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- <?php
- /* $Id: string.lib.php,v 2.9 2004/12/28 15:12:16 nijel Exp $ */
- // vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
- /** Specialized String Functions for phpMyAdmin
- *
- * Copyright 2002 Robin Johnson <robbat2@users.sourceforge.net>
- * http://www.orbis-terrarum.net/?l=people.robbat2
- *
- * Defines a set of function callbacks that have a pure C version available if
- * the "ctype" extension is available, but otherwise have PHP versions to use
- * (that are slower).
- *
- * The SQL Parser code relies heavily on these functions.
- */
- /* Try to load mbstring, unless we're using buggy php version */
- if (PMA_PHP_INT_VERSION != 40203) {
- if (!@extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
- //PMA_dl('mbstring');
- }
- }
- /* windows-* and tis-620 are not supported and are not multibyte,
- * others can be ignored as they're not multibyte */
- $GLOBALS['using_mb_charset'] =
- substr($GLOBALS['charset'], 0, 8) != 'windows-' &&
- substr($GLOBALS['charset'], 0, 9) != 'iso-8859-' &&
- substr($GLOBALS['charset'], 0, 3) != 'cp-' &&
- $GLOBALS['charset'] != 'koi8-r' &&
- $GLOBALS['charset'] != 'tis-620';
- $GLOBALS['PMA_allow_mbstr'] = @function_exists('mb_strlen') && $GLOBALS['using_mb_charset'];
- if ($GLOBALS['PMA_allow_mbstr']) {
- // the hebrew lang file uses iso-8859-8-i, encoded RTL,
- // but mb_internal_encoding only supports iso-8859-8
- if ($GLOBALS['charset'] == 'iso-8859-8-i'){
- mb_internal_encoding('iso-8859-8');
- } else {
- mb_internal_encoding($GLOBALS['charset']);
- }
- }
- // This is for handling input better
- if (defined('PMA_MULTIBYTE_ENCODING') || $GLOBALS['PMA_allow_mbstr']) {
- $GLOBALS['PMA_strpos'] = 'mb_strpos';
- $GLOBALS['PMA_strrpos'] = 'mb_strrpos';
- } else {
- $GLOBALS['PMA_strpos'] = 'strpos';
- $GLOBALS['PMA_strrpos'] = 'strrpos';
- }
- /**
- * Returns length of string depending on current charset.
- *
- * @param string string to count
- *
- * @return int string length
- *
- * @access public
- *
- * @author nijel
- */
- function PMA_strlen($string)
- {
- // windows-* charsets are not multibyte and not supported by mb_*
- if (defined('PMA_MULTIBYTE_ENCODING') || $GLOBALS['PMA_allow_mbstr']) {
- return mb_strlen($string);
- } else {
- return strlen($string);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns substring from string, works depending on current charset.
- *
- * @param string string to count
- * @param int start of substring
- * @param int length of substring
- *
- * @return int substring
- *
- * @access public
- *
- * @author nijel
- */
- function PMA_substr($string, $start, $length = 2147483647)
- {
- if (defined('PMA_MULTIBYTE_ENCODING') || $GLOBALS['PMA_allow_mbstr']) {
- return mb_substr($string, $start, $length);
- } else {
- return substr($string, $start, $length);
- }
- }
- /**
- * This checks if a string actually exists inside another string
- * We try to do it in a PHP3-portable way.
- * We don't care about the position it is in.
