"at, by, beside, with; u jego boku by his side; u krawca at the tailor's; u nas w domu at home with us; u nas w kraju in this country, in our country; u Szekspira in Shakespeare; mam u niego pieni(a)dze he owes me money; mieszkam u niego i stay with him; tu u g≤ry up here"
"amuse; ~ siΩ have much amusement"
"insure (od ognia against fire), assure, secure; ~ siΩ insureoneself; ~ na ┐ycie insure one's life"
"insurance, assurance; ~ na ┐ycie life insurance; ~a spo│eczne national insurance scheme; ~ chorobowe national health insurence"
"ear; (narzΩdzia) handle, (buta) strap, (ig│y) eye; nadstawiaµ ~a prick up one's ears; po uszy w d│ugach over head and ears in debets; puszczaµ mimo uszu turn a deaf ear; s│yszeµ na w│asne uszy hear with one's own ears; zakochaµ siΩ po uszy be in love head over heels"
"go away, escape, flee; pass (za kogo£ for); to nie ~ it is not becoming; uj£µ uwagi escape notice"
"refugee, emigrant, emigre"
"preserve, saave"
"quard, preserve; ~ siΩ be preserved"
"decree, enact, carry; ~ przez aklamacjΩ carry by acclamation"
"decision, resolution"
"fail (obowi╣zkom) to do one's duty; offend, insult (komu£); transgress (prawu the law)"
"fault; offence; zob uchybiaµ"
"put aside, remove; (kapelusz) raise, lift; (prawo) abolish, repeal; ~ siΩ avoid (od czego£); shun; ~ siΩ od wymiaru sprawiedliwo£ci fly from jusice"
"flight, escape; ratowaµ siΩ ~╣ flee for life; zmusiµ do ~i put to flight"
"flee, fly; ~ siΩ resort"
"rub; (£cieraµ) grind"
"delight, gladden (czym£ of, at); find pleasire (czym£ in ); ~│em siΩ na jego widok i was glad to see him"
"pressure, oppression"
"press, oppress, (np o bucie) pinch"
"appease, clam; silence; ~ siΩ clam down; become silent"
"school, university"
"school-girl, pupil"
"school-boy, pulil"
"hang on, append; ~ siΩ hang on, become attached (czego£ to)"
"participate, take part"
"participant, partner, (przestΩpstwa) accomplice"
"frequent; attend (np na wyk│ady lectures)"
"erudition, learning"
"erudite, scholar"
"feeling, sentiment, sensation"
"sensitive, affectible"
"teach, instruct; ~ siΩ learn"
"deed, act; z│apaµ na gor╣cym ~ku catch red-handed"
"kindenss, obligingness"
"obliging, kind"
"stroke; apoplexy; ~ s│≤neczny sun-stroke"
"frustrate, pretend, assume, imitate; ~ siΩ (i£µ) go , betake oneself, make one's way; nie uda│o mi siΩ i have failed; uda│o mi siΩ to zrobiµµ i have succeeded (been successful) in doing it"
"strike, hit; attack"
"blow, strike; attack"
"make convenient, facilitate"
"convenience, facilitate"
"perfect, bring to perfection"
"make accessible"
"vexation, (mΩka) anguish"
"spiritualization, inspiration"
"strangle, suffocate; (potrawΩ) stew; ~ siΩ be choked, become suffocated; zob dusiµ"
"suffocation, strangulation"
"share, part, (w przestΩpstwie) complisity; braµ ~ take part"
"partner, share-holder"
"give, impart, communicate, (u┐yczaµ) grant; ~ siΩ be imparted; be communicated; (obcowaµ) communicate, have intercourse (komu£ with)"
"communication, imparting, giving, grant"
"independent, sovereing"
"trust, confide (komu£ in)"
"confident, (w swe si│y) self-confident"
"bend; ~ siΩ bend"
"knead, press"
