GameStar 2000 August
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3,441 lines
; Nihilistic Particle Description (NPD) file
; ============================================================================================================
; GAS emitters
; startsize = starting size of the particles
; mindist, maxdist = range for spawn radius around emitter
; startcolor, endcolor = particles shift between these colors as they age
; minspeed, maxspeed = speed range for each particle (if only minspeed is specified, we assume no variability)
; growthrate = rate of change of the radius over time (negative ok)
; drag = drag ammount applied to each particle over time (negative ok)
; gravity = z only velocity applied to each particle (negative ok)
; turbulence = random directional particle velocity variance
; ============================================================================================================
gas blueElectricity
material ElectricParticles
lifespan 50
birthrate 50
startsize 25.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 3.0
startcolor 0xffff80ff
endcolor 0xff200080
minspeed 0.0
maxspeed 0.0
gravity -100.0
growthrate -100.0
turbulence 0.0
gas coldMist
material fireSprite2
lifespan 2000
birthrate 100
startsize 2.0
mindist 10.0
maxdist 15.0
;maxparticles 3000
startcolor 0xff000000
endcolor 0xffaaaaff
minspeed 0.0
maxspeed 0.0
gravity 60.0
growthrate 0.0
turbulence 0.0
gas blood1
material bloodSpurt
lifespan 1000
birthrate 1000
startsize 4.0
mindist 3.0
maxdist 5.0
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0x00000000
minspeed 30.0
maxspeed 40.0
gravity 150.0
growthrate 25.0
turbulence 0.0
gas gas
material smokeSprite
lifespan 5000
birthrate 1000
startsize 20.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 6.0
startcolor 0xffff0000
endcolor 0x000000ff
minspeed 10.0
maxspeed 15.0
gravity -10.0
growthrate 2.0
turbulence 0.0
gas bubblingPotion
material smokeSprite
lifespan 1000
birthrate 10
startsize 10.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 6.0
startcolor 0x7f00ff00
endcolor 0x000000ff
minspeed 10.0
maxspeed 20.0
gravity -10.0
growthrate 2.0
turbulence 0.0
gas phosFlare
material smokeSprite
lifespan 3000
birthrate 90
startsize 10.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 1.0
startcolor 0x7f000030
endcolor 0x2010f0ff
minspeed 5.0
drag 5.0
gravity -35.0
growthrate 12.0
turbulence 1.0
gas greysmoke
material smokeSprite
lifespan 2000
birthrate 100
startsize 20.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 6.0
startcolor 0x7f303035
endcolor 0x00202025
minspeed 10.0
drag 10.0
gravity -10.0
growthrate 2.0
turbulence 0.0
gas smokeplume
material smokeSprite
lifespan 3000
birthrate 90
startsize 10.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 0.0
startcolor 0xc83c3c4b
endcolor 0x00101015
minspeed 5.0
drag 5.0
gravity -35.0
growthrate 12.0
turbulence 1.0
gas smokepuff
material smokeSprite
lifespan 500
birthrate 50
startsize 8.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 2.0
startcolor 0x7f101010
endcolor 0x00101010
minspeed 0.0
drag 0.0
gravity -7.0
growthrate 2.0
turbulence 0.0
gas cigarSmoke
material smokeSprite
lifespan 2500
;maxparticles 1000
birthrate 300
startsize 3.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 0.0
startcolor 0x96787896
endcolor 0x00000000
minspeed 1.0
drag 5.0
gravity -5.0
growthrate 6.0
turbulence 5.0
gas dust
material smokeSprite
lifespan 1000
birthrate 50
startsize 20.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 2.0
startcolor 0x7f8e7063
endcolor 0x00101010
minspeed 0.0
drag 0.0
gravity -7.0
growthrate 10.0
turbulence 0.0
gas activesteam
material smokeSprite
lifespan 500
birthrate 70
startsize 10.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 10.0
startcolor 0x7f707080
endcolor 0x000a0a10
minspeed 15.0
drag 5.0
gravity -180.0
growthrate 24.0
turbulence 1.0
gas steamblast
material smokeSprite
lifespan 1000
birthrate 40
startsize 10.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 0.0
startcolor 0x7f505050
endcolor 0x00707070
minspeed 5.0
drag 50.0
gravity -180.0
growthrate 50.0
turbulence 0.0
gas steam
material smokeSprite
lifespan 3000
birthrate 500
startsize 2.0
mindist 9.0
maxdist 10.0
startcolor 0xff505050
endcolor 0x00707070
