Personal Computer World 2002 March
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329 lines
'* *
'* TurboCAD for Windows *
'* Copyright (c) 1993 - 1996 *
'* International Microcomputer Software, Inc. *
'* (IMSI) *
'* All rights reserved. *
'* *
' This file gets appended to scripts. These routines are '
' used to support getting and setting properties. They '
' were written to get around a missing feature in Enable '
' Basic - Variants are not supported with dlls. '
Declare Function TCWGetIntResult lib "TCAPI40" ( _
) As Integer
Declare Function TCWGetLongResult lib "TCAPI40" ( _
) As Long
Declare Function TCWGetDoubleResult lib "TCAPI40" ( _
) As Double
Declare Function TCWGetStringResult lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef tcwstr As String _
Declare Function TCWLayerPropertySetInt lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal tcwl As Long, _
ByRef tcwstr As String, _
ByVal tcwvalue As Integer _
)As Long
Declare Function TCWLayerPropertySetLong lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal tcwl As Long, _
ByRef tcwstr As String, _
ByVal tcwvalue As Long _
)As Long
Declare Function TCWLayerPropertySetString lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal tcwl As Long, _
ByRef tcwstr As String, _
ByRef tcwvalue As String _
)As Long
Declare Function TCWAppPropertySetInt lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef tcwstr As String, _
ByVal tcwvalue As Integer _
)As Long
Declare Function TCWAppPropertySetLong lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef tcwstr As String, _
ByVal tcwvalue As Long _
)As Long
Declare Function TCWAppPropertySetDbl lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef tcwstr As String, _
ByVal tcwvalue As Double _
) As Long
Declare Function TCWAppPropertySetString lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef tcwstr As String, _
ByRef tcwvalue As String _
)As Long
Declare Function TCWDrawingPropertySetInt lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef tcwstr As String, _
ByVal tcwvalue As Integer _
)As Long
Declare Function TCWDrawingPropertySetLong lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef tcwstr As String, _
ByVal tcwvalue As Long _
)As Long
Declare Function TCWDrawingPropertySetDbl lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef tcwstr As String, _
ByVal tcwvalue As Double _
)As Long
Declare Function TCWDrawingPropertySetString lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef tcwstr As String, _
ByRef tcwvalue As String _
)As Long
Declare Function TCWGraphicPropertySetInt lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal tcwg As Long, _
ByRef tcwstr As String, _
ByVal tcwvalue As Integer _
)As Long
Declare Function TCWGraphicPropertySetLong lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal tcwg As Long, _
ByRef tcwstr As String, _
ByVal tcwvalue As Long _
)As Long
Declare Function TCWGraphicPropertySetDbl lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal tcwg As Long, _
ByRef tcwstr As String, _
ByVal tcwvalue As Double _
)As Long
Declare Function TCWGraphicPropertySetString lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal tcwg As Long, _
ByRef tcwstr As String, _
ByRef tcwvalue As String _
)As Long
Declare Function TCWLayerPropertyGetX lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal tcwlayer As Long, _
ByRef tcwpropertyname As String _
) As Long
Declare Function TCWAppPropertyGetX lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef tcwpropertyname As String _
) As Long
Declare Function TCWDrawingPropertyGetX lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef tcwpropertyname As String _
) As Long
Declare Function TCWGraphicPropertyGetX lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal tcwg As Long, _
ByRef tcwpropertyname As String _
) As Long
'Functions begin
Function TCWAppPropertyGet(ByVal tcwstr As String) As Variant
Dim tcwResult As Variant
Dim tcwRType As Long
tcwRType = TCWAppPropertyGetX(tcwstr)
tcwResult = TCWGetResult(tcwRType)
TCWAppPropertyGet = tcwResult
End Function
Function TCWAppPropertySet(ByVal tcwstr As String, ByVal tcwvalue As Variant) As Long
Dim tcwResult As Long
Dim tcwRType As Long
Dim tcwIType As Integer
Dim tcwLType As Long
Dim tcwDType As Double
Dim tcwSType As String
Dim vt As Long
vt = TCWAppPropertyGetX(tcwstr)
If (vt = 2) Then
tcwIType = tcwvalue
tcwResult = TCWAppPropertySetInt(tcwstr, tcwIType)
