hysteresis_percent :- % added to current modes weighting in the weighting comparisons to reduce "flipping" btween modes.
This is the value at t= 0, where t is time after mode selected.
hysteresis_life :- Time taken for the hysteresis % to be reduced to 0. (in seconds)
weighting_high :- Base weighting for mode if main conditions satisfied. eg:if got target and engagement order is engage then weighting for free fight will initially be set to this
weighting_low :- Base weighting for mode if main conditions not satisfied.
composure_factor :- Base weighting is modified by adding (composure_factor * (100 - composure))/100 (Can be +ve or -ve)
threat_trigger_level:- total_threat value which will, for some modes, result in conditions being satisfied.
eg. free_fight mode: If got target weapons then if either engagement order is engage or
total_threat level is greater than threat_trigger_level, weighting = threat_weighting.
(Then do composure factor stuff).
threat_trigger_level == -1 if should ignore this value.
Notes: STANDBY weighting is always the weighting_on value
TAKE_OFF mode is currently not in use
FLY_TO does not use composure_factor or threat_trigger_level
FOLLOW_FORMATION does not use composure_factor or threat_trigger_level