- *
- * @param string string to search for
- * @param string string to search in
- *
- * @return boolean whether the needle is in the haystack or not
- */
- function PMA_STR_strInStr($needle, $haystack)
- {
- // $GLOBALS['PMA_strpos']($haystack, $needle) !== FALSE
- // return (is_integer($GLOBALS['PMA_strpos']($haystack, $needle)));
- return $GLOBALS['PMA_strpos'](' ' . $haystack, $needle);
- } // end of the "PMA_STR_strInStr()" function
- /**
- * Checks if a given character position in the string is escaped or not
- *
- * @param string string to check for
- * @param integer the character to check for
- * @param integer starting position in the string
- *
- * @return boolean whether the character is escaped or not
- */
- function PMA_STR_charIsEscaped($string, $pos, $start = 0)
- {
- $len = PMA_strlen($string);
- // Base case:
- // Check for string length or invalid input or special case of input
- // (pos == $start)
- if (($pos == $start) || ($len <= $pos)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- $p = $pos - 1;
- $escaped = FALSE;
- while (($p >= $start) && ($string[$p] == '\\')) {
- $escaped = !$escaped;
- $p--;
- } // end while
- if ($pos < $start) {
- // throw error about strings
- }
- return $escaped;
- } // end of the "PMA_STR_charIsEscaped()" function
- /**
- * Checks if a number is in a range
- *
- * @param integer number to check for
- * @param integer lower bound
- * @param integer upper bound
- *
- * @return boolean whether the number is in the range or not
- */
- function PMA_STR_numberInRangeInclusive($num, $lower, $upper)
- {
- return (($num >= $lower) && ($num <= $upper));
- } // end of the "PMA_STR_numberInRangeInclusive()" function
- /**
- * Checks if a character is a digit
- *
- * @param string character to check for
- *
- * @return boolean whether the character is a digit or not
- *
- * @see PMA_STR_numberInRangeInclusive()
- */
- function PMA_STR_isDigit($c)
- {
- $ord_zero = 48; //ord('0');
- $ord_nine = 57; //ord('9');
- $ord_c = ord($c);
- return PMA_STR_numberInRangeInclusive($ord_c, $ord_zero, $ord_nine);
- } // end of the "PMA_STR_isDigit()" function
- /**
- * Checks if a character is an hexadecimal digit
- *
- * @param string character to check for
- *
- * @return boolean whether the character is an hexadecimal digit or not
- *
- * @see PMA_STR_numberInRangeInclusive()
- */
- function PMA_STR_isHexDigit($c)
- {
- $ord_Aupper = 65; //ord('A');
- $ord_Fupper = 70; //ord('F');
- $ord_Alower = 97; //ord('a');
- $ord_Flower = 102; //ord('f');
- $ord_zero = 48; //ord('0');
- $ord_nine = 57; //ord('9');
- $ord_c = ord($c);
- return (PMA_STR_numberInRangeInclusive($ord_c, $ord_zero, $ord_nine)
- || PMA_STR_numberInRangeInclusive($ord_c, $ord_Aupper, $ord_Fupper)
- || PMA_STR_numberInRangeInclusive($ord_c, $ord_Alower, $ord_Flower));
- } // end of the "PMA_STR_isHexDigit()" function
- /**
- * Checks if a character is an upper alphabetic one
- *
- * @param string character to check for
- *
- * @return boolean whether the character is an upper alphabetic one or
- * not
- *
- * @see PMA_STR_numberInRangeInclusive()
- */
- function PMA_STR_isUpper($c)
- {
- $ord_zero = 65; //ord('A');
- $ord_nine = 90; //ord('Z');
- $ord_c = ord($c);
- return PMA_STR_numberInRangeInclusive($ord_c, $ord_zero, $ord_nine);
- } // end of the "PMA_STR_isUpper()" function
- /**
- * Checks if a character is a lower alphabetic one
- *
- * @param string character to check for
- *
- * @return boolean whether the character is a lower alphabetic one or
- * not
- *
- * @see PMA_STR_numberInRangeInclusive()
- */
- function PMA_STR_isLower($c)
- {
- $ord_zero = 97; //ord('a');
