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'************************************************************************** '* VfW 1.1e Runtime Setup '* Custom changes to this installer by enlighten are: '* 1.) Change all occurrences of 1.1 to 1.1e (including the header above). '* '************************************************************************** '$INCLUDE 'setupapi.inc' '$INCLUDE 'mscpydis.inc' ''System '$INCLUDE 'msdetect.inc' ''Detects Avalilable Disk Space ''Dialog ID's CONST WELCOME = 100 CONST ASKQUIT = 200 CONST EXITFAILURE = 400 CONST EXITQUIT = 600 CONST EXITSUCCESS = 700 CONST APPHELP = 900 CONST CHECK = 2500 CONST SMALLWIN = 2200 CONST RESTART = 2600 CONST RESTARTII = 2700 ''Bitmap ID CONST LOGO = 0 GLOBAL SizeReq& '' Total Disk Size required for installation ''File Types GLOBAL WinDir$ GLOBAL WinSysDir$ GLOBAL WinSys32Dir$ GLOBAL WINDRIVE$ ''Windows Drive Letter. GLOBAL CHECKSTATES$ GLOBAL MinorVer% GLOBAL OnNT$ DECLARE SUB Install DECLARE FUNCTION MakePath (szDir$, szFile$) AS STRING DECLARE FUNCTION OnWindowsNT LIB "INIUPD.DLL" AS INTEGER DECLARE FUNCTION VflatdPresent LIB "iniupd.DLL" AS INTEGER DECLARE SUB Reboot LIB "iniupd.dll" DECLARE fUNCTION ExitWindowsExec LIB "User" (Exec$, Param$) AS INTEGER INIT: CUIDLL$ = "mscuistf.dll" ''Custom user interface dll HELPPROC$ = "FHelpDlgProc" ''Help dialog procedure WIN32ENABLED% = 0 MajorVer% = GetWindowsMajorVersion() MinorVer% = GetWindowsMinorVersion() Processor% = GetProcessorType() WinDir$ = GetWindowsDir() DEST$ = GetWindowsDir() WinSysDir$ = GetWindowsSysDir() WinSys32Dir$ = WinDir$ + "system32" IF MajorVer% < 3 OR (MajorVer% = 3 AND MinorVer% < 10) THEN i% = DoMsgBox("Microsoft Windows version 3.10 or greater is required for this software. Please upgrade your version of Windows.", "Installation Problem", MB_OK+MB_TASKMODAL+MB_ICONHAND) END END IF 'Prevents installation on 286 IF Processor% < 3 THEN i% = DoMsgBox("Video for Windows requires a 386 or greater processor or emulator.", "Installation Problem", MB_OK+MB_TASKMODAL+MB_ICONHAND) END END IF ' Use Wowexec to determine version of NT. 3.1 did not stamp wowexec and wow returns 3.1 as version IF OnWindowsNT() THEN OnNT$ = "TRUE" WowVersion$ = GetVersionOfFile(WinSys32Dir$ + "\wowexec.exe") IF WowVersion$ = "" THEN i% = DoMsgBox("Video for Windows does not run on Windows NT 3.1. Please upgrade your version of Windows.", "Installation Problem", MB_OK+MB_TASKMODAL+MB_ICONHAND) END END IF END IF '' SetBitmap CUIDLL$, LOGO SetTitle "Video for Windows 1.1e Runtime" szInf$ = GetSymbolValue("STF_SRCINFPATH") IF szInf$ = "" THEN szInf$ = GetSymbolValue("STF_CWDDIR") + "SETUP.INF" END IF ReadInfFile szInf$ WINDRIVE$ = MID$(GetWindowsDir, 1, 1) WELCOME: sz$ = UIStartDlg(CUIDLL$, WELCOME, "FInfoDlgProc", APPHELP, HELPPROC$) IF sz$ = "CONTINUE" THEN UIPop 1 ELSE GOSUB ASKQUIT GOTO WELCOME END IF ''Prepare Copy list and check size ClearCopyList SrcDir$ = GetSymbolValue("STF_SRCDIR") '' Remove DCISVGA file AddSectionFilesToCopyList "remove", SrcDir$, WinSysDir$ '' Runtime files (on Windows disk) '' Do not install OLE or MPlayer if on next release of NT or Windows IF ((NOT OnNT$ = "TRUE") AND MinorVer% < 50) THEN 'These files not necessary on Windows NT AddSectionFilesToCopyList "MPlayer", SrcDir$, WinDir$ AddSectionFilesToCopyList "OLE2", SrcDir$, WinSysDir$ END IF AddSectionFilesToCopyList "VfW Runtime", SrcDir$, WinSysDir$ AddSectionFilesToCopyList "ACM Drivers", SrcDir$, WinSysDir$ AddSectionFilesToCopyList "AVICodecs", SrcDir$, WinSysDir$ IF OnNT$ = "TRUE" THEN AddSectionFilesToCopyList "NT MSVideo", SrcDir$, WinSys32Dir$ ENDIF ''************************************************************************************************************************* ''************************************************************************************************************************* ''To add a DCI provider, please un-comment the AddSectionFilesToCopyList, ''and add a "DCI Provider" section with to the SETUP.INF file. '' '' AddSectionFilesToCopyList "DCI Provider", SrcDir$, WinSysDir$ ''************************************************************************************************************************* ''************************************************************************************************************************* '' Check windrive diskspace SizeReq& = GetCopyListCost ("","", "") IF SizeReq& <> 0 THEN GOSUB SMALLWIN END END IF Install '' Restart Windows: if it has to updates ACM from DOS, it restarts Windows automatically '' else, it gives the user the choice RESTRT% = RestartListEmpty () Exe$ = DEST$ + "\_msrstrt.exe" Batch$ = DEST$ + "\_mssetup.bat" empty$ = "" RESTART: IF RESTRT% = 0 THEN sz$ = UIStartDlg(CUIDLL$, RESTART, "FInfo0DlgProc", 0, "") IF sz$ = "REACTIVATE" THEN GOTO RESTART ENDIF I% = ExitExecRestart () RemoveFile Exe$, cmoForce RemoveFile Batch$, cmoForce END ELSE sz$ = UIStartDlg(CUIDLL$, RESTARTII, "FQuitDlgProc", 0, "") IF sz$ = "CONTINUE" THEN I% = ExitWindowsExec (Exe$, empty$) IF I% = 0 THEN GOTO RESTART ELSE END ENDIF ELSEIF sz$ = "EXIT" THEN UIPopAll END ELSEIF sz$ = "REACTIVATE" THEN GOTO RESTART ELSE UIPop 1 END IF END IF QUIT: ON ERROR GOTO ERRQUIT IF ERR = 0 THEN dlg% = EXITSUCCESS ELSEIF ERR = STFQUIT THEN dlg% = EXITQUIT ELSE dlg% = EXITFAILURE END IF QUITL1: sz$ = UIStartDlg(CUIDLL$, dlg%, "FInfo0DlgProc", 0, "") IF sz$ = "REACTIVATE" THEN GOTO QUITL1 END IF UIPop 1 END ERRQUIT: i% = DoMsgBox("An installation problem occured, call the product support service", "Setup Problem", MB_OK+MB_TASKMODAL+MB_ICONHAND) END ASKQUIT: sz$ = UIStartDlg(CUIDLL$, ASKQUIT, "FQuitDlgProc", 0, "") IF sz$ = "EXIT" THEN UIPopAll '' ERROR STFQUIT END ELSEIF sz$ = "REACTIVATE" THEN GOTO ASKQUIT ELSE UIPop 1 END IF RETURN SMALLWIN: sz$ = UIStartDlg(CUIDLL$, SMALLWIN, "FInfo0DlgProc", 0, "") IF sz$ = "REACTIVATE" THEN GOTO SMALLWIN END IF UIPop 1 RETURN '** '** Purpose: '** Performs all installation operations. '** Arguments: '** none. '** Returns: '** none. '************************************************************************* SUB Install STATIC SetRestartDir WinDir$ CopyFilesInCopyList ''Updating WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI ''Only update SYSTEM.INI on NT or next version of Windows for other codecs IF ((NOT OnNT$ = "TRUE") AND MinorVer% < 50) THEN IF VflatdPresent() = 0 THEN CreateSysIniKeyValue WinDir$ + "system.ini", "386Enh", "device", "dva.386", cmoOverwrite END IF END IF CreateIniKeyValue WinDir$ + "system.ini", "Drivers", "VIDC.CVID", "iccvid.drv", cmoOverwrite CreateIniKeyValue WinDir$ + "system.ini", "Drivers", "VIDC.MSVC", "msvidc.drv", cmoOverwrite CreateIniKeyValue