Personal Computer World 2002 March
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C/C++ Source or Header
218 lines
/* Parts of this code (C) Symantec */
#include "vsprintf.h"
static strlen(char *s)
int i=0;
while (*s++) i++;
static struct format
unsigned leftJustify : 1;
unsigned forceSign : 1;
unsigned altForm : 1;
unsigned zeroPad : 1;
unsigned havePrecision : 1;
unsigned hSize : 1;
unsigned lSize : 1;
unsigned LSize : 1;
char sign;
char exponent;
int fieldWidth;
int precision;
} default_format;
struct decrec
char sgn;
short exp;
// char sig[SIGDIGLEN];
short pad;
// following fields aren't used by SANE
short min;
short dot;
short max;
#define BUFLEN 512
int vsprintf(char *sbuffer, char *fmt, va_list arg)
register int c, i, j, nwritten = 0;
register unsigned long n;
register char *s;
char buf[BUFLEN], *digits, *t;
struct format F;
struct decrec D;
for (c = *fmt; c; c = *++fmt)
if (c != '%') goto copy1;
F = default_format;
// decode flags
for (;;)
c = *++fmt;
if (c == '-') F.leftJustify = TRUE;
else if (c == '+') F.forceSign = TRUE;
else if (c == ' ') F.sign = ' ';
else if (c == '#') F.altForm = TRUE;
else if (c == '0') F.zeroPad = TRUE;
else break;
// decode field width
if (c == '*')
if ((F.fieldWidth = va_arg(arg, int)) < 0)
F.leftJustify = TRUE;
F.fieldWidth = -F.fieldWidth;
c = *++fmt;
for (; c >= '0' && c <= '9'; c = *++fmt)
F.fieldWidth = (10 * F.fieldWidth) + (c - '0');
// decode precision
if (c == '.')
if ((c = *++fmt) == '*')
{ F.precision = va_arg(arg, int); c = *++fmt; }
else for (; c >= '0' && c <= '9'; c = *++fmt)
F.precision = (10 * F.precision) + (c - '0');
if (F.precision >= 0) F.havePrecision = TRUE;
// perform appropriate conversion
s = &buf[BUFLEN];
if (F.leftJustify) F.zeroPad = FALSE;
conv: switch (c)
case 'h' : F.hSize = TRUE; c = *++fmt; goto conv;
case 'l' : F.lSize = TRUE; c = *++fmt; goto conv;
case 'L' : F.LSize = TRUE; c = *++fmt; goto conv;
case 'd' :
case 'i' : if (F.lSize) n = va_arg(arg, long);
else n = va_arg(arg, int);
if (F.hSize) n = (short) n;
if ((long) n < 0) { n = -n; F.sign = '-'; }
else if (F.forceSign) F.sign = '+';
goto decimal;
case 'u' : if (F.lSize) n = va_arg(arg, unsigned long);
else n = va_arg(arg, unsigned int);
if (F.hSize) n = (unsigned short) n;
F.sign = 0;
goto decimal;
decimal: if (!F.havePrecision)
if (F.zeroPad)
F.precision = F.fieldWidth;
if (F.sign) --F.precision;
if (F.precision < 1) F.precision = 1;
for (i = 0; n; n /= 10, i++) *--s = n % 10 + '0';
for (; i < F.precision; i++) *--s = '0';
if (F.sign) { *--s = F.sign; i++; }
case 'o' : if (F.lSize) n = va_arg(arg, unsigned long);
else n = va_arg(arg, unsigned int);
if (F.hSize) n = (unsigned short) n;
if (!F.havePrecision)
if (F.zeroPad) F.precision = F.fieldWidth;
if (F.precision < 1) F.precision = 1;
for (i = 0; n; n /= 8, i++) *--s = n % 8 + '0';
if (F.altForm && i && *s != '0') { *--s = '0'; i++; }
for (; i < F.precision; i++) *--s = '0';
case 'p' : F.havePrecision = F.lSize = TRUE;
F.precision = 8;
case 'X' : digits = "0123456789ABCDEF";
goto hexadecimal;
case 'x' : digits = "0123456789abcdef";
hexadecimal:if (F.lSize) n = va_arg(arg, unsigned long);
else n = va_arg(arg, unsigned int);
if (F.hSize) n = (unsigned short) n;
if (!F.havePrecision)
if (F.zeroPad)
F.precision = F.fieldWidth;
if (F.altForm) F.precision -= 2;
if (F.precision < 1) F.precision = 1;
for (i = 0; n; n /= 16, i++) *--s = digits[n % 16];
for (; i < F.precision; i++) *--s = '0';
if (F.altForm) { *--s = c; *--s = '0'; i += 2; }
case 'c' : *--s = va_arg(arg, int); i = 1; break;
case 's' : s = va_arg(arg, char *);
if (F.altForm)
i = (unsigned char) *s++;
if (F.havePrecision && i > F.precision) i = F.precision;
i = strlen(s);
if (F.havePrecision && i > F.precision) i = F.precision;
case 'n' : s = va_arg(arg, void *);
if (F.hSize) * (short *) s = nwritten;
else if (F.lSize) * (long *) s = nwritten;
else * (int *) s = nwritten;
// oops - unknown conversion, abort
case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q':
case 'R': case 'S': case 'T': case 'U': case 'V':
// (extra cases force this to be an indexed switch)
default: goto done;
case '%' :
copy1 : *sbuffer++ = c; ++nwritten; continue;
// pad on the left
if (i < F.fieldWidth && !F.leftJustify)
do { *sbuffer++ = ' '; ++nwritten; } while (i < --F.fieldWidth);
// write the converted result
for (j=0; j<i; j++) *sbuffer++ = *s++;
nwritten += i;
// pad on the right
for (; i < F.fieldWidth; i++)
{ *sbuffer++ = ' '; ++nwritten; }
done: return(nwritten);