- $ord_nine = 122; //ord('z');
- $ord_c = ord($c);
- return PMA_STR_numberInRangeInclusive($ord_c, $ord_zero, $ord_nine);
- } // end of the "PMA_STR_isLower()" function
- /**
- * Checks if a character is an alphabetic one
- *
- * @param string character to check for
- *
- * @return boolean whether the character is an alphabetic one or not
- *
- * @see PMA_STR_isUpper()
- * @see PMA_STR_isLower()
- */
- function PMA_STR_isAlpha($c)
- {
- return (PMA_STR_isUpper($c) || PMA_STR_isLower($c));
- } // end of the "PMA_STR_isAlpha()" function
- /**
- * Checks if a character is an alphanumeric one
- *
- * @param string character to check for
- *
- * @return boolean whether the character is an alphanumeric one or not
- *
- * @see PMA_STR_isUpper()
- * @see PMA_STR_isLower()
- * @see PMA_STR_isDigit()
- */
- function PMA_STR_isAlnum($c)
- {
- return (PMA_STR_isUpper($c) || PMA_STR_isLower($c) || PMA_STR_isDigit($c));
- } // end of the "PMA_STR_isAlnum()" function
- /**
- * Checks if a character is a space one
- *
- * @param string character to check for
- *
- * @return boolean whether the character is a space one or not
- *
- * @see PMA_STR_numberInRangeInclusive()
- */
- function PMA_STR_isSpace($c)
- {
- $ord_space = 32; //ord(' ')
- $ord_tab = 9; //ord('\t')
- $ord_CR = 13; //ord('\n')
- $ord_NOBR = 160; //ord('U+00A0);
- $ord_c = ord($c);
- return (($ord_c == $ord_space)
- || ($ord_c == $ord_NOBR)
- || PMA_STR_numberInRangeInclusive($ord_c, $ord_tab, $ord_CR));
- } // end of the "PMA_STR_isSpace()" function
- /**
- * Checks if a character is an accented character
- *
- * @note Presently this only works for some character sets. More work
- * may be needed to fix it.
- *
- * @param string character to check for
- *
- * @return boolean whether the character is an upper alphabetic one or
- * not
- *
- * @see PMA_STR_numberInRangeInclusive()
- */
- function PMA_STR_isAccented($c)
- {
- $ord_min1 = 192; //ord('A');
- $ord_max1 = 214; //ord('Z');
- $ord_min2 = 216; //ord('A');
- $ord_max2 = 246; //ord('Z');
- $ord_min3 = 248; //ord('A');
- $ord_max3 = 255; //ord('Z');
- $ord_c = ord($c);
- return PMA_STR_numberInRangeInclusive($ord_c, $ord_min1, $ord_max1)
- || PMA_STR_numberInRangeInclusive($ord_c, $ord_min2, $ord_max2)
- || PMA_STR_numberInRangeInclusive($ord_c, $ord_min2, $ord_max2);
- } // end of the "PMA_STR_isAccented()" function
- /**
- * Checks if a character is an SQL identifier
- *
- * @param string character to check for
- * @param boolean whether the dot character is valid or not
- *
- * @return boolean whether the character is an SQL identifier or not
- *
- * @see PMA_STR_isAlnum()
- */
- function PMA_STR_isSqlIdentifier($c, $dot_is_valid = FALSE)
- {
- return (PMA_STR_isAlnum($c)
- || PMA_STR_isAccented($c)
- || ($c == '_') || ($c == '$')
- || (($dot_is_valid != FALSE) && ($c == '.')));
- } // end of the "PMA_STR_isSqlIdentifier()" function
- /**
- * Binary search of a value in a sorted array
- *
- * @param string string to search for
- * @param array sorted array to search into
- * @param integer size of sorted array to search into
- *
- * @return boolean whether the string has been found or not
- */
- function PMA_STR_binarySearchInArr($str, $arr, $arrsize)
- {
- // $arr NUST be sorted, due to binary search
- $top = $arrsize - 1;
- $bottom = 0;
- $found = FALSE;
- while (($top >= $bottom) && ($found == FALSE)) {
- $mid = intval(($top + $bottom) / 2);
- $res = strcmp($str, $arr[$mid]);
- if ($res == 0) {
- $found = TRUE;
- } else if ($res < 0) {
- $top = $mid - 1;
- } else {
- $bottom = $mid + 1;
- }
- } // end while
- return $found;
- } // end of the "PMA_STR_binarySearchInArr()" function
- ?>