Below is a list of items and concerns that this MechWarrior 2 Windows 95 Version 1.1 Patch addresses and corrects:
DirectX - We optimized our game to work with DirectX 2.0, which is Microsoft's current released version at this time of development. As Microsoft releases newer versions of DirectX in the future, we recommend that you update to the most current version. This patch will not install DirectX for you. To do this you should refer to our Customer Service web page ( which will have the most recent version of DirectX for you to download. Once you have the most recent version of DirectX correctly installed, the patch allows MechWarrior 2 to work better with Windows 95.
Joystick Throttle Problems - Some players using various joysticks with throttle control were unable to go to full speed or reduce their speed to a complete stop. The patch resolves this problem.
Rudder pedal fixes - Players using various rudder pedal input devices while configured with "Torso Twist" were unable to move their 'Mech through its normal range of motion. The patch resolves this problem.
Microsoft SideWinder 3D Pro - Along with the throttle fix, the Microsoft SideWinder 3D Pro suffered from occasional erratic control problems. The patch addresses this problem.
Sound Card conflict - When entering Cadet Training players received the fatal error "WAIL32.DLL" with the IBM MWave. The patch addresses this problem.
Sinking Mech - Occasionally when entering a Trial of Position in either the Jade or Wolf missions, the 'Mech would begin the mission under the ground and be unable to play the mission. This collision error has been fixed.
NetMech, Team Leader Killed - In the Free For All Trial Mission, the team member designated as team leader had to be alive in order for the team to achieve "mission successful". Players had no way to tell who was team leader. Now, any team member can win the mission for the team.
"M" torso twist - While "Torso Twisting" your 'mech, the "M" key should now center the legs to the facing direction of the torso without the previous jerky disorienting movement.
Star formation in trials - Adjusting your star formations in the trial now works.