The installer, Winstall.exe, copies a number of necessary files to your hard disk in order to conveniently and independently Run the Timelapse Overview and Interactive Game Demo (Egypt)
WINDOWS 95 - The installer creates a set of Start items which correspond to the Overview, and Game Demo.
WINDOWS 3.1 - The installer creates one program group that contains the Timelapse Overview and Game Demo.
Click Demo & Overview button to install the demo software. After installation begins, follow the prompts from the installer.
*** 256 COLORS AT 640 x 480 RESOLUTION ***
*** Please disconnect any joystick you may have.
Press Ctrl+Q to quit any operation you are currently running in the Timelapse Overview. Ctrl+Q will also quit the Interactive Demo. ALternatively, Alt+F4 will also Quit.
This demo consists of two parts:
One part is ABOUT Timelapse, and one part is an actual PART of Timelapse with abridged navigation area and functionality.
1. Overview
Click this button to watch a self-running overview of the game. Click the Return button at any time to return to the Main Menu.
2. Game Demo
Click this button and the Game Demo Menu will appear containing two buttons:
2.1. Anasazi Puzzle: Click to play a standalone demo. After the hawk flies past overhead, click on the screen to step up to the bow. Click on the tip of the arrow to select an arrowhead. Pull back the arrow with your mouse and let go of mouse button to shoot arrow. Click on the bow to load another arrow.
Hint: shoot the arrow through the "correct" rock formation. Pay attention to the prevailing conditions. Click Return button at any time to return to the Game Demo Menu.
2.2. Mayan Puzzle: Click to play a standalone demo. This is a twist on the children's game "paper/rock/scissors".
You play the right side and the computer plays the left. Click on either one of the eyes or nose to make your selection. Click the Return button at any time to return to Game Demo Menu.
2.3. Return: Click to return to the Main Menu.
3. Gallery
Click this button and the Gallery Menu will appear containing six buttons:
3.1. Easter Island: Click to view a slide show. The three white controls at the lower left of the screen are used to advance one frame, temporarily pause, or backup one frame. Click the Return button to return to the Gallery Menu.
3.2. Atlantis: See 3.1. notes.
3.3. Egypt: See 3.1. notes.
3.4. Anasazi: See 3.1. notes.
3.5. Mayan: See 3.1. notes.
3.6. Return: Click to return to Main Menu.
4. Quit
Click this button to quit the Timelapse Overview
Interactive Game Demo (Egypt)
When you first launch this item, you will be guided through an installation process. This will install the necessary additions to your system to optionally enable top game performance. Simply follow the prompts.
NOTE: This is a partial walk-through of Egypt in which the area you can visit is a small subset of the actual world, and actual game-play. This demo is intended to give you a ╘feel╒ for what the actual game-play will be like.
Hint: get past the cobra with an offering that you must obtain.
The following keyboard keys are used to play the demo. Note, you can also navigate through the world using your mouse by pointing and clicking (the cursor will change to a "hand" icon when it can be used it to manipulate objects).
Arrow keys: Turn left or right, go forward or back
A,D,W,S: Turn left or right, go forward or back
Z,C: Turn around, to the left or right
Ctrl+0-9: Adjust sound volume
Ctrl+F1/F2: Adjust brightness
Ctrl+F3-F8: Adjust color balance
Ctrl+F9: Reset color to default
Ctrl+Q: Quit demo
TIMELAPSE is designed to be easily removed from your computer when you are finished playing. To uninstall TIMELAPSE, double-click the LAPSE.EXE icon as you normally would to play, and choose "Uninstall" from the title screen. Then, follow the on-screen instructions.
The GTE Help Line is (619) 431-4264. Customer support technicians are available from noon to 5 PM Eastern time.
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Virtual Memory for Windows 3.1 (Swap File)
1. Double-click on the Control Panel icon in the Main Program Manager group to open the Control Panel , then double-click on the "Enhanced" icon.
2. Select "Virtual Memory..." and verify than you have a permanent swap file that is at least 16384 KB. If necessary, select "Change" to change your swap file settings.
3. If possible, enable 32-bit disk and file access. This will improve the performance of your hard drive and CD-ROM under Windows.
TIMELAPSE is designed to be easily removed from your computer when you are
finished playing. To uninstall TIMELAPSE, double-click the LAPSE.EXE icon as you normally
would to play, and choose "Uninstall" from the title screen.