Labels:text | screenshot | font | yellow OCR: 4 rudely awoken. Making an instantaneous right-angle turn the plasma ball raced away to the east, and in seconds had gone beyond the point to which the cameras zoom function could track "Damn and blast!" He cursed out loud, not bothered that the comment was transmitted. "Sorry, Sir." The highly agitated, somewhat embarrassed voice of the man who'd 'fired' came over the officer's earpiece. "There was a face, inside the ball of light. An evil face." Even though distorted by electronics the man was obviously embarrassed by using such a description. "It looked straight into my eyes." Nicholas Wynt awoke in a cold sweat, unable to move from his bed or even make a noise in response to what he knew was beginning. Once again he found himself utterly powerless to act, like a lamb tethered in an aba ...