<item>1. Million barrels (barrels of 31 wine gallons)(see footnote 5).
<item>2. Source:U.S. Bureau of the Census.
<item>3. Source:U.S. Dept. of Commerce, International Trade Administration.
<item>4. Excludes alcohol produced for industrial use.
<item>5. Million tax gallons. A tax gallon for spirits of 100 proof or over is equivalent to the proof gallon; for spirits of less than 100 proof to the wine gallon. A proof gallon is the alcoholic equivalent of a U.S. gallon at 60 degrees F, containing 50% ethyl alcohol by volume.
<item>6. Includes ethyl alcohol.
<item>7. Million wine gallons. A wine gallon is the U.S. gallon equivalent to the volume of 231 cubic inches.
<item>8. Production represents total amount removed from fermenters, including distilling material, and includes increase after fermentation (amelioration, sweetening, and addition of wine spirits).
<item>9. Includes special natural wines.
<item>10. Excludes distilling materials.
<item>11. Includes champagne, other effervescent and/or artificially carbonated wines.
<p>Source: Except as noted, U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.