When you registered you received a 16 digit registration key (***) which tells
+++ you're a registered user. It is customized with your personal
information and is for
your use only. Giving it to others is illegal.
One registration benefit is free updates for one year, provided you
download them. You can get the latest by selecting "File\Download
Latest Version" from the menu bar.
Note: If you charged your registration to your credit card the charge
will be to PC-Magic Software.
Thank you for your support.
{[NoOldVer]}One or more of the files needed to restore the last registered version
are missing.
Visit our WEB page at: "pc-magic.com/", go to
the "Previous versions" page and click on the latest version created
within one year of your registration (as updates are free for one year).
{[AddAcct]}You can have up to 5 Magic Folder accounts. Each account can create
their own list of magic folders that are invisible to all other
accounts. However, only your "Master" account can un-install Magic
Folders and create new accounts.
If multiple accounts are created, no account has access to all hidden
folders. Having multiple accounts can make
backups tougher because no account has complete access to all hidden
folders. See "Multiple Accounts" in "Help" for more important
Do you still wish to create another account?
{[AboutMsg]}Copyrighted 1997-2001 by PC-Magic Software Inc.
"Magic Folders" is licensed "As Is".
You can get the latest versions of all our software at our WEB site:
See "Help" for obtaining technical support.
{[Updates]}One benefit of registering Magic Folders is free updates for
one year (provided you download them - select File/Download Latest Version).
If you wish to register a version of Magic Folders created
after your one year free update period then you can do so for just $10.
Of course, you can continue using your currently registered version
forever if you wish. You don't need to update.
Only registered users may update their registrations at this special
price. You will be charged the full registration fee if you haven't previously registered.
Select "Full Registration" if this is the first time you have registered.
Select "Update Registration" to update your previous registration for
just $10. This will extend your free updates for another year.
Thank you.
{[Sys_Dir]}This directory has its System and/or Hidden attribute set. This is
usually done by Windows to keep users from having access to the contents
of this folder. There is no telling how Windows or other programs will
react if you hide this system folder. It may cause all sorts of serious
trouble. It's possible that hiding a critical folder would prevent your computer
from booting correctly requiring a manual uninstallation of Magic Folders.
REMEMBER: If Windows or any other programs begin acting strangely or
locking up then your first move should be to remove any system folders
from your hidden folders list.
Are you sure you wish to hide this folder?
{[PW_Enter]}At the password screen, pressing Enter normally brings you into the program. As a shortcut users asked if we could make it so that pressing Enter at the password screen exits makes your folders visible and puts the hide icon on the taskbar. This option tells Magic Folders to do just that.
IF YOU SELECT THIS OPTION THEN TO GET INTO THE PROGRAM YOU MUST CLICK ON "OK" AFTER ENTERING YOUR PASSWORD, instead of pressing Enter. Please remember this. You wouldn't believe how many tech support
questions start with "I can't get into the program...."
{[RecPhone]}Your phone number will be recorded when your modem phones in your registration. This allows us to prosecute those who defraud us.
For the vast majority who are honest we apologize for this message and want to assure you that we do NOT release to others your phone number, or any of your registration information.
Thank you.
{[Recovery]}The Recovery Password listed below is extremely important. It allows you to get into Magic Folders (or uninstall) if you forget your password, or something else were to happen such as corruption of your password data. Keep it in a safe place. We have formatted it as a credit card number to help hide its purpose.
It is imperative that you not lose this number.
{[RecoverAcct]}If another account holder loses their password you can recover their account if you know the complete pathname of one of the folders hidden by their account. If successful the account's password will be changed. Notify the account holder of the new password. They can then change it to whatever they wish.
Please input the name of a folder hidden by the account you wish to recover.
{[Already_Installed]}Magic Folders appears to have already been installed, perhaps on another operating system. We can overwrite the current installation (and thereby lose all accounts and make all previously hidden folders visible), or just update the installation to include this operating system.
(select "No" if you just want to add this operating system to the installation without overwriting)
Are you sure you want to remove this account and make all its folders visible?
{[E_click]}An E in this column indicates the files in the folder listed on the same line has its files encrypted.
Should EMF be uninstalled by someone else, or bypassed using sophisticated disk editing software, the contents of the files would remain encrypted thereby providing no clue as to their contents.
The Encryption is totally transparent. You use the files normally. The encryption and decryption of the files is all done automatically in the background as you use the files.
You change this setting by clicking on the E (to remove encryption) or clicking in the E column (to encrypt the folder) on the line of the folder you want to make changes to.
{[S_click]}An S in this column indicates the files in the folder listed on that line will have their filenames scrambled when they are hidden. Should EMF be uninstalled by someone else, or bypassed using sophisticated disk editing software, the names of the files would still be scrambled thereby providing no clue as to their contents.
You change this setting by clicking on the S (to remove filename scrambling) or clicking in the S column (to enable scrambling of filenames) on the line of the folder you want to make changes to.
{[NoD&S]}Windows will really hate you if you hide any folders in the Documents and Settings folder. In many cases it won't let you boot into Windows. Therefore you can't hide this folder.
If using EMF you can hide individual files in the "My Documents" or "My Pictures" folder. Otherwise if you have a file in this folder you do want to hide, then move it into a hidden folder.
<p>We're constantly looking for ways to better Magic Folders. Please take a moment and tell us how we could improve it.
<p>If you don't wish to make any comments (or you wish to tell us to give it away for free) then just close this window by clicking the X in the upper right corner. If you'd like us to know who you are then please include your email address in your comments.
{[MakeBackupKey]}We use Microsofts Encrypting File Service (EFS) to encrypt your files. Microsoft warns, and we heartily agree, that a backup of the recovery key should be kept off the computer to aid in recovery of your encrypted files should the key on your computer become destroyed.
It is critical that you read the following data in the Help file very carefully and make a backup of your recovery key before continuing.
{[OldEncryption]}We have detected a Win95/98/ME version of Encrypted Magic Folders installed on this computer. The old encryption method used by that version is not compatible with the encryption method used in this version. If you leave the old encrypted files as they are then you'll only be able to use them in Win95/98/ME. Decrypting the files will make them usable in both versions of Windows.
What do you wish to do with the files encrypted with the Win95/98/ME version of EMF?
{[HowToDecrypt]}When you close this window we will run the DECRYPT program so you can decrypt those files encrypted with the Win95/98/ME version of EMF. If we cannot find DECRYPT on your computer we will download it from our web site.
When asked, enter the password you used for the old version of EMF. Then on the right of the screen click a folder that was encrypted by EMF and then click on "Unscramble Filenames". When that is done click on "Decrypt Folder". Do this for all folders you encrypted.
{[RemoveOtherAccounts]}If you have multiple accounts with encrypted files or scrambled filenames then those accounts must be removed before uninstalling. Select "Accounts/Switch to another account" and once in the new account select "Accounts/Remove this account". When all accounts are removed then you may uninstall.
Have all other accounts with encrypted files or scrambled filenames been removed?