46 The origin and integrity of this application could not be verified. %s\n\n\nYou should continue only if you can identify the publisher as someone you trust and are certain this application hasn't been altered since publication.
47 I &do not trust this setup
48 I &understand the security risk and wish to continue
51 The origin and integrity of this application could not be verified because it was not signed by the publisher.\n\n\nYou should continue only if you can identify the publisher as someone you trust and are certain this application hasn't been altered since publication.
52 The origin and integrity of this application could not be verified.\nThe certificate used to sign the software has expired or is invalid or untrusted.\n\n\nYou should continue only if you can identify the publisher as someone you trust and are certain this application hasn't been altered since publication.
53 The software is corrupted or has been altered since it was published.\n\nYou should not continue this setup.
54 Another instance of this setup is already running.\nPlease wait for the other instance to finish and then try again.\n