Labels:text | screenshot | font | yellow OCR: 12 will find you a towel." "I don't want to put you to any trouble." "You're not," the good Samaritan assured. "Really. There's bugs and God alone knows what else in that pond." He said, oblivious to the irony of his words. "You need to dry-off. Before you catch your death." For the first time he noticed the anachronistic style of the stranger's dripping clothes, and his long grey hair tied back with a leather string. Brow furrowing with unpleasant suspicion he added "Wait a minute. You're not one of those New Age Traveller types, are you?" Johnny started to shake his head, barely able to remember what a New Age Traveller was. Too late he realised that he'd missed an opportunity to get rid of the do-gooder, and more seriously, allowed light to fall on his face. Trying to make the motion se ...