CD Action 39
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Text File
94 lines
"Terrain Directory"
"Mission Time"
"Weather Type"
10 10 1
"Mission Area"
13600 0 19200
20800 0 23200
"Sunlight Colour"
255 255 255 255
"Moonlight Colour"
255 0 0 0
"Background IR Colour"
255 0 50 0
"Sky Colour"
255 240 60 60
"Sky Fog Colour"
255 240 60 60
"Horizon Colour"
255 240 110 60
"Ground Colour"
255 240 160 60
"Fog Colour"
255 240 160 60
"Sun" "sun.sur"
"Sun angle (in degrees)" 45
"Sun_size (in m)" 800
"Sun_height (in m)" 4000
"Moon" "moon.sur" "Size:" 150 "Height:" 2500 "Angle:" 5 "Azimuth:" 115 "Moonlight Intensity(0-100):" 0 "Max Alpha(0-255):" 150
"Sky texture" "NONE"
"Skytop texture" "NONE"
"Tile size (in m)" 5000
"Num tiles along sky" 3
"Tile factor" 1
"Cloud top (in m)" 800
"Cloud bottom (in m)" 800
"Horizon Offset (in m)" 0
"Play radio banter" 1
"Play Allyheli banter" 1
"Play Allytank banter" 1
"Play Allyinf banter" 1
"Play Tower banter" 1
extern void setup_sky(sSInt height, // altitude of cloud base
sSInt topheight, // altitude of cloud top
sSInt tile_size, // size of tile
sSInt size, // number of tiles down the side
sUInt tile_factor, // number of times the texture is tiled on a tile - <1 forced use of old method
char *name, // name of texture
sSInt dx, // wind vector
sSInt dy);
// Defaults will be used if 0 is passed to any of the first four parameters.
// If tile_factor if less than or equal to zero, the old method of setting up
// sky will be used, where polygons are added and removed from the egde of the
// shape with movememt. A value of one, will cause the shape to be set up the
// same as before, with the same number of polys (size*size), but cloud movement
// relative to the viewer will be done by moving the texture coordinates, and
// keeping the shape stationary relative to the viewer. a value of > 1 will
// use this method, and also repeat the texture the specified number of times
// in the polygon. It is recomended that the sky shape be made of at least 4
// polys (size=2) to avoid problems with mipmapping and fogging on 1 very large
// poly. NB tile_size specifies the size of each sky poly, not the tiled texture
// on it.
// extern void setup_sky_fringe(sSInt height, sUInt width_shift, char *name, sBool state);
// Should be called before setup_sky to add an octaganal fringe to the sky polygon
// height is the y size (nb not altitude) of the fringe. width_shift dictates how
// far back the bottom points of the shape will extend (as a proportion of the size
// of the whole sky shape eg 1 will add 50%, 2 25% etc). Name is the name of the .sur
// file to be used to texture the fringe. This should have no mips and be rectangular
// (eg 256x64). State should be set to TRUE to activate, and FALSE to switch off.