PC Action 1996 June
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// Version 1.00
// Pilot Editor Completed
// Beta
// Version 1.01
// Fixed Misc Bugs in Pilot Editor
// Beta
// Version 1.02
// Complete Rewrite of Question & Answer System
// Added Windows
// Fixed Misc Bugs
// Changed Pilot Editor to Use New Q & A System
// Beta
// Version 1.03
// Mission Editor Completed
// Complete Rewrite of Pick List system (Used to have one PL per Q & A)
// Now I only have 2 Seperatly Coded Pick Lists total in the Entire Program.
// Beta
// Version 1.04
// Fixed Misc Bugs in Mission Editor.
// Added RIGHT/LEFT to scroll thru Ships and Objects
// Added DELETE to delete Ships & Object (Opps I almost forgot this).
// Added some stuff internally for Beta Testing (Only in BETA's)
// Beta
// Version 1.05
// Added Copy Protection Removal from V1.0, V1.1 & V1.1a of XWING
// Fixed a Bug in the Pick List Routien
// Fixed a Bug in the Load Mission->Object Routien
// Clarified a Area in the Object Editing (Mission Editor)
// Fixed a few minor display problem with the Object Window and Mines.
// Fixed a few minor display glitches in the Pilot Editor
// Added a check before ESC on mission editor to make sure that you don't
// quit without saving first.
// Fixed a Bug regarding Length of Name, Cargo, Special Strings
// Beta
// Version 1.06 -------------- First Release!!!
// Added Ship Editor for V1.0, V1.1 & V1.1a of XWING
// Fixed a Minor problem with XP showing the B-WING fighter
// Changed XP to better detect changed Items.
// Added Main Menu if user does not have a Command Line
// Fixed a few bugs with the Main Menu System
// First Release!!!
// Version 1.07
// Switched Read/Write/Open/Close/seek file routines completely, so
// that I don't add a lot of extra overhead for the Briefing & TOD editors
// Found some areas that I forgot to close the certain files. -> Fixed
// Version 1.08
// Change Max Number of Missiles to 255. (Thanks to James Gott)
// Added Racks. to Weapons
// Added the ability to change Weapons.
// Added the ability to change Missiles.
// Fixed the problem where 'ESC' doesn't work during Strings.
// Fixed minor Memory Allocation Bug.
// Added B-WING, Tour 5 Partial Support for upcoming release.
// Added The Ability to Rename Ships, and Change Cockpit file.
// Internally XP will auto select number of Max Shots that will be allowed.
// Version 1.09 - 10/19/93
// Fixed a very stupid (Major) bug, I can't believe I did it.
// Any number with a Max Long value would cause the program to lock in a
// endless loop.
// Fixed a minor Display bug in the Mission Main Menu.
// Fixed a few other minor bugs.
// Completely revamped Registration System, Now YOU will be able to d/l
// the newest version and register it.
// Added CRC checking system to verify that XP does not have a virus!
// Version 1.10 - 11/6/93
// Fixed a minor bug in the Statictics View
// Added TOD Score to Stats view
// Added Full Bwing Support
// Added Full Tour 5 Support
// Added BWING copy protection removal
// Added BWING Ship Editor support.
// Added External Support for TWO type of Ship Files
// Added BWING Mission Support
// Changes 'S' in the "Edit tours by another way" so that it is now on the
// menu when you hit enter on a mission.
// New File: Mission.LST - Contains the Names for all of the tour missions.
// Version 1.11 - 11/8/93
// Fixed BWING Capture/Kills Problem, Due to the fact that the Game does
// Not support it in the Pilot Files (Pilot File Design Oversight)
// Added XR. V1.00 The Quick Pilot Revive TSR.
// Version 1.12 - 11/28/93
// Fixed BWING Cripple Factor (Displayed the wrong Information for No Missiles)
// Add Graphic Editor <- WOW (Drag n Drop Ships, Objects, ect...)
// Supports Zoom In, Out. Up/Down/Right/Left.
// Added Limitied Mouse Support (for the Graphic Editor)
// Sorry, Briefing Didn't get finished in time!!!
// Version 1.13 - 11/29/93
// Opps I almost forgot to add the Objects to the Graphical Editor -> Added!