ElseIf (vt = 3) Then
tcwLType = tcwvalue
tcwResult = TCWAppPropertySetLong(tcwstr, tcwLType)
ElseIf (vt = 5) Then
tcwDType = tcwvalue
tcwResult = TCWAppPropertySetDbl(tcwstr, tcwDType)
ElseIf (vt = 8) Then
tcwSType = tcwvalue
tcwResult = TCWAppPropertySetString(tcwstr, tcwSType)
ElseIf (vt = 11) Then
tcwIType = tcwvalue
tcwResult = TCWAppPropertySetInt(tcwstr, tcwIType)
MsgBox "Property type " & vt & " not supported"
End If
TCWAppPropertySet = tcwResult
End Function
Function TCWDrawingPropertyGet(ByVal tcwstr As String) As Variant
Dim tcwResult As Variant
Dim tcwRType As Long
tcwRType = TCWDrawingPropertyGetX(tcwstr)
tcwResult = TCWGetResult(tcwRType)
TCWDrawingPropertyGet = tcwResult
End Function
Function TCWDrawingPropertySet(ByVal tcwstr As String, ByVal tcwvalue As Variant) As Long
Dim tcwResult As Long
Dim tcwRType As Long
Dim tcwIType As Integer
Dim tcwLType As Long
Dim tcwDType As Double
Dim tcwSType As String
Dim vt As Long
vt = TCWDrawingPropertyGetX(tcwstr)
If (vt = 2) Then
tcwIType = tcwvalue
tcwResult = TCWDrawingPropertySetInt(tcwstr, tcwIType)
ElseIf (vt = 3) Then
tcwLType = tcwvalue
tcwResult = TCWDrawingPropertySetLong(tcwstr, tcwLType)
ElseIf (vt = 5) Then
tcwDType = tcwvalue
tcwResult = TCWDrawingPropertySetDbl(tcwstr, tcwDType)
ElseIf (vt = 8) Then
tcwSType = tcwvalue
tcwResult = TCWDrawingPropertySetSTring(tcwstr, tcwSType)
ElseIf (vt = 11) Then
tcwIType = tcwvalue
tcwResult = TCWDrawingPropertySetInt(tcwstr, tcwIType)
MsgBox "Property type " & vt & " not supported"
End If
TCWDrawingPropertySet = tcwResult
End Function
Function TCWGraphicPropertyGet(ByVal tcwg As Long, ByVal tcwstr As String) As Variant
Dim tcwResult As Variant
Dim tcwRType As Long
tcwRType = TCWGraphicPropertyGetX(tcwg, tcwstr)
tcwResult = TCWGetResult(tcwRType)
TCWGraphicPropertyGet = tcwResult
End Function
Function TCWGraphicPropertySet(ByVal tcwg As Long, ByVal tcwstr As String, ByVal tcwvalue As Variant) As Long
Dim tcwResult As Long
Dim tcwRType As Long
Dim tcwIType As Integer
Dim tcwLType As Long
Dim tcwDType As Double
Dim tcwSType As String
Dim vt As Long
vt = TCWGraphicPropertyGetX(tcwg, tcwstr)
If (vt = 2) Then
tcwIType = tcwvalue
tcwResult = TCWGraphicPropertySetInt(tcwg, tcwstr, tcwIType)
ElseIf (vt = 3) Then
tcwLType = tcwvalue
tcwResult = TCWGraphicPropertySetLong(tcwg, tcwstr, tcwLType)
ElseIf (vt = 5) Then
tcwDType = tcwvalue
tcwResult = TCWGraphicPropertySetDbl(tcwg, tcwstr, tcwDType)
ElseIf (vt = 8) Then
tcwSType = tcwvalue
tcwResult = TCWGraphicPropertySetString(tcwg, tcwstr, tcwSType)
ElseIf (vt = 11) Then
tcwIType = tcwvalue
tcwResult = TCWGraphicPropertySetInt(tcwg, tcwstr, tcwIType)
MsgBox "Property type " & vt & " not supported"
End If
TCWGraphicPropertySet = tcwResult
End Function
Function TCWLayerPropertyGet(ByVal tcwl As Long, ByVal tcwstr As String) As Variant
Dim tcwResult As Variant
Dim tcwRType As Long
tcwRType = TCWLayerPropertyGetX(tcwl, tcwstr)
tcwResult = TCWGetResult(tcwRType)
TCWLayerPropertyGet = tcwResult
End Function
Function TCWLayerPropertySet(ByVal tcwl As Long, ByVal tcwstr As String, ByVal tcwvalue As Variant) As Long
Dim tcwResult As Long
Dim tcwRType As Long
Dim tcwIType As Integer
Dim tcwLType As Long
Dim tcwSType As String
Dim vt As Long
vt = TCWLayerPropertyGetX(tcwl, tcwstr)
If (vt = 2) Then
tcwIType = tcwvalue
tcwResult = TCWLayerPropertySetInt(tcwl, tcwstr, tcwIType)
ElseIf (vt = 3) Then
tcwLType = tcwvalue
tcwResult = TCWLayerPropertySetLong(tcwl, tcwstr, tcwLType)
ElseIf (vt = 8) Then
tcwSType = tcwvalue
tcwResult = TCWLayerPropertySetString(tcwl, tcwstr, tcwSType)
ElseIf (vt = 11) Then
tcwIType = tcwvalue
tcwResult = TCWLayerPropertySetInt(tcwl, tcwstr, tcwIType)
MsgBox "Property type " & vt & " not supported"
End If
TCWLayerPropertySet = tcwResult
End Function
Function TCWGetResult(ByVal tcwret As Long) As Variant
Dim tcwResult As Variant
Dim tcwIType As Integer
Dim tcwDType As Double
Dim tcwLType As Long
Dim tcwSType As String
If (tcwret = 0) Then
tcwResult = 0
ElseIf (tcwret = 2) Then
tcwIType = TCWGetIntResult()
tcwResult = tcwIType
ElseIf (tcwret = 3) Then
tcwLType = TCWGetLongResult()
tcwResult = tcwLType
ElseIf (tcwret = 5) Then
tcwDType = TCWGetDoubleResult()
tcwResult = tcwDType
ElseIf (tcwret = 8) Then
TCWGetStringResult tcwSType
tcwResult = tcwSType
ElseIf (tcwret = 11) Then
tcwIType = TCWGetIntResult()
tcwResult = tcwIType
End If
TCWGetResult = tcwResult
End Function