Labels:text | screenshot | font | yellow | number OCR: 14 end." Levering the tightly bound bundle off his shoulder he lowered the top portion into Pete's waiting arms. "Like a blank canvass, ain't it." Alec commented as he looked out over the expanse of unsullied, gently rippling wheat. The major part of the field lay in a natural depression, making it an ideal place in which to work. Even if someone should pass by while they were about their skulduggery, the chances of being noticed from the road were slight. "Almost seems a shame to spoil it." "That's what you always say," Pete muttered under his breath. "Come on, Wordsworth, let's get ourselves shifted." Moving cautiously he set off along one of the tramlines that bisected the crop. "I reckon we've got about two hours, with any luck. Maybe three." "Two sounds safer." Alec said. "Be a shame ...