This story begins at the end of the 20th century. It started with several seemingly unconnected events - The Oklahoma bombing, the Tokyo gas attacks, the Berlin riots, the Lagos assassinations. Fuelled by hysterical doomsayers, and backed by nervous populations, terrorist organisations found themselves growing exponentially. With an immediate need to organise, the smaller groups began co-ordinating attacks to maximise effectiveness. Groups who would never previously had any contact began working together, sharing information and tactics. Globally, terrorist armies began to arm themselves with modern battlefield technologies flooding out of the economically wracked Eastern European states. The threat was highlighted for all to see when a multinational terrorist organisation, working with unknown funding, invaded and took over Hawaii. The United States dealt with the problem, but suffered terrible losses to a chemical weapons attack they had not foreseen. This act shook the worldÆs foundations - If America could become a target for a well organised attack of this scale, no country was safe.
The Multinational Peacekeeping Executive, or MPE, was formed in 2020 with the express intention of stamping out terrorism the world over, as well as standard UN peacekeeping duties. In an unprecedented act of co-operation, the member nations of the UN agreed to allow the MPE unlimited access to all their territories. Armed with the latest battlefield technologies, their response to a threat to world peace is swift and absolute. The time for toleration and negotiation is past - they act with multilaterally granted authority to take the war to the terrorists. Within months of first forming, the MPE demonstrated its flexibility, power and fairness by averting an ecological disaster, when it stopped a terrorist group from sinking 8 oil tankers at sea.
You join this group with the brief to bring peace to any areas of conflict involving terrorism. You will fight some of the best equipped terrorist organisations the world has ever known, and some of the most diabolical geniuses ever to strike at the foundations of our society. The odds will at times seem impossibly long, the path ahead too full of your enemy, with no end in sight. You must fight on, not only for your own life but for the cause of humanity as a whole. You must prevail, you must overcome. You are the Peacemaker.