Labels:crt screen | monitor | plant | sky | window OCR: Click one of these tabs to see only that type of account or click All Types to see your accounts Account List New Delete Open Inio Close 11 Al Ispes Bank Ctedit Other Irvest Accaunt Lrst Dexeratin trans Balance Chgs Double-click the Current Benk Simon' Curren 66 4.138 account you Deposk Natwes Accoun Curren Bank Bank V Acc no Emergency 002345678 savings 148 want t0 open. Woolwich Bank Wool Bulding Soc 6 10. 76 Acce CCard Acces pJea 255 OF Visa CCard Natwet piea ea 769 Wallet Cash Cash 897 Select the account and then Hlalance Loto F207 318.86 click Open. This shows the total of the balances Of all your accounts Foreign currency account halances are converted your Home currency Jper Credf Invest Chas Curtent Deposit Natwest Cutreni Buldina Access card pied flalance Ioto