minspeed 0.0
drag 100.0
gravity -30.0
growthrate 60.0
turbulence 100.0
gas phblue
material smokeSprite
lifespan 1000
birthrate 10
startsize 10.0
mindist 5.0
maxdist 15.0
startcolor 0xff4050ff
endcolor 0x004050ff
minspeed 5.0
drag 50.0
gravity -270.0
growthrate 24.0
turbulence 0.0
gas phgreen
material smokeSprite
lifespan 1000
birthrate 10
startsize 10.0
mindist 5.0
maxdist 15.0
startcolor 0xff57ef8d
endcolor 0x0057ef8d
minspeed 5.0
drag 50.0
gravity -270.0
growthrate 24.0
turbulence 0.0
gas phpurple
material smokeSprite
lifespan 1000
birthrate 10
startsize 10.0
mindist 5.0
maxdist 15.0
startcolor 0xffe442ff
endcolor 0x00e442ff
minspeed 5.0
drag 50.0
gravity -270.0
growthrate 24.0
turbulence 0.0
gas phred
material smokeSprite
lifespan 1000
birthrate 10
startsize 10.0
mindist 5.0
maxdist 15.0
startcolor 0xffff3030
endcolor 0x00ff3030
minspeed 5.0
drag 50.0
gravity -270.0
growthrate 24.0
turbulence 0.0
gas phyellow
material smokeSprite
lifespan 1000
birthrate 10
startsize 10.0
mindist 5.0
maxdist 15.0
startcolor 0xfffff830
endcolor 0x00fff830
minspeed 5.0
drag 50.0
gravity -270.0
growthrate 24.0
turbulence 0.0
gas fireball
material fireball
lifespan 30
;maxparticles 2000
birthrate 4
startsize 20.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 3.0
startcolor 0xffff8000
endcolor 0x00800000
minspeed 30.0
drag 0.0
gravity 0.0
growthrate -25.0
turbulence 6.0
gas fireballSmall
material fireball
lifespan 200
birthrate 6
startsize 8.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 3.0
startcolor 0xffff8000
endcolor 0x00800000
minspeed 30.0
drag 0.0
gravity 0.0
growthrate -25.0
turbulence 6.0
gas trail_fireball
material smoketrail
lifespan 800
birthrate 25
startsize 16.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 2.0
startcolor 0x80808080
endcolor 0x00505050
minspeed 15.0
drag 10.0
gravity -15.0
growthrate 25.0
turbulence 4.0
gas trail_rocket
material smoketrail
lifespan 500
birthrate 20
startsize 12.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 2.0
startcolor 0x80808080
endcolor 0x00000000
minspeed 15.0
drag 10.0
gravity -15.0
growthrate 25.0
turbulence 4.0
gas trail_shadow
material shadowTrail
lifespan 200
birthrate 15
startsize 8.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 2.0
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0x00000000
minspeed 15.0
drag 10.0
gravity -15.0
growthrate 40.0
turbulence 4.0
gas trail_shadowHands
material shadowTrail
lifespan 200
birthrate 15
startsize 4.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 2.0
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0x00000000
minspeed 15.0
drag 10.0
gravity -15.0
growthrate 40.0
turbulence 4.0
gas trail_spectral
material spectralTrail
lifespan 200
birthrate 15
startsize 8.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 2.0
startcolor 0x50505050
endcolor 0x00000000
minspeed 15.0
drag 10.0
gravity -15.0
growthrate 40.0
turbulence 4.0
gas trail_spectralHands
material spectralTrail
lifespan 200
birthrate 15
startsize 4.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 2.0
startcolor 0x50505050
endcolor 0x00000000
minspeed 15.0
drag 10.0
gravity -15.0
growthrate 40.0
turbulence 4.0
gas plaguewind
material fireball
lifespan 200
birthrate 6
startsize 15.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 3.0
startcolor 0xff008040
endcolor 0x00007014
minspeed 30.0
drag 10.0
gravity -1.0
growthrate 1.5
turbulence 12.0
gas plaguewindexp
material fireball
lifespan 200
birthrate 6
startsize 15.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 3.0
startcolor 0xff008040
endcolor 0x00000000
minspeed 30.0
drag 300.0
gravity 1.0
growthrate 5.0
turbulence 12.0
gas plaguewindexp1
material fireball
lifespan 1000
birthrate 15
startsize 20.0
mindist 60.0
maxdist 65.0
startcolor 0xff084020
endcolor 0x00000808
minspeed 0.0
drag 10.0
gravity 1.0
growthrate 25.0
turbulence 30.0
gas plaguewindexp2
material shadowTrail
lifespan 1000
birthrate 40
startsize 20.0
mindist 60.0
maxdist 80.0
startcolor 0x00000000
endcolor 0xffffffff
minspeed -80.0
drag 300.0
gravity -10.0
growthrate -25.0
turbulence 50.0
gas whiteMist
material fireball
lifespan 200
birthrate 6
startsize 35.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 20.0
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0x00000000
