Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: 10 All Sand Box personnel knew only as much about each other as was require for the performance of their duties. However, one thing that had been blatantly obvious from the moment he'd met Hakushi was the fact that she was racially prejudiced against native Americans. Especially the Navajo. "Can I stand up?" Joe asked. The reply was a slim-bladed knife, flashing from Hakushi's hand faster than his eye could track. The blade impacted inches from his fingers, narrowly missing the light-green body of a small scorpion which had been advancing toward him. Startled, the creature scooted forward, oblivious to the fact that it was passing over living flesh. Joe leapt to his feet and with a flick of the wrist, sent the scorpion flying. "Your aim's off, Major." Cajero glowered, knowing full well tha ...