home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?php
- /*
- V4.63 17 May 2005 (c) 2000-2005 John Lim (jlim@natsoft.com.my). All rights reserved.
- Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
- Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
- the BSD license will take precedence.
- Some pretty-printing by Chris Oxenreider <oxenreid@state.net>
- */
- // specific code for tohtml
- GLOBAL $gSQLMaxRows,$gSQLBlockRows;
- $gSQLMaxRows = 1000; // max no of rows to download
- $gSQLBlockRows=20; // max no of rows per table block
- // RecordSet to HTML Table
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- // Convert a recordset to a html table. Multiple tables are generated
- // if the number of rows is > $gSQLBlockRows. This is because
- // web browsers normally require the whole table to be downloaded
- // before it can be rendered, so we break the output into several
- // smaller faster rendering tables.
- //
- // $rs: the recordset
- // $ztabhtml: the table tag attributes (optional)
- // $zheaderarray: contains the replacement strings for the headers (optional)
- //
- // USAGE:
- // include('adodb.inc.php');
- // $db = ADONewConnection('mysql');
- // $db->Connect('mysql','userid','password','database');
- // $rs = $db->Execute('select col1,col2,col3 from table');
- // rs2html($rs, 'BORDER=2', array('Title1', 'Title2', 'Title3'));
- // $rs->Close();
- //
- // RETURNS: number of rows displayed
- function rs2html(&$rs,$ztabhtml=false,$zheaderarray=false,$htmlspecialchars=true,$echo = true)
- {
- $s ='';$rows=0;$docnt = false;
- GLOBAL $gSQLMaxRows,$gSQLBlockRows;
- if (!$rs) {
- printf(ADODB_BAD_RS,'rs2html');
- return false;
- }
- if (! $ztabhtml) $ztabhtml = "BORDER='1' WIDTH='98%'";
- //else $docnt = true;
- $typearr = array();
- $ncols = $rs->FieldCount();
- $hdr = "<TABLE COLS=$ncols $ztabhtml><tr>\n\n";
- for ($i=0; $i < $ncols; $i++) {
- $field = $rs->FetchField($i);
- if ($zheaderarray) $fname = $zheaderarray[$i];
- else $fname = htmlspecialchars($field->name);
- $typearr[$i] = $rs->MetaType($field->type,$field->max_length);
- //print " $field->name $field->type $typearr[$i] ";
- if (strlen($fname)==0) $fname = ' ';
- $hdr .= "<TH>$fname</TH>";
- }
- $hdr .= "\n</tr>";
- if ($echo) print $hdr."\n\n";
- else $html = $hdr;
- // smart algorithm - handles ADODB_FETCH_MODE's correctly by probing...
- $numoffset = isset($rs->fields[0]) ||isset($rs->fields[1]) || isset($rs->fields[2]);
- while (!$rs->EOF) {
- $s .= "<TR valign=top>\n";
- for ($i=0; $i < $ncols; $i++) {
- if ($i===0) $v=($numoffset) ? $rs->fields[0] : reset($rs->fields);
- else $v = ($numoffset) ? $rs->fields[$i] : next($rs->fields);
- $type = $typearr[$i];
- switch($type) {
- case 'D':
- if (!strpos($v,':')) {
- $s .= " <TD>".$rs->UserDate($v,"D d, M Y") ." </TD>\n";
- break;
- }
- case 'T':
- $s .= " <TD>".$rs->UserTimeStamp($v,"D d, M Y, h:i:s") ." </TD>\n";
- break;
- case 'I':
- case 'N':
- $s .= " <TD align=right>".stripslashes((trim($v))) ." </TD>\n";
- break;
- /*
- case 'B':
- if (substr($v,8,2)=="BM" ) $v = substr($v,8);
- $mtime = substr(str_replace(' ','_',microtime()),2);
- $tmpname = "tmp/".uniqid($mtime).getmypid();
- $fd = @fopen($tmpname,'a');
- @ftruncate($fd,0);
- @fwrite($fd,$v);
- @fclose($fd);
- if (!function_exists ("mime_content_type")) {
- function mime_content_type ($file) {
- return exec("file -bi ".escapeshellarg($file));
- }
- }
- $t = mime_content_type($tmpname);
- $s .= (substr($t,0,5)=="image") ? " <td><img src='$tmpname' alt='$t'></td>\\n" : " <td><a
- href='$tmpname'>$t</a></td>\\n";
- break;
- */
- default:
- if ($htmlspecialchars) $v = htmlspecialchars(trim($v));
- $v = trim($v);
- if (strlen($v) == 0) $v = ' ';
- $s .= " <TD>". str_replace("\n",'<br>',stripslashes($v)) ."</TD>\n";
- }
- } // for
- $s .= "</TR>\n\n";
- $rows += 1;
- if ($rows >= $gSQLMaxRows) {
- $rows = "<p>Truncated at $gSQLMaxRows</p>";
- break;
- } // switch
- $rs->MoveNext();
- // additional EOF check to prevent a widow header
- if (!$rs->EOF && $rows % $gSQLBlockRows == 0) {
- //if (connection_aborted()) break;// not needed as PHP aborts script, unlike ASP
- if ($echo) print $s . "</TABLE>\n\n";
- else $html .= $s ."</TABLE>\n\n";
- $s = $hdr;
- }
- } // while
- if ($echo) print $s."</TABLE>\n\n";
- else $html .= $s."</TABLE>\n\n";
- if ($docnt) if ($echo) print "<H2>".$rows." Rows</H2>";
- return ($echo) ? $rows : $html;
- }
- // pass in 2 dimensional array
- function arr2html(&$arr,$ztabhtml='',$zheaderarray='')
- {
- if (!$ztabhtml) $ztabhtml = 'BORDER=1';
- $s = "<TABLE $ztabhtml>";//';print_r($arr);
- if ($zheaderarray) {
- $s .= '<TR>';
- for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($zheaderarray); $i++) {
- $s .= " <TH>{$zheaderarray[$i]}</TH>\n";
- }
- $s .= "\n</TR>";
- }
- for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($arr); $i++) {
- $s .= '<TR>';
- $a = &$arr[$i];
- if (is_array($a))
- for ($j=0; $j<sizeof($a); $j++) {
- $val = $a[$j];
- if (empty($val)) $val = ' ';
- $s .= " <TD>$val</TD>\n";
- }
- else if ($a) {
- $s .= ' <TD>'.$a."</TD>\n";
- } else $s .= " <TD> </TD>\n";
- $s .= "\n</TR>\n";
- }
- $s .= '</TABLE>';
- print $s;
- }
- ?>