Labels:text | screenshot | font | yellow OCR: 2 exact point of entry would be. Though doing so in the breeze-stirred crop was like trying to keep track of an individual wave at sea "My compass is spinning," the hushed voice of a colleague rasped in Eisner's earpiece. "I can see something moving." "Where?" The captain asked, heart beating a little faster despite the many hours he'd spent preparing for just such an encounter. "South-eastern corner. Approximately five-hundred-yards from your position." The disembodied voice replied. "Look for a tiny light. Spherical, glowing dull blue. It's weaving in and out of the stalks, level with the tops." "Got it," Eisner said. Adjusting the cameras' focus he began committing the event to specially developed videotape. Hard to spot against the backdrop of darkness the small glowing ball wove an er ...