"fallow; le┐eµ ~orem lie fallow"
"fulfil; (d│ug) pay"
"subjugate, subdue"
"reveal, disclose"
"(obj╣µ) seize, grasp; (my£l╣) conceive; (sformu│owaµ) formulate; (odj╣µ) deduct, diminish; ~ siΩ intercede (za kim£ in favour)"
"pour out; cast, mould; pasuje jak ~ny fits to miracle"
"fly up. soar up"
"siΩ evaporate, volatilize"
"cure, healing"
"cure, heal (z czego£ of)"
"give way, yield, succumb, submit, undergo; ~µ czyim£ wp│ywom be influenced by, undergo influence; ~µ pokusie yield to tempation; ~µ w walce sustain a defeat; ~µ zepsuciu be subject to deterioration; ~µ zmianie indergo a change; ~µ"
"zw│≤ce be delayed; nie ~ w╣tpliwo£ci this is beyond all doubt"
"better, improve"
"betterment, improvement"
"~ deszcz shower; pada ~ deszcz it rains cast-and-dogs"
"(poprzedziµ) precede, come before; (np fakt, pytanie) anticipate; (zapobieµ) avert. prevent; (ostrzec) warn; (ujemnie zainspirowaµ) prejudice; ~µ siΩ become predisposed, prejudiced; on go ~│ przeciwko mnie he has prejudiced him agains me"
"stick, fix, become fixed; (w mowie) break down; come to a sandstill"
"drowned, sink"
"sinking, drowning"
"drown, sink; ~ siΩ be drowned"
"worry, affliction, torment"
"make diffcult, impede"
"difficulty, impediment"
"consolidate, fix, stabilize; fix; ~ siΩ become fixed (consolidated)"
"zob ucieraµ"
"maintenance, livelihood"
"keep, maintain, hold; ~ na wodzy restrain; (twierdziµ) maintain; ~ siΩ maintain oneself; (trzymaµ siΩ) keep stady, hold one's own"
"confirm, consolodate, fix"
"work, composition"
"become corpulent"
"complain (na co£ of)"
"attention; observation, remark; braµ pod ~Ω take into consideration; z ~i na considering; zwracaµ ~Ω zob zwracaµ"
"pay attention (na co£ to), be attentive; regard, count (za co£ as); think; reckon; ~am za w│a£ciwe i think it proper; ~a siΩ go za najlepszego ucznia he is reckoned as the best pupil"
"marasmus, decrepitude; ~ starczy senility"
"bind, attach"
"make evident, make clear, render conspicuous, display, exhibit"
"adore, worship"
"adoration, worship"
"(o obuwiu) pinch"
"listy ~e credentials"
"siΩ hang on"
"siΩ busy oneself, run about"
"defame, belittle (komu£)"
"enfranchise, bestow property (kogo£ upon)"
"set free; ~ siΩ get free"
"liberation, deliverance"
"render conspicuous, bring ito prominence"
"bring into relief, set off"
"take into consideration"
"siΩ set one's mind (na co£ on, upon), become crazy (na co£ about)"
"make dependent"
"substantiation; na ~ in support"
"arm; ~ siΩ arm"
"arms, armament"
"gift, ability, capability"
"gifted, talented, able, capable"
"heal, cure, restore to health; (finanse) put on healthy basis; sanify"
"cure, restoration (to healtth); sanitation"
"make agree"
"(np radio) ground"
"demonstrate, make clear, illustrate"
"acknowledgment, recognition, do twego ~a at you discretion; mo┐esz post╣piµ wed│ug w│asnego ~a you may use your own discretion; zas│uguj╣cy na ~e worthy of acknowledgment, praiseworthy"
"acknowledge, recognize, do justice"
"supplement, complete"
"supplement, completion"
"gain, win, obtain"
"siΩ bicker (o co£ about)"
"use; (np ┐ycia) enjoyment; wyj£µ z ~cia go out use, fall into disuse"