RestartPrompt1=Birthright(tm) Demo has been successfully installed.
RestartNow=Restart now
RestartLater=Restart later
FailTitleWin32s=Win32s failed to install!
FailTextWin32s=An error occurred while installing Win32s. Installation is incomplete.
FailTextWin32sShare=If you received a message about "SHARE.EXE" not being loaded, please do the following steps:
FailTextWin32sShare1=1. Exit this install program.
FailTextWin32sShare2=2. Quit out of Windows.
FailTextWin32sShare3=3. Type SHARE
FailTextWin32sShare4=4. Type WIN
FailTextWin32sShare5=5. Run this install program again.
FailTitleWinG=WinG failed to install!
FailTextWinG=An error occurred while installing WinG. Installation is incomplete.
FailTitleVFW=Video for Windows failed to install!
FailTextVFW=An error occurred while installing Video for Windows. Installation is incomplete.
FailTitleWinSpace=Insufficient Disk Space!
FailTextWinSpace=You do not have enough space in your system directory to install some of the system components.
FailTextWinSpace2=This program requires up to 4,000,000 bytes of disk space in your system directory.
FailTitleDiskSpace=Insufficient Disk Space!
FailTextDiskSpace=You do not have enough space on the selected drive to install this demo.
FailTextDiskSpace2=This program requires 45,000,000 bytes of disk space on your drive.
Register=Register Birthright(tm) Demo CD
RegisterText1=Do you want to Register your program now?
AlldoneText=Remember to restart Windows before using these games.
NotifySysText=Install will now check to see if your copy of Windows contains some necessary extensions, and will install them if necessary. Please choose the default option in any dialog boxes displayed.
AllDone=Installation Completed
AllDoneText=Remember to restart Windows before playing.
Win32s=Install Win32s
WinG=Install Windows graphics library (WinG)
RunIn256Title = Requires 256 colors
RunIn256Text = Many of the demos to be installed required 256 colors. Special effects may be disabled, or colors may be incorrect when not running under 256 color mode.
PickEmTitle=Choose Additional Products
PickEmText=Welcome to the Sierra Total Meltdown(tm) CD. This CD also contains previews of many of our hot new titles.
PickEmText2=Setup will automatically install Total Meltdown(tm). If you would like to install any of the following additional items, select them below.
RamaDemo = Rama Demo
RamaBoot= Rama Bootdisk Maker
RamaRead = Rama DOS Readme
Phantas = Phantasmagoria 2 Movie
PA = Print Artist Demo
Pinball = 3-D Ultra Pinball Demo
TBass = Trophy Bass Fishing Demo
PAREADME = Print Artist Readme
RamaRDOSTitle = Install RAMA in DOS
RamaRDOS = Setup has detected that you have a 486 computer. For best performance the RAMA Demo should be run in the DOS environment.
RamaRDOS2 = Setup will add an icon to your RAMA DEMO CD program group to install RAMA in DOS.
InstallRamaDOS = Install RAMA DOS
FindDukeDrivePrompt=Please enter the drive letter (followed by a colon) where Duke Nukem 3D is found:
FindDukeDirPrompt=Please enter the directory name where Duke Nukem 3D can be found:
FindDukeTitle=Specify the location of your registered copy of Duke Nukem 3D