<tblhdr><cell>Event<cell>Date<cell>Range of Visibility (hour, minute)
<row><cell type=a>TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE MOON<cell type=a>Apr. 3 - 4<cell type=a>Part of Antarctica, W. Asia, Africa, Europe, including the British Isles, Iceland, Greenland, S. America, West Indies, E. of N. America.
<row><cell type=a>TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE MOON<cell type=a>Sep. 27<cell type=a>Part of Antarctica, extreme W. Asia, Africa, Europe, including the British Isles, Iceland, Greenland, Arctic regions, The Americas except Alaska, E. part of Pacific Ocean.
<row><cell type=a>TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE MOON<cell type=a>April 3 - 4<cell type=a>Part of Antarctica, W. Asia, Africa, Europe, including the British Isles, Iceland, Greenland, S. America, West Indies, E. of N. America.
<row><cell type=a>TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE MOON<cell type=a>April 3 - 4<cell type=a>Part of Antarctica, W. Asia, Africa, Europe, including the British Isles, Iceland, Greenland, S. America, West Indies, E. of N. America.
<row><cell>Jun. <cell>14 <cell>00<cell>Mercury<cell>Australasia except the S.E. Pacific Ocean.
<row><cell>Jul. <cell>12 <cell>09<cell>Venus<cell>W. Atlantic, N. Africa, Europe except N. but including the British Isles, N. and central Saudi Arabia, E. and central Russia, W. China, India, except the S.
<row><cell>Aug. <cell>04 <cell>03<cell>Juno<cell>E. tip of S. America, central and N.E. Africa, Saudi Arabia, Iran, S.W. China, India.
<row><cell>Aug. <cell>08 <cell>07<cell>Aldebaran<cell>N. Russia, Arctic region, including most of Greenland and N. Canada.
<row><cell>Aug. <cell>16 <cell>18<cell>Mercury<cell>Pacific Ocean, central S. America, S. Atlantic Ocean.
<row><cell>Aug. <cell>21 <cell>19<cell>Vesta<cell>Tip of W. Canada, N. Atlantic, S.W. Greenland, Europe except extreme N.E., N. Africa.
<row><cell>Oct. <cell>01 <cell>22<cell>Aldebaran<cell>Greenland, except the S.W., Europe, including the British Isles, N. Russia, Arctic Ocean, N.W. tip of Alaska.
<row><cell>Oct. <cell>29 <cell>08<cell>Aldebaran<cell>Extreme N.E. Russia, ALaska, N.W. Canada, Arctic Ocean, Greenland, British Isles, Scandanavia, N. coast of Russia.
<row><cell>Nov. <cell>25 <cell>17<cell>Aldebaran<cell>Alaska, extreme N.W> Canada, N. Greenland, Arctic Ocean, N. coast of Russia, Scandanavia, eastern Europe.
<row><cell>Dec. <cell>23 <cell>00<cell>Aldebaran<cell>Central and N.W. Russia, N. Europe, Greenland, Arctic Ocean, Canada except the east and west coasts, tip of central part of U.S.
<p>Source: The Nautical Almanac Office, U.S. Naval Observatory.