxies--"like
- they send their maid out on a job or something."
- </p>
- <p> Lee: What are we talking about as far as costs?
- </p>
- <p> Heidi: It'll be $1,500.
- </p>
- <p> Lee: A person?
- </p>
- <p> Heidi: Per person.
- </p>
- <p> Lee: And for $1,500, what are we talking?
- </p>
- <p> Heidi: We're talking everyone's gonna have a good time But,
- like, oh, I'm not, like, into this group sex and swapping and
- things like that, and I tell people that I think condoms. I
- am a firm believer in condoms, but what girls do and guys do,
- I'm not in the room. I can't oversee everything. And if you're
- not happy with someone in the first 15 minutes, if she offends
- you in any way, or something about her strikes you wrong or
- something, $100 and go.
- </p>
- <p> That was the kind of class that endeared Heidi to her clientele.
- Now, of course, the customers, said to be mainly show-biz celebrities
- and executives, are apoplectic with worry. Press agents last
- week were telling reporters that, oh sure, their clients have
- "met" Heidi but know nothing else about her. In a statement
- faxed to the press, Idol proclaimed, "I have never used [Heidi's]
- professional services, and, God knows, I don't need to. Fortunately,
- I've never had to pay for sex." The Los Angeles Times wrote
- that Heidi was sometimes paid for her services with corporate
- checks, which were written off as production expenses. Her phone
- has been jangling with calls from nervous actors and producers,
- some of whom have offered to pay her legal fees.
- </p>
- <p> A lawyer for Columbia Pictures production boss Michael Nathanson
- wanted it known that Nathanson "never did business with Heidi
- on any level. Personally, or company-wise," and Heidi herself
- declared that Nathanson had never been her client. "This is
- driving people's imaginations to the max," said Anthony Pellicano,
- a private detective whom Nathanson hired to sort out the facts.
- "People are scared to death of being exposed. I'm getting phone
- calls from a lot of people who want me to represent them."
- </p>
- <p> They will need all the help they can get. According to Ivan
- Nagy, a burly Hungarian emigre and shady, fringe-TV director
- (Starsky and Hutch), Heidi has the goods on all her clients:
- names, dates, phone tapes, encounters. Nagy, who had a turbulent
- affair with Heidi, recalls that the two were in bed on one occasion
- when Heidi delightedly waved a $10,000 corporate check in his
- face and cooed, "I'd like to see you get a check like this!"
- </p>
- <p> As for the identities of Heidi's johns, Nagy says, "anybody
- who ever called in the past 18 months is on tape. Every one
- of her four phone lines had a voice-activated recorder on it.
- She had a fetish about tape recording. She figured if a guy
- didn't pay her or a check bounced, she'd play a bit of the tape
- on his answering machine and he'd pay up unless he wanted his
- wife to hear the rest of the message."
- </p>
- <p> Meanwhile, agents and writers are hustling to sign Heidi to
- movie and television contracts. Connie Chung and Barbara Walters
- rushed to book the Heidi story for their TV newsmagazine shows
- this week. Heidi announced that she was prepared to write a
- tell-all book for any publisher who will pay her $1 million,
- the equivalent of 666 2/3 hooker engagements. It is also possible
- that any number of Hollywood figures and studios would pay her
- more than that to keep her mouth shut.
- </p>
- <p> Lee: O.K., so the arrangement is basically straight sex Basically
- nothing bizarre. I don't want to see a llama coming through
- the house
- </p>
- <p> Heidi: No, no, no, nothing bizarre.
- </p>
- <p> Heidi is so proud of her notoriety that it might be impossible
- for her to remain silent. After all, she worked hard to reach
- her eminence. A high school dropout, she was 19 when she met
- big spender Bernie Cornfeld, the financial impresario who in
- the 1970s was accused and then acquitted of fraud when his $2
- billion mutual-fund empire collapsed. Bernie and Heidi were
- just good friends, so to speak, living it up, jetting around
- Europe. After they split, Heidi met Nagy, who introduced her
- to Hollywood brothel-keeper Elizabeth ("Madam Alex") Adams.
- Heidi said she was merely Madam Alex's assistant; Madam Alex,
- now retired, begs to differ. So does Nagy.
- </p>
- <p> Once she had received her on-the-job training from Madam Alex,
- Heidi struck out on her own. She started small, operating out
- of a modest little house in Los Angeles' bohemian Melrose district.
- She was a familiar sight at On the Rox, a swanky Hollywood nightclub,
- where her friend Victoria Sellers served as a hostess. "Heidi
- would be with a group of girls in the corner," recalls an observer.
- "You'd see her get up and talk to a guy by the bar, then she'd
- go back and get a girl, and then the girl would go over and
- sit on the guy's lap while he ran his hand under her clothes."
- Soon the word got about that Heidi had the best girls in town.
- Business blossomed. Melrose faded. Benedict Canyon loomed.
- </p>
- <p> Heidi: And you know, some guys like two girls to be together.
- </p>
- <p> Lee: Yeah. Can that be arranged?
- </p>
- <p> Heidi: Yeah. That's a normal man thing.
- </p>
- <p> Lee: Yeah, kind of a boy thing.
- </p>
- <p> Heidi: It's a boy thing.
- </p>
- <p> Lee: Cash O.K.?
- </p>
- <p> Heidi: Cash. Cool.
- </p>
- <p> Lee: No yen.
- </p>
- <p> Heidi: No yen.
- </p>
- <p> After a few more pleasantries, HEIDI agrees to send over one
- of her girls--a trial run, as it were. When HEIDI departs,
- DETECTIVE LEE of the Beverly Hills police department turns off
- the hidden tape recorders and video camera. Three hours later,
- Heidi's hooker, "SAMANTHA," arrives, whereupon LEE receives
- a "prostitution violation" (solicitation) and duly arrests her.
- Next day the cops and their dogs come to call in Benedict Canyon.
- </p>
- <p> A few days before Heidi was scheduled to appear in court this
- week, Los Angeles police arrested Nagy for pandering and running
- a call-girl ring all his own--and just when he was about to
- conclude a deal to sell his life story. "I'm the story," he
- had bragged. "Heidi's the background. It's the story of an abused
- man." Heidi might now well wonder whether it was Nagy who blew
- the whistle. It's, like, they were, you know, made for each
- other. Maybe that will be the title of the movie.
- </p>
- </body>
- </article>
- </text>