WndTitle=Microsoft SideWinder Game Device Software 2.0 Setup
UninstallWndTitle=Microsoft SideWinder Game Device Software 2.0 Uninstall
ProductFullName = Microsoft SideWinder Game Device Software
ProductName = Microsoft SideWinder Game Device Software
ProductWelcomeText=This program is protected by U.S. and International copyright laws, as appropriate.
LowDiskSpace=SideWinder Game Device software requires 7 MB of hard disk space.
SetupCompleteText=For software updates and the latest information on SideWinder Game Devices, be sure to visit our web site at http://www.microsoft.com/sidewinder.
Lang = English
English = eng,9
setup.cfg = setup.cfg
setup.inf = setup.inf
_setup.ex_ = _setup.exe
stpbmps.dll = stpbmps.dll
setuplng.eng = setuplng.eng
setuplng.fra = setuplng.fra
setuplng.deu = setuplng.deu
setuplng.ita = setuplng.ita
setuplng.esp = setuplng.esp
setuplng.ptb = setuplng.ptb
setuplng.jpn = setuplng.jpn
setuplng.kor = setuplng.kor
eulalng.eng = eulalng.eng
eulalng.fra = eulalng.fra
eulalng.deu = eulalng.deu
eulalng.ita = eulalng.ita
eulalng.esp = eulalng.esp
eulalng.ptb = eulalng.ptb
eulalng.jpn = eulalng.jpn
eulalng.kor = eulalng.kor
setup.lst = setup.lst
setup.eng = setup.eng
setup.fra = setup.fra
setup.deu = setup.deu
setup.ita = setup.ita
setup.esp = setup.esp
setup.ptb = setup.ptb
setup.jpn = setup.jpn
setup.kor = setup.kor
dsetup.dll = dsetup.dll
dsetup16.dll = dsetup16.dll
dsetup32.dll = dsetup32.dll
stpclnup.bin = stpclnup.bin
[Program Group Text]
MSInputGroup=Microsoft Input Devices
RemoteGroup=Microsoft Hardware
GameDevices=SideWinder Game Devices
GamingDevices=Gaming Devices
GameBuddy=SideWinder Profile Editor
Uninstall=Uninstall SideWinder Game Devices
Activator=SideWinder Profile Activator
Gamepad =SideWinder Game Pad
Sw3dpro =SideWinder 3D Pro
Sw3dpro2 =SideWinder Precision Pro
Swffpro =SideWinder Force Feedback Pro
Readme1 =SideWinder Game Device Profiler
Readme2 =SideWinder 3D Pro
Readme3 =SideWinder Precision Pro
Readme4 =SideWinder Force Feedback Pro
Readme5 =SideWinder Game Pad
Tray=SideWinder Game Device Profiler
Help=SideWinder Game Device Online User's Guide
Readme=SideWinder Game Device Readme
DiskSpaceError=Setup can't install %s.\n\nYou don't have enough available hard disk space on the following drive to install %s.\n\nFree some hard disk space and rerun Setup.
LangDLLError=Setup can't install %s. The file containing the Setup text is missing.
InvalidOSError=A limitation exists with your computer's resources or configuration.\n\nSetup can't install %s on your current operating system.\n\nCheck your %s product packaging for system requirements.
SetupLaunchFailure=Setup has encountered an unknown problem. It may be the disk or an undefined compatibility issue. Remove the setup disk, restart your computer, and rerun Setup.
DirectXLaunchFailure=Setup has encountered an unknown problem while installing Direct X. It may be the disk or an undefined compatibility issue. Remove the setup disk, restart your computer, and rerun Setup.
ControlPanel=Control Panel
SWGPPanel=Game Device Properties
JoyCPL=Joystick Properties
OSError=Setup can't install the SideWinder Gaming Devices software on your current operating system. Check your SideWinder Gaming Devices product packaging for system requirements.
SetupCloseCPL=Setup can't continue. Please close both the Control Panel, then restart Setup.
SetupCloseProfiler=Setup can't continue. Please close the Gaming Device Profiler, then restart Setup.
UninstallCloseCPL=Uninstall can't continue. Please close both the Control Panel and the Gaming Device Profiler, then restart Uninstall.
BadJoystickDriver=Your game card is configured improperly, not working correctly, or not there. For more information, consult your Windows 95 documentation.
WarningMessageTitle=Microsoft SideWinder Game Device Software
NotEnoughRAM=Microsoft SideWinder Game Device Software requires 8 MB of memory to operate properly. Your computer needs more memory. Do you wish to continue?
NotEnoughColorsWarning=For best results, your screen resolution should be set to display 256 colors.
GamePad=SideWinder game pad
StartMenu=Start Menu\Programs
SetupCloseRelApp=%s can't continue. Please close %s, then restart %s.
CleanUpRunningMsg=Please wait while Setup finishes...
FoundCleanupMsg=Another copy of Setup is still in progress. Please wait for it to finish, and then restart Uninstall.
StrtCStp=Install Microsoft Game Device Software
StrtDxStp=Install/Reinstall DirectX 5.0 only
ExpCdRom=Explore this compact disc
[Replacement Strings]
Midas=SideWinder 3D Pro
Juno=SideWinder Precision Pro
Flash=SideWinder game pad
Jolt=SideWinder Force Feedback Pro
Shazam=SideWinder USB game pad
GameDevices=SideWinder Game Device Software
Profiler=Profiler Readme.txt
3DPro=SW 3D Pro Readme.txt
ForceFeedBack=SW Force Feedback Pro Readme.txt
GamePad=SW Game Pad Readme.txt
PrePro=SW Precision Pro Readme.txt
RfStr1=Welcome to SideWinder Game Device Setup!
RfStr21=Before Installing your SideWinder Game Device Software, Setup will need to install or update your system with Direct X 5.0. It is strongly recommended that you close all applications before continuing.
PwStr1=Setup has determined that there is no SideWinder game device connected to the game port on your computer.
PwStr21=For setup to continue, please select the game device you are installing from the list below, then click OK.