"ze with; razem z kim£ together with somebody; of: jedno z dzieci one of the children; to uprzejmnie z twojej strony it is kind of you; zrobiony z drzewa made of wood; from: przychodzΩ ze szko│y i am coming from school; off: zdj╣µ oraz ze £ciany take the picture off the wall; out of: piµ ze szklanki drink out a glass; zej£µ (zboczyµ) z drogi go out of one's way; jeden z wielu one out of many; for; ze strachu forfear; through; z nie£wiadomo£ci through ignorance; on: ┐yµ z powietrza live on air; by: ┐yµ z hazardu live by gambling"
"for; ~ got≤wkΩ for cash; ~ nic mieµ kogo£ have on regard for; by: dzie± ~ dniem day by day; trzymaµ ~ rΩkΩ hold by the hand; ~ dnia by day; at: ~ czas≤w at (in) the time; ~ ka┐dym krokiem at each step; behind: ~ £cian╣ behind the wall; after: biegaµ ~ kim£ run after; in: ~ godzinΩ in an hour; outside: ~ miastem outside the town; on: ~ pokwitowaniem on recipt; ~ zap│at╣ on payment; co ~? what (kind of)? co to ~ cz│owiek? what (kind of) man is he? co to ~ ksi(a┐ki? what (kind of) boks are these? "
"guarantee, surety, protection; providing (kogo£ for); placing in safety (czgo£)"
"safeguard, secure, place in safety, guarantee; ~yµ dzieci provide for children; ~yµ siΩ assure oneself, secure oneself, take measures of precaution; byµ ~onym be provided for; be placed in safety"
"zob zabijaµ"
"measure, resource, expedient; (lekarski) intervention; czyniµ ~i take measures; take pains"
"strive (o co£ for); make great endeavours (o co£ towards); ~ komu£ drogΩ cross path"
"take, take off (away); ~ du┐o czasu take much time; ~ g│os begin to speak; ~ siΩ get off, clear out; ~ siΩ set (do czego£ about); ~ siΩ do roboty set to work"
"zabijaµ "
"kill; ~ gwoƒdziami fix, provide with nails; (beczkΩ) bung; (zaszpuntowaµ) plug"
"give put; ~µ cios deal a blow; ~ pytanie put a question; (o zadaniu do pracowania) set a task; ~µ sobie trud take the trouble; ~ne lekcje home lesson; mamy du┐o ~ne we have many home lessons to do; ~waµ siΩ associate (z kim£ with)"
"task; daµ ~ set a task"
"earnest, earnest-money"
"pay in earnest"
"deeply in debt"
"siΩ get into debt"
"give satisfaction, do justice; ~ pro£bie comply with the request"
"satisfaction, contentment"
"satisfy, gratify; ~ siΩ content oneself"
"satisfied, conented"
"scratch open, make sore with scratching"
"scratch open; hurt"
"stifling air"
"meditation, day-dream"
"stife, choke, smother"
"All Souls'Day"
"tear open, rend; ~ nosa give oneself great airs; ~ z kim£ seek a quarrel with"
"astonish, amaze"
"ring; ~ do kogo£ (zatelefonowaµ) ring up"
"cause grief (kogo£ to); ~ siΩ become grieved (czym£ at)"
"riddle, puzzle"
"puzzling, enigmatic"
"question, problem"
"(posiedzenie) open"
"rifle, capture"
"condense, compress"
"bend, turn down"
"go lost, be lost"
"peep; look up (do ksi╣┐ki the book); call (do kogo£ on)"
"extinction, extermination"
"plunge, sink; ~ siΩ plunge, sink; ~ siΩ w studiach be engaged in study"
"occupy, take possession (co£ of); (stanowisko) fill; ~ siΩ occupy oneself (czym£ with), be engaged (czym£ in)"
"zob zachodziµ"
"cowled; secret, concealed"
"having a cold"
"forbid, prohibit (czego£)"
"infectious, catching"
"have a snack"
"corner, nook"
"spell; (przekle±stwo) curse, malediction"
"conjure, charm; (b│agaµ) conjure"
"(instytucja) establishment, institute, institution; ~ drukarski printing office; ~ przemys│owy industrial works; bet; i£µ o ~ make a bet"
"establish, found, institute; (np okulary) put on; (rΩce) cross; (fundament) lay; (logicznie) presume, assume; ~µ bet, make a bet, stake; ~m siΩ z tob╣ o 5 szyling≤w i bet you 5 s"
"tuck, fold, (w ksi╣┐ce) bookmark"
"embarrassment, uneasiness"
"trouble, distrub"
"trouble, disturbance; ~ porz╣dku disorder"
"siΩ fall in love (w kim£ with)"
"being in love, enamoured"
"contract (co£ for), arrange by contract; (statek) charter"
"zako nczenie"
"conclusion, end, ending; na ~ to end with, at the end"
"siΩ fix one's eyes (w co£ on); be of opinion (na co£ about)"
"view, opinion"
"fil up"
"surely, certainly"
"assure; (sobie) secure"
"seal up"
"siΩ deny (czego£)"
"button up, buckle"
"(wpis) registration; (testament) legacy, bequest; (np w grze) note, mark"
"write down, note; (lekarstwo) prescribe; ~ testament bequeath; ~ siΩ enter one's name; ~ siΩ na uniwersytet matriculate at a university, enter a university; ~ siΩ na wyk│ady subscribe to a course of lectures"
"sense; byµ przy zdrowych ~ach be in one's right senses"
"invention, fiction"
"fictitious, invented"
"sing, mark; (pocztowy) (postage-)stamp"
"significance, meaning, importance"
"considerable, far"
"considerable, notable"
"atom ~ tracer atom"
"mark; mean, signify; be importance"
"know; ~ kogo£ z nazwiska, z widzenia know by name, by sight; daµ komu£ ~ let know; nie chcΩ go ~ i want to have nothing to do with him; nie daµ o sobie ~ send no news; ~ siΩ be acquainted (z kim£ with); be conversant (na czym£ with), be well up (na czym£ in); nie ~ siΩ be ignorant (na czym£ of)"
"find; ~ siΩ be, be found; gdzie on siΩ znajduje? where is he? where can he be found?"
"acquaintance; zawrzeµ ~ make acquaintance; zob zaznajomiµ siΩ"
"particularly; ~ ┐e all the more since, more particularly as"
"delay; (odroczenie terminu) respite; uzyskaµ ~Ω obtain a respite"
"corpse, mortal remains"
"seductive, delusive"
"delude, deceive; mot ~ony drawbrodge"
"follower, adherent"
"(uwolniµ) free, set free, give leave; (tempo) slacken; (odprΩ┐yµ) relax"
"(uwolnienie) release, (o tempie) slackening; (odprΩ┐enie) relaxation"
"call together"
"roll, scroll"
"give back, return; ~ uwagΩ pay attention (na co£ to); call attention (komu£ na co£ to); on zwr≤ci│ mi na to uwagΩ he called my attention to it; ~ siΩ apply (do kogo£ o co£ to for), address (do kogo£)"
"return; (obr≤t) turn; (wyra┐enie) phrase"
"returnable; (o pieni╣dzach) repayable; c│o ~e drawback; punkt ~y turning-point; reflexive"
"victor, conqueror"
"conquer, be victorious"
"custom, habit; mieµ ~ be wont; wej£µ q ~ grow inti the habit, become a custom, become customary"