home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?php
- /* $Id: phpmyadmin.css.php,v 2.34 2005/03/06 23:23:46 nijel Exp $ */
- // vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
- chdir('..');
- $is_minimum_common = TRUE;
- require_once('./libraries/grab_globals.lib.php');
- require_once('./libraries/common.lib.php');
- require_once('./libraries/sqlparser.lib.php');
- // Gets the default font sizes
- // garvin: TODO: Should be optimized to not include the whole common.lib.php bunch
- // but only functions used to determine browser heritage.
- PMA_setFontSizes();
- $ctype = 'css';
- require_once('./libraries/header_http.inc.php');
- if (!isset($js_frame)) {
- $js_frame = 'left';
- }
- if ($js_frame == 'left') {
- /************************************************************************************
- ************************************************************************************/
- // 2004-05-30: Michael Keck (mail@michaelkeck.de)
- // Check, if theme_left.css.php exists and include
- $tmp_file = $GLOBALS['cfg']['ThemePath'] . '/' . $theme . '/css/theme_left.css.php';
- if (@file_exists($tmp_file)) {
- include($tmp_file);
- } // end of include theme_left.css.php
- } elseif ($js_frame == 'print') {
- /************************************************************************************
- ************************************************************************************/
- // 2004-05-30: Michael Keck (mail@michaelkeck.de)
- // Check, if theme_print.css.php exists and include
- $tmp_file = $GLOBALS['cfg']['ThemePath'] . '/' . $theme . '/css/theme_print.css.php';
- if (@file_exists($tmp_file)) {
- include($tmp_file);
- } // end of include theme_print.css.php
- ?>
- table#serverinfo,td.serverinfo,table.noborder,table.noborder td {
- border: none;
- }
- <?php
- } else {
- /************************************************************************************
- ************************************************************************************/
- // 2004-05-30: Michael Keck (mail@michaelkeck.de)
- // Check, if theme_right.css.php exists and include
- $tmp_file = $GLOBALS['cfg']['ThemePath'] . '/' . $theme . '/css/theme_right.css.php';
- if (@file_exists($tmp_file)) {
- include($tmp_file);
- } // end of include theme_right.css.php
- echo PMA_SQP_buildCssData();
- }
- ?>
- /* Calendar */
- table.calendar {
- width: 100%;
- }
- table.calendar td {
- text-align: center;
- }
- table.calendar td a {
- display: block;
- }
- table.calendar td a:hover {
- background-color: <?php echo $GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowsePointerColor']; ?>;
- }
- table.calendar th {
- background-color: <?php echo $GLOBALS['cfg']['ThBgcolor']; ?>;
- }
- table.calendar td.selected {
- background-color: <?php echo $GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowseMarkerColor']; ?>;
- }
- img.calendar {
- border: none;
- }
- form.clock {
- text-align: center;
- }
- .nowrap {
- white-space: nowrap;
- }
- div.nowrap {
- margin: 0px;
- padding: 0px;
- }
- li {
- padding-bottom: 1em;
- }
- li form {
- display: inline;
- }
- ul.main {
- margin: 0px;
- padding-left:2em;
- padding-right:2em;
- }
- /* no longer needed
- ul.main li {
- list-style-image: url(../images/dot_violet.png);
- padding-bottom: 0.1em;
- }
- */
- button {
- /* buttons in some browsers (eg. Konqueror) are block elements, this breaks design */
- display: inline;
- }
- /* Tabs */
- /* For both light and non light */
- .tab {
- white-space: nowrap;
- font-weight: bolder;
- }
- /* For non light */
- td.tab {
- width: 64px;
- text-align: center;
- background-color: #dfdfdf;
- }
- td.tab a {
- display: block;
- }
- /* For light */
- div.tab { }
- /* Highlight active tab */
- td.activetab {
- background-color: silver;
- }
- /* Textarea */
- textarea {
- overflow: auto;
- }
- .nospace {
- margin: 0px;
- padding: 0px;
- }