minspeed 30.0
drag 300.0
gravity 1.0
growthrate 5.0
turbulence 12.0
gas bloodMist
material fireball
lifespan 200
birthrate 6
startsize 35.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 20.0
startcolor 0xff9a0000
endcolor 0x00000000
minspeed 30.0
drag 300.0
gravity 1.0
growthrate 5.0
turbulence 12.0
gas greenMist
material fireball
lifespan 200
;maxparticles 500
birthrate 15
startsize 35.0
mindist 5.0
maxdist 30.0
startcolor 0xff084020
endcolor 0x00000000
minspeed 30.0
drag 300.0
gravity 1.0
growthrate 5.0
turbulence 12.0
gas muzzleflame
material fireSprite
lifespan 50
birthrate 1
startsize 10.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 3.0
startcolor 0xffff8000
endcolor 0x00403030
minspeed 15.0
drag 5.0
gravity -5.0
growthrate 2.5
turbulence 0.0
gas blood
material bloodsprite
lifespan 4000
birthrate 200
startsize 4.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 1.0
startcolor 0xff9a0000
endcolor 0x00640000
minspeed 5.0
drag 0.0
gravity 50.0
growthrate 0.0
turbulence 0.0
gas vampdeathsmoke
material smokeSprite
lifespan 2000
birthrate 100
startsize 20.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 6.0
startcolor 0x5f505050
endcolor 0x00505050
minspeed 10.0
drag 10.0
gravity -10.0
growthrate 15.0
turbulence 0.0
gas waterdripregion
material fireSprite
lifespan 2000
birthrate 300
startsize 1.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 6.0
startcolor 0x806060dc
endcolor 0x00505050
minspeed 0.0
drag 115.0
gravity 200.0
growthrate 1.0
turbulence 0.0
emitshape 2
emitRadius 100
; ============================================================================================================
; FIRE emitters
; startsize = starting size of the particles
; mindist, maxdist = range for spawn radius around emitter
; startcolor, endcolor = particles shift between these colors as they age
; minspeed, maxspeed = speed range for each particle
; turbulence = random particle velocity variance
; ============================================================================================================
fire fire
material fireSprite
lifespan 2000
birthrate 20
startsize 15.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 10.0
startcolor 0xc0ff8000
endcolor 0x30000000
minspeed 20.0
maxspeed 25.0
turbulence 2.0
fire candleflame
material fireSprite
lifespan 150
birthrate 20
startsize 2.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 0.5
startcolor 0xc0ff8000
endcolor 0x30000000
minspeed 0.5
maxspeed 1.5
turbulence 0.0
fire gibFlame
material fireSprite
lifespan 100
birthrate 20
startsize 5.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 0.5
startcolor 0xc0ff8000
endcolor 0x30000000
minspeed 0.5
maxspeed 1.5
turbulence 0.0
fire flametest2
material fireSprite
lifespan 2000
birthrate 20
startsize 15.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 10.0
startcolor 0xc0ff8000
endcolor 0x30000000
minspeed 20.0
maxspeed 25.0
turbulence 2.0
fire flametest3
material fireSprite
lifespan 1000
birthrate 80
startsize 10.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 2.0
startcolor 0xc0ff8000
endcolor 0x30808080
minspeed 4.0
maxspeed 5.0
turbulence 1.0
fire flametest
material fireSprite
lifespan 35
birthrate 15
maxparticles 500
startsize 8.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 2.0
startcolor 0xc0ff961e
endcolor 0x32200000
minspeed 4.0
maxspeed 5.0
gravity -200
turbulence 1.0
fire flameLarge
material fireSprite2
lifespan 2000
birthrate 20
startsize 15.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 10.0
startcolor 0xc0bb3500
endcolor 0x00200000
minspeed 20.0
maxspeed 25.0
turbulence 2.0
fire incendExplosion
material fireSprite2
lifespan 250
birthrate 20
startsize 15.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 10.0
startcolor 0xc0bb3500
endcolor 0x00200000
minspeed 20.0
maxspeed 25.0
turbulence 2.0
fire grenadeExplosion
material fireSprite2
lifespan 250
birthrate 20
startsize 35.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 10.0
startcolor 0xffd0d0ff
endcolor 0xc0bb3500
minspeed 20.0
maxspeed 25.0
turbulence 2.0
fire rocketExplosion
material fireSprite2
lifespan 250
birthrate 20
startsize 65.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 10.0
startcolor 0xffd0d0ff
