Labels:text | screenshot | font | yellow | number OCR: 6 gasping for breath. The thing would be gone, and after a time, a long time, his heartbeat would return to normal. But not on this occasion. Instead of fading to nothingness, the thin long- fingered hand came further into the room, followed by its owner's torso. Out of the corner of his eye Wynt saw that the room's motion-sensitive camera was not registering any presence. Terror surged as he realised that he was alone in the dark, and those who might act to save him were oblivious to his predicament. Drifting weightlessly the cadaverous creature moved over the bed, tilting as it travelled so that its length was almost horizontal to the floor. Staring wide-eyed at the floating horror Wynt saw a naked and badly emaciated humanoid form. Hairless and devoid of genitalia, its androgynous shape ...