WinDir$ + "system.ini", "Drivers", "VIDC.IV32", "ir32.dll", cmoOverwrite CreateIniKeyValue WinDir$ + "system.ini", "Drivers", "VIDC.IV31", "IR32.dll", cmoOverwrite CreateIniKeyValue WinDir$ + "system.ini", "Drivers", "VIDC.MRLE", "MSRLE.drv", cmoOverwrite I% = DoesIniKeyExist ("system.ini", "Drivers", "VIDC.RT21") IF I% = 0 THEN CreateIniKeyValue WinDir$ + "system.ini", "Drivers", "VIDC.RT21", "ir21_r.dll", cmoOverwrite END IF CreateIniKeyValue WinDir$ + "system.ini", "Drivers", "VIDC.YVU9", "ir21_r.dll", cmoOverwrite CreateIniKeyValue WinDir$ + "WIN.INI", "mci extensions", "avi", "AVIVideo", cmoOverwrite CreateIniKeyValue WinDir$ + "system.ini", "mci", "AVIVideo", "mciavi.drv", cmoOverwrite CreateIniKeyValue WinDir$ + "system.ini", "Drivers", "WaveMapper", "msacm.drv", cmoOverwrite CreateIniKeyValue WinDir$ + "system.ini", "Drivers", "MSACM.msadpcm", "msadpcm.acm", cmoOverwrite CreateIniKeyValue WinDir$ + "system.ini", "Drivers", "MSACM.imaadpcm", "imaadpcm.acm", cmoOverwrite CreateIniKeyValue WinDir$ + "control.ini", "drivers.desc", "msacm.drv", "Microsoft Sound Mapper V2.00", cmoOverwrite CreateIniKeyValue WinDir$ + "control.ini", "drivers.desc", "msadpcm.acm", "Microsoft ADPCM Codec V2.00", cmoOverwrite CreateIniKeyValue WinDir$ + "control.ini", "drivers.desc", "imaadpcm.acm", "Microsoft IMA ADPCM Codec V2.00", cmoOverwrite ''************************************************************************************************************************* ''************************************************************************************************************************* ''To add a DCI provider, please un-comment the UDH line, and un-comment and replace the <provider> with your own file name '' '' CreateIniKeyValue WinDir$ + "system.ini", "Drivers", "DCI", "<provider>", cmoOverwrite '' CreateIniKeyValue WinDir$ + "system.ini", "Drivers", "vids.draw", "udh.dll", cmoOverwrite ''************************************************************************************************************************* ''************************************************************************************************************************* ''Do not register components not installed with Video for Windows on NT or next version of Windows. IF ((NOT OnNT$ = "TRUE") AND MinorVer% < 50) THEN Run ("regedit.exe /s " + MakePath(WinDir$, "mplayer.reg")) Run ("regedit.exe /s " + MakePath(WinSysDir$, "OLE2.reg")) Run ("regedit.exe /s " + MakePath(WinSysDir$, "cleanup.reg")) '' Mplayer CreateProgmanItem "Accessories", "Media Player", MakePath(WinDir$, "mplayer.exe"), "", cmoOverwrite END IF ''NT and next version of Windows installation stop here. Run ("profdisp.exe") END SUB '** '** Purpose: '** Appends a file name to the end of a directory path, '** inserting a backslash character as needed. '** Arguments: '** szDir$ - full directory path (with optional ending "\") '** szFile$ - filename to append to directory '** Returns: '** Resulting fully qualified path name. '************************************************************************* FUNCTION MakePath (szDir$, szFile$) STATIC AS STRING IF szDir$ = "" THEN MakePath = szFile$ ELSEIF szFile$ = "" THEN MakePath = szDir$ ELSEIF MID$(szDir$, LEN(szDir$), 1) = "\" THEN MakePath = szDir$ + szFile$ ELSE MakePath = szDir$ + "\" + szFile$ END IF END FUNCTION