endcolor 0xc0bb3500
minspeed 20.0
maxspeed 25.0
turbulence 2.0
fire lightningCloud
material fireSprite2
lifespan 250
birthrate 20
startsize 65.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 10.0
startcolor 0xffd0d0ff
endcolor 0xc00035bb
minspeed 20.0
maxspeed 25.0
turbulence 2.0
fire hazmatExplosion
material fireSprite2
lifespan 250
birthrate 20
startsize 35.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 10.0
startcolor 0xffffdc70
endcolor 0xc0ff0000
;startcolor 0xffbcff79
;endcolor 0xc062fb3c
minspeed 20.0
maxspeed 25.0
gravity -400
turbulence 2.0
fire holyWaterExplosion
material fireSprite2
lifespan 250
birthrate 20
startsize 35.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 10.0
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0xc0000000
;startcolor 0xffbcff79
;endcolor 0xc062fb3c
minspeed 20.0
maxspeed 25.0
gravity -400
turbulence 2.0
fire flameMediumLarge
material fireSprite2
lifespan 1000
birthrate 40
startsize 12.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 6.0
startcolor 0xc0dd5000
endcolor 0x00200000
minspeed 10.0
maxspeed 15.0
turbulence 1.5
fire flameMedium
material fireSprite2
lifespan 1000
birthrate 80
startsize 10.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 2.0
startcolor 0xc0dd5000
endcolor 0x00200000
minspeed 4.0
maxspeed 5.0
turbulence 1.0
fire greenflame
material fireSprite
lifespan 1000
birthrate 80
startsize 10.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 3.0
startcolor 0xc0008040
endcolor 0x30008080
minspeed 4.0
maxspeed 5.0
turbulence 6.0
fire blueflame
material fireSprite
lifespan 1000
birthrate 80
startsize 10.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 3.0
startcolor 0xc0006464
endcolor 0x30004080
minspeed 4.0
maxspeed 5.0
turbulence 6.0
fire purpleflame
material fireSprite
lifespan 1000
birthrate 80
startsize 10.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 3.0
startcolor 0xc0644064
endcolor 0x30800080
minspeed 4.0
maxspeed 5.0
turbulence 6.0
fire disciplinetorch
material fireSprite
lifespan 600
birthrate 20
startsize 10.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 2.0
startcolor 0xc000a040
endcolor 0x30002080
minspeed 4.0
maxspeed 5.0
turbulence 1.0
fire flamedamage
material fireSprite
lifespan 600
birthrate 180
startsize 20.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 2.0
startcolor 0xc0ff8000
endcolor 0x30402000
minspeed 3.0
maxspeed 4.0
turbulence 2.0
fire flameLine
material fireSprite
lifespan 25
birthrate 5
maxparticles 800
startsize 10.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 1.0
startcolor 0xc0ff961e
endcolor 0x32200000
minspeed 4.0
maxspeed 5.0
turbulence 1.0
gravity -200
emitshape 1
emitDir (10,70,0)
fire holyLine
material fireSprite
lifespan 25
birthrate 5
maxparticles 800
startsize 10.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 1.0
startcolor 0xc0ff961e
endcolor 0x32200000
minspeed 4.0
maxspeed 5.0
turbulence 1.0
gravity -200
emitshape 1
emitDir (10,70,0)
fire flameDisc
material fireSprite
lifespan 2000
birthrate 10
startsize 10.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 3.0
startcolor 0xc0006464
endcolor 0x30EAFF51
minspeed 4.0
maxspeed 5.0
turbulence 6.0
emitshape 2
emitRadius 40
fire flameCylinder
material fireSprite
lifespan 2500
birthrate 10
startsize 10.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 3.0
startcolor 0xc0006464
endcolor 0x30004080
minspeed 4.0
maxspeed 5.0
turbulence 6.0
emitshape 7
emitHeight 0
emitRadius 60
fire flameSphere
material fireSprite
lifespan 2500
birthrate 10
startsize 10.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 3.0
startcolor 0xc0006464
endcolor 0x30004080
minspeed 4.0
maxspeed 5.0
turbulence 6.0
emitshape 4
emitRadius 50
; effect for arcanulum door in Haus de Hexe
fire ArcDoorLine
material fireSprite
lifespan 20000
birthrate 40
startsize 4.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 10.0
startcolor 0x30004080
endcolor 0x00000000
minspeed 20.0
maxspeed 40.0
turbulence 0
emitshape 1
emitDir (320,0,0)
; ============================================================================================================
; FLAME emitters
; startsize = starting size of the particles
; endsize = ending size of the particles
; mindist, maxdist = range for spawn radius around emitter
