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- <?php
- /* $Id: select_theme.lib.php,v 2.10 2005/03/06 21:10:53 nijel Exp $ */
- // vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
- /**
- * phpMyAdmin Theme Manager
- * 2004-05-20: Michael Keck <mail_at_michaelkeck_dot_de>
- *
- * The theme manager checks the directory /themes/ for subdirectories
- * which are the themes.
- * If you're building a new theme for PMA, your theme should include
- * make a folder theme_name/ in the directory /themes which includes
- * a subdirectory css/.
- * In the css-directory you should (if you want) edit the follow files:
- * - theme_left.css.php // includes css-styles for the left frame
- * - theme_right.css.php // includes css-styles for the main frame
- * - theme_print.css.php // includes css-styles for printing
- *
- * If you want to use default themes for left, right or print
- * so you need not to build the css-file and PMA will use its own css.
- * If you want to use own images for your theme, you should make all
- * images (buttons, symbols, arrows) wich are included in the default
- * images directory PMA and store them into the subdirectory /img/ of
- * your theme.
- * Note:
- * The images must be named as in the default images directory of
- * PMA and they must have the same size in pixels.
- * You can only use own images, if you've edit own css files.
- */
- /**
- * We need some elements of the superglobal $_SERVER array.
- */
- require_once('./libraries/grab_globals.lib.php');
- global $PHP_SELF;
- /**
- * theme manager
- */
- $PMA_ThemeDefault = FALSE;
- $PMA_ThemeAvailable = FALSE;
- if ($cfg['ThemeManager']){
- $PMA_ThemeAvailable = TRUE;
- }
- if ($PMA_ThemeAvailable == TRUE){ // check after default theme
- $tmp_path_default = $cfg['ThemePath'] . '/' .$cfg['ThemeDefault'];
- if (isset($cfg['ThemeDefault']) && is_dir($tmp_path_default)){
- $PMA_ThemeDefault = TRUE;
- }
- } // end check default theme
- if ($PMA_ThemeAvailable == TRUE) { // themeManager is available
- if ($handleThemes = opendir($cfg['ThemePath'])) { // check for themes directory
- while (FALSE !== ($PMA_Theme = readdir($handleThemes))) { // get themes
- if ($PMA_Theme != "." && $PMA_Theme != ".." && $PMA_Theme != 'CVS') { // file check
- if (@is_dir($cfg['ThemePath'].'/'.$PMA_Theme)) { // check the theme
- // check for theme requires/name
- unset($theme_name, $theme_generation, $theme_version);
- @include($cfg['ThemePath'] . '/' . $PMA_Theme . '/info.inc.php');
- // did it set correctly?
- if (!isset($theme_name, $theme_version, $theme_generation))
- continue; // invalid theme
- if ($theme_generation != PMA_THEME_GENERATION)
- continue; // different generation
- if ($theme_version < PMA_THEME_VERSION)
- continue; // too old version
- $available_themes_choices[]=$PMA_Theme;
- $available_themes_choices_names[$PMA_Theme] = $theme_name;
- } // end check the theme
- } // end file check
- } // end get themes
- } // end check for themes directory
- closedir($handleThemes);
- } // end themeManger
- if (isset($set_theme)) { // if user submit a theme
- setcookie('pma_theme', $set_theme, time() + 60*60*24*30, $GLOBALS['cookie_path'], '', $GLOBALS['is_https']);
- } else { // else check if user have a theme cookie
- if (!isset($_COOKIE['pma_theme']) || empty($_COOKIE['pma_theme'])) {
- if ($PMA_ThemeDefault == TRUE) {
- if (basename($PHP_SELF) == 'index.php') {
- setcookie('pma_theme', $cfg['ThemeDefault'], time() + 60*60*24*30, $GLOBALS['cookie_path'], '', $GLOBALS['is_https']);
- }
- $pmaTheme=$cfg['ThemeDefault'];
- }else{
- if (basename($PHP_SELF) == 'index.php') {
- setcookie('pma_theme', 'original', time() + 60*60*24*30, $GLOBALS['cookie_path'], '', $GLOBALS['is_https']);
- }
- $pmaTheme='original';
- }
- } else {
- $pmaTheme=$_COOKIE['pma_theme'];
- if (basename($PHP_SELF) == 'index.php') {
- setcookie('pma_theme', $pmaTheme, time() + 60*60*24*30, $GLOBALS['cookie_path'], '', $GLOBALS['is_https']);
- }
- }
- } // end if
- ?>