// Fixed some minor display problems in the Graphic Editor!
// Fixed a Selection Bug for Picking up a Ship
// Fixed a bug for deleting the mines.
// Version 1.14 - 12/16/93
// Fixed Minor Display problem when switching from mission editor to Other
// Add Two new Other Commands: Enable/Disable the Cheat Flag
// - Will now allow you to activate the built in cheat functions, without
// - making you replay the mission.
// - Thanks to the person who created BWINGCHT.ZIP, I was able to figure
// - out what he did there and create a function which will modify all four
// - versions. <- Sorry I have no name to attach for credits.
// Version 1.15 -
// Switched Zoom buttons in Graphic Mission Editor
// Added Cheat Key
// Added FULL TOUR of DUTY Support.
// Full backup of Original TOD information -> Automaticly
// Added "XWING INFO" (Under Other Items) <- Allows you to find out what XP sees
// Reversed TOD Editor & Other Stuff in Main menu!
// Removed All of the Items that were on the Main Menu from the Other Menu
// Fixed Stupid Bug, I Initialized the Graphic System BEFORE I checked for a
// mouse, If there was no mouse, the Program acted like it crashed. <- FIXED!
// Fixed Bug, Where XP could not find the Info to change your ships after you
// just changed your ships! <- Another Ooops, I forgot I added that feature!
// Fixed a couple of Display Problems in the MISSION Editor.
// Fixed a Problem, when you ESCaped on the bottom options in the Mission Editor
// Now Pilot/Mission/Tour/Other Menu's will Escape to the Main Menu First.
// Version 1.16
// Added a PopUp list for choosing ship groups in the Mission Editor.
// Applies to Groups, Arive, Mothership.
// Changed Group orders to better reflect what they do.
// Removed Beta Warning, Nobody reported any major bugs.
// Changed Radar Color to "Craft Color"
// Fixed Mission name, when you choose to create a new mission, I forgot
// to replace the name on the title bar, to the new name.
// Spruced up Doc's - Now has COMPLETE Mission Building Information.
// Version 1.17 - Bug fixes.
// Fixed Spelling of Allience to Alliance.
// Fixed bug in routine that figured out what tours were installed.
// This would cause some of the pilot editor functions get in to a
// endless loop asking you for a answer between 1-0. Which is not allowed.
// Fixed bug in Special Cargo option in the Mission editor.
// XWING would think that the special cargo went into the first craft
// which could make it appear that there was no cargo.
// Added the ability for XP not to prompt you for the mission order pertaining
// to, if the order is a generic one like "Go Home".
// Thanks to the people who called or left me email on these problems!
// Version 1.18 - Spelling Fixes
// Just fixed some STUPID spelling errors.
// Version 1.50 - Tie Fighter Support
// Added a Basic Pilot Editor
// Added Copy Protection Removal for Tie Fighter.
// Re-Arranged a Screen shared by Tie Fighter & Xwing.
// Fixed a couple of Misc bugs.
// Version 1.51 - X-WING CD Support
// Added X-WING CD support
// Added Tie Fighter "Defender Of the Empire" Support
// Added Tie Fighter Ship Editor
// Added "Compuserve Censored Mode" - To satisfy the CIS Upload policy.
// Added "Software Creations" information in Program
// Fixed a couple of minor bugs when adding BWING support that I just found.
// Added Lucas Arts Entertainment Info at close of program
some major bugs (or easy to solve small ones) are reported, I may release
another v1.5x. I would rather dedicate my time to writing a new version (2.0)
then keep hacking on bits and pieces to the v1.5x series!
// ----- NEXT Major RELEASE -----
// Version 2.00 - Complete REWRITE in C++ -- About 25% done, but looking good!
// To Support Both XWing & Tie Fighter!
XWING Versions:
V1.0 - The Original Game
V1.1 - Came with Tour of Duty 4 (Imperial Pursuit)
V1.1a - A Bug fix for Tour of Duty 4 (From Lucas) -- Lucas still has it at 1.1
- I classified it as 1.1a
V1.2 - The XWING game with BWING support
Tie Fighter Versions:
V1.0 - The Original Game
V2.0 - Defender of the Empire