; startcolor, endcolor = particles shift between these colors as they age
; minspeed, maxspeed = speed range for each particle (if only minspeed is specified, we assume no variability)
; velocity = initial direction particles are emitted (negative ok)
; turbulence = random directional particle velocity variance
; drag = drag ammount applied to each particle over time (negative ok)
; gravity = z only velocity applied to each particle (negative ok)
; ============================================================================================================
flame flame
material smokeSprite
lifespan 1000
birthrate 10
startsize 1.0
endsize 50.0
startcolor 0x80202020
endcolor 0x00101010
velocity (0.0,400.0,-10.0)
;minspeed 10.0
;maxspeed 10.5
drag -50.0
gravity -220.0
turbulence 0.0
flame flameTrap
material fireSprite3
lifespan 800
birthrate 5
startsize 3.0
endsize 50.0
startcolor 0xc0bb3500
endcolor 0x00803500
velocity (0.0,400.0,-40.0)
;minspeed 10.0
;maxspeed 10.5
drag -50.0
gravity -220.0
turbulence 0.0
flame throwerFlame2
material fireSprite3
lifespan 800
birthrate 10
startsize 3.0
endsize 50.0
startcolor 0xc0bb3500
endcolor 0x00803500
velocity (0.0,400.0,-40.0)
;minspeed 10.0
;maxspeed 10.5
drag -50.0
gravity -220.0
turbulence 0.0
flame throwerFlame
material fireSprite3
lifespan 800
birthrate 10
startsize 3.0
endsize 50.0
startcolor 0xc0fffd1d
endcolor 0x00ffbd1d
velocity (0.0,400.0,-40.0)
;minspeed 10.0
;maxspeed 10.5
drag -50.0
gravity -220.0
turbulence 0.0
flame incinFlame
material fireSprite3
lifespan 400
birthrate 10
startsize 3.0
endsize 70.0
startcolor 0xc0bb3500
endcolor 0x00803500
velocity (0.0,500.0,-50.0)
;minspeed 10.0
;maxspeed 10.5
drag 40.0
gravity -320.0
turbulence 0.0
flame steamJet
material smokeSprite
lifespan 500
birthrate 80
startsize 10.0
endsize 25.0
startcolor 0x80A0A0A0
endcolor 0x00A0A0A0
velocity (0,0,100)
minspeed 1.0
maxspeed 1.5
drag 30.0
gravity -80.0
turbulence 100.0
; ============================================================================================================
; LIQUID emitters
; startsize = starting size of the particles
; mindist, maxdist = range for spawn radius around emitter
; startcolor, endcolor = particles shift between these colors as they age
; minspeed, maxspeed = speed range for each particle (if only minspeed is specified, we assume no variability)
; cohesion = how closely particles within groups stil together
; numgroups = max number of active groups at one time
; mingroup, maxgroup = range of particles per group
; groupcohesion = how closely groups stick together
; ============================================================================================================
liquid liquid
material fireSprite
lifespan 2000
birthrate 8
startsize 2.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 40.0
startcolor 0xff6060dc
endcolor 0x80d0d0dc
minspeed 300.0
maxspeed 320.0
cohesion 0.9
numgroups 48
mingroup 5
maxgroup 15
groupcohesion 0.33
liquid waterspray
material fireSprite
lifespan 2000
birthrate 8
startsize 2.0
mindist 0.0
maxdist 40.0
startcolor 0xff6060dc
endcolor 0x80d0d0dc
minspeed 300.0
maxspeed 320.0
cohesion 0.9
numgroups 48
mingroup 5
maxgroup 15
groupcohesion 0.33
liquid blood0old
material bloodsprite
lifespan 1100
birthrate 16
startsize 2.5
mindist 0.0
maxdist 2.0
startcolor 0xffff3030
endcolor 0x60a02020
minspeed 88.0
maxspeed 100.0
gravity 63
cohesion 0.9
numgroups 80
mingroup 8
maxgroup 25
groupcohesion 0.20
; ============================================================================================================
; RAIN emitters
; length = length of each drop
; maxparticles = how many particles to create in the box
; width = width of each drop (or size of drops if length = 0)
; velocity = initial direction particles are emitted
; maxparticles = maxiumum particles per emitter at any given time
; startsize = dimensions of box around camera to contain particles (rec. 1000 or more)
; turbulence = how much wiggling there is as the particles fall (0.0 = none = faster processing)
; velocityvar = maximum amount of blowing around on a single particle
; startcolor = rgb color of each particle
; ============================================================================================================
