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- ; List Box (inherits from combo box with slider in code)
- ;
- ; List Boxes are basically combo boxes that are always open.
- ;
- ; hackrect is a hack that is there to make sure that the size always includes the full
- ; width (we sometimes reduce this if a slider is there)... it's pretty complicated to explain right
- ; now, so just believe me and leave it in there.
- ;
- ; Created by Gary Steinke, May 21/99
- ;
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- [control]
- id=NFS5.ListBox
- description=List Box
- name.value=ID_LISTBOX
- parts=data,selectionbox,hackrect
- states=normal,hover,hidden
- states.flags=0
- size.value=data.width,data.selectionboxmaxheight
- size.flags=HIDDEN|READONLY
- moveable.value=1
- moveable.flags=HIDDEN|READONLY
- resizeable.value=1
- resizeable.flags=HIDDEN|READONLY
- pos=0,0
- pos.label=control.pos
- autosize.value=1
- autosize.flags=HIDDEN|READONLY
- [state.normal]
- parts=data,selectionbox,hackrect
- [state.hover]
- parts=data,selectionbox,hackrect
- [state.hidden]
- parts=data
- [part.data]
- id=DATA
- attributes.value=accessor,width,selectionboxmaxheight,transon,transoff,fontpath,selectmode,textcolor,highlightcolorhover,highlightcolorselected,disablesound
- transon.type=STRING
- transon.value=FADE
- transon.label=Transition On
- transon.flags=0
- transoff.type=STRING
- transoff.value=SAME
- transoff.label=Transition Off
- fontpath.type=STRING
- fontpath.value=Univers8b.ffn
- fontpath.flags=HIDDEN|READONLY
- accessor.type=STRING
- accessor.value=Put_Accessor_Value_Here
- width.type=INT
- width.value=100
- selectionboxmaxheight.type=INT
- selectionboxmaxheight.value=130
- selectmode.type=INT
- selectmode.value=0
- disablesound.type=INT
- disablesound.value=0
- textcolor.type=COLOR
- textcolor.value=0x00000000
- textcolor.flags=HIDDEN|READONLY
- highlightcolorhover.type=COLOR
- highlightcolorhover.value=0x00FFBB00
- highlightcolorhover.flags=HIDDEN|READONLY
- highlightcolorselected.type=COLOR
- highlightcolorselected.value=0x00BC0000
- highlightcolorselected.flags=HIDDEN|READONLY
- [part.selectionbox]
- id=RECT
- pos.value=0,1
- size.value=data.width,data.selectionboxmaxheight
- size.flags=HIDDEN|READONLY
- color.value=0x4000ff00
- color.flags=HIDDEN|READONLY
- [part.hackrect]
- id=RECT
- pos.value=0,0
- color.value=0x00000000
- color.flags=HIDDEN|READONLY
- size.value=data.width,1
- size.flags=HIDDEN|READONLY