rain rain
material rainsprite
maxparticles 600
startsize 1000.0
length 0.1
width 10
velocity (0.0,200.0,-500.0)
startcolor 0xa000ffff
rain snow
material fireSprite
maxparticles 1000
startsize 3000.0
length 0.0
width 2.5
velocity (0.0,0.0,-150.0)
velocityvar 120.0
turbulence 120.0
startcolor 0xa08f8fff
; london drizzle
rain drizzle
material fireSprite
maxparticles 6000
startsize 25.0
length 0
width 0.015
velocity (0.0,0.0,-5.0)
velocityvar 60.0
startcolor 0xa80303030
; london light rain
rain lightRain
material rainsprite
maxparticles 800
startsize 1000.0
length 0.05
width 5
velocity (0.0,50.0,-500.0)
startcolor 0xa0505050
; london heavy rain
rain heavyRain
material rainsprite
maxparticles 2000
startsize 600.0
length 0.05
width 5
velocity (0.0,100.0,-300.0)
startcolor 0xa0505050
; ============================================================================================================
; SPARKS emitters
; maxparticles =
; birthrate =
; minbirthrate, maxbirthrate =
; startsize =
; count =
; startcolormin =
; startcolormax =
; velocity
; velocityvar
; gravity
; ============================================================================================================
sparks sparks
material rainsprite
maxparticles 150
lifespan 3000
minbirthrate 50
maxbirthrate 500
startsize 1.0
count 15
startcolormin 0x80808000
startcolormax 0x80808000
velocity (0.0,0.0,200.0)
velocityvar 120.0
gravity 280.0
sparks blueSparks
material fireSprite
maxparticles 20
lifespan 1000
minbirthrate 50
maxbirthrate 500
startsize 0.5
count 10
startcolormin 0x80808080
startcolormax 0xc0c0c0ff
velocity (0.0,0.0,100.0)
velocityvar 120.0
gravity 280.0
sparks firespray
material fireSprite
maxparticles 150
lifespan 3000
minbirthrate 1500
maxbirthrate 1600
startsize 1.5
count 30
startcolormin 0xffff8000
startcolormax 0xffaaaa00
velocity (0.0,0.0,0.0)
velocityvar 360.0
gravity 300.0
sparks moltenSpray
material fireSprite
maxparticles 300
lifespan 3000
minbirthrate 1500
maxbirthrate 1600
startsize 1.5
count 150
startcolormin 0xffff8000
startcolormax 0xffaaaa00
velocity (0.0,0.0,245.0)
velocityvar 65.0
gravity 300.0
sparks bloodspray
material bloodsprite
maxparticles 150
lifespan 3000
minbirthrate 5000
maxbirthrate 5100
startsize 1.0
count 30
startcolormin 0xffff0000
startcolormax 0xffff0000
velocity (0.0,0.0,0.0)
velocityvar 360.0
gravity 300.0
; ============================================================================================================
; BEAM emitters
; subtype = beam type, sinus or noise
; updaterate =
; delay =
; count =
; startsize, endsize = beam starting and ending thickness
; startcolor, endcolor =
; turbulence =
; texturerate = texture scroll rate
; size = segment distance
; frequency =
; ============================================================================================================
beam beam
material beamlightning
subtype sinus
lifespan 10000
birthrate 10000
updaterate 10
delay 0
count 0
startsize 16.0
endsize 16.0
startcolor 0xffff0000
endcolor 0xffff0000
turbulence 0.0
texturerate 64.0
size 8.0
frequency 3.0
beam redwavybeam
material beamlightning
subtype sinus
lifespan 10000
birthrate 10000
updaterate 10
delay 0
count 0
startsize 16.0
endsize 16.0
startcolor 0xffff0000
endcolor 0xffff0000
turbulence 16.0
texturerate 64.0
size 4.0
frequency 2.0
beam yellowwavybeam
material beamlightning
subtype sinus
lifespan 10000
birthrate 10000
updaterate 10
delay 0
count 0
startsize 16.0
endsize 16.0
startcolor 0xffffff30
endcolor 0xffffff30
turbulence 16.0
texturerate 64.0
size 4.0
frequency 4.0
beam purpspikewave
material beamspikes
subtype noise
lifespan 10000
birthrate 10000
updaterate 10
delay 0
count 0
startsize 16.0
endsize 16.0
startcolor 0xff4014ff
endcolor 0xff8030ff
turbulence 4.0
texturerate 128.0
size 8.0
frequency 3.0
beam powerwave
material beamwhite
subtype sinus
lifespan 10000
birthrate 10000
updaterate 10
delay 0
count 0
startsize 16.0
endsize 16.0
startcolor 0xff8030ff
endcolor 0xff8030ff
turbulence 16.0
texturerate 64.0
size 4.0
frequency 3.0
beam bloodstream
material beampulse
subtype sinus
lifespan 999999
birthrate 999999
updaterate 999999
delay 0
count 0
startsize 32.0
endsize 32.0
startcolor 0xffff0000
endcolor 0xffff0000
turbulence 20.0
texturerate 16.0
size 4.0
frequency 3.0
beam fogstream
material beampulse
subtype sinus
lifespan 999999
birthrate 999999
updaterate 999999
delay 0
count 0
startsize 32.0
endsize 32.0
startcolor 0xff00f155
endcolor 0xff6df99f
turbulence 60.0
texturerate -10.0
size 4.0
frequency 3.0
beam smokebeam
material beamclouds
subtype sinus
lifespan 999999
birthrate 999999
updaterate 999999
delay 0
count 0
startsize 32.0
endsize 32.0
startcolor 0xff808080
endcolor 0xff808080
turbulence 0.0
texturerate 16.0
size 16.0
frequency 4.0
beam smokebeam2
material beamclouds
subtype sinus
lifespan 999999
birthrate 999999
updaterate 999999
delay 0
count 0
startsize 32.0
endsize 32.0
startcolor 0xff808080
endcolor 0xff808080
turbulence 24.0
texturerate 16.0
size 4.0
frequency 4.0
beam bluelightning
material beamelectric
subtype noise
lifespan 500
birthrate 1000
updaterate 10
delay 0
count 0
startsize 24.0
endsize 4.0
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0xff000040
turbulence 24.0
texturerate 64.0
size 16.0
frequency 0.0
beam blueLightningOne
material beamelectric
subtype noise
lifespan 500
birthrate 1000
updaterate 10
delay 0
count 1
startsize 24.0
endsize 4.0
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0xff000040
turbulence 24.0
texturerate 64.0
size 16.0
frequency 0.0
beam blueLightningTwo
material beamelectric
subtype noise
lifespan 1500
birthrate 1000
updaterate 10
delay 0
count 1
startsize 35.0
endsize 8.0
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0xff000040
turbulence 12.0
texturerate 64.0
size 16.0
frequency 0.0
beam blueElecArc
material beamelectric
subtype noise
lifespan 100
birthrate 500
updaterate 100
delay 0
count 0
startsize 10.0
endsize 2.0
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0xff000040
turbulence 8.0
texturerate 64.0
size 8.0
frequency 0.0
beam blueElecArcOne
material beamelectric
subtype noise
lifespan 100
birthrate 500
updaterate 100
delay 0
count 1
startsize 10.0
endsize 2.0
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0xff000040
turbulence 8.0
texturerate 64.0
size 8.0
frequency 0.0
beam redNoiseBeam
material beamelectric
subtype noise
lifespan 999999
birthrate 999999
updaterate 10
delay 0
count 0
startsize 10.0
endsize 10.0
startcolor 0xffff0000
endcolor 0xffff0000
turbulence 8.0
texturerate 64.0
size 8.0
frequency 0.0
beam redLaser
material beamelectric
subtype noise
lifespan 999999
birthrate 999999
updaterate 10
delay 0
count 0
startsize 2.0
endsize 2.0
startcolor 0xffff0000
endcolor 0xffff0000
turbulence 0.0
texturerate 128.0
size 16.0
frequency 0.0
beam greenLaser
material beamelectric
subtype noise
lifespan 999999
birthrate 999999
updaterate 10
delay 0
count 0
startsize 2.0
endsize 2.0
startcolor 0xff00ff00
endcolor 0xff00ff00
turbulence 0.0
texturerate 128.0
size 16.0
frequency 0.0
beam blueLaser
material beamelectric
subtype noise
lifespan 999999
birthrate 999999
updaterate 10
delay 0
count 0
startsize 2.0
endsize 2.0
startcolor 0xff0000ff
endcolor 0xff0000ff
turbulence 0.0
texturerate 128.0
size 16.0
frequency 0.0
beam redDiscoLaser
material beamLaser
subtype noise
lifespan 50
birthrate 300
updaterate 10
delay 0
count 0
startsize 2.0
endsize 2.0
startcolor 0xffff0000
endcolor 0xffff0000
turbulence 0.0
texturerate 128.0
size 16.0
frequency 0.0
beam greenDiscoLaser
material beamLaser
subtype noise
lifespan 50
birthrate 300
updaterate 10
delay 0
count 0
startsize 2.0
endsize 2.0
startcolor 0xff00ff00
endcolor 0xff00ff00
turbulence 0.0
texturerate 128.0
size 16.0
frequency 0.0
beam blueDiscoLaser
material beamLaser
subtype noise
lifespan 50
birthrate 300
updaterate 10
delay 0
count 0
startsize 2.0
endsize 2.0
startcolor 0xff0000ff
endcolor 0xff0000ff
turbulence 0.0
texturerate 128.0
size 16.0
frequency 0.0
; ============================================================================================================
; SHOCK emitters
; special params
; startsize = starting radius of the shockwave
; growthrate = size increase in radius per second
; velocity = movement of shockwave centerpoint
; rotvel = rotational velocity of shockwave (deg/sec)
; count = number of shockwaves to make before stopping (-1 = infinite)
; birthrate = milliseconds between each shockwave if multiple
; ============================================================================================================
shock shocktest
material sawTooth
lifespan 10000
startsize 20
growthrate 10
startcolor 0x80808080
endcolor 0x00000000
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,45,0)
count 5
birthrate 1000
shock shockrings
material shock
lifespan 3000
startsize 20
growthrate 20
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0xff808080
velocity (0,0,100)
rotvel (0,0,0)
count -1
birthrate 500
shock shockwave
material ringOfFire
lifespan 1000
startsize 20
growthrate 300
startcolor 0xff2c5b95
endcolor 0x00000000
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,0,0)
count 1
birthrate 200
shock shockflame
material ringOfFire
lifespan 1000
startsize 20
growthrate 200
startcolor 0xff843701
endcolor 0x00000000
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,0,0)
count 1
birthrate 200
shock shockflamegreen
material ringOfFire
lifespan 1000
startsize 20
growthrate 150
startcolor 0xff2bf315
endcolor 0x00000000
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,0,0)
count 1
birthrate 200
shock invshockwave
material shock
lifespan 1000
startsize 400
growthrate -400
startcolor 0x00000000
endcolor 0xffffffff
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,0,0)
count 1
birthrate 200
shock invshockwave_y
material ringOfFire
lifespan 1000
startsize 400
growthrate -400
startcolor 0x00000000
endcolor 0xfff2cb5f
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,0,0)
count 1
birthrate 200
shock flamewave
material shock
lifespan 1200
startsize 20
growthrate 0
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0x00808080
velocity (0,0,150)
rotvel (0,0,0)
count -1
birthrate 150
; ============================================================================================================
; RING emitters
; special parameters:
; lifespan = duration of each ring in msec
; startsize = starting radius of ring
; growthrate = radius increase per second
; startheight = starting height of ring
; endheight = height of ring at end of life
; velocity = movement of each ring centerpoint
; rotvel = rotational velocity of each ring
; count = how many rings to produce (-1 = infinite)
; birthrate = milliseconds between rings produced
; numsegs = how many segments to use to approximate each ring
; startcolormax = starting color of the top of the ring
; endcolormax = ending color of top of ring
; ============================================================================================================
ring ringtest
material skullFlames
lifespan 1000
startsize 20
growthrate 120
startcolor 0xffff8000
endcolor 0xff000000
startcolormax 0xff0000ff
endcolormax 0xff0000ff
startheight 20
endheight 200
texturerate 10.0
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,-90,0)
count -1
birthrate 1000
numsegs 32
ring ringTower
material blueLightning2
lifespan 800
startsize 80
growthrate -100
startcolor 0x00000000
endcolor 0xffffffff
startheight 20
endheight 800
texturerate 1.0
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,0,0)
count 1
birthrate 1000
numsegs 32
ring ringTowerFlame
material FlameFaces
lifespan 800
startsize 80
growthrate -100
startcolor 0x00000000
endcolor 0xffffffff
startheight 20
endheight 800
texturerate 1.0
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,0,0)
count 1
birthrate 1000
numsegs 32
ring flameRingDisc
material FlameFaces
lifespan 1000
startsize 20
growthrate 150
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0x00000000
startheight 20
endheight 400
texturerate 3.0
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,0,0)
count 1
birthrate 1000
numsegs 32
ring ringOfFlames
material skullFlames
flags 0x1
lifespan 30000
startsize 80
growthrate 0
startcolor 0x80808080
endcolor 0x80808080
startheight 256
endheight 256
texturerate 3.0
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,45,0)
count 1
birthrate 1000
numsegs 32
ring ringOfFlames2
material FlameFaces
flags 0x1
lifespan 10000
startsize 80
growthrate 0
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0xffffffff
startheight 128
endheight 128
texturerate 6.0
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,0,0)
count 1
birthrate 1000
numsegs 32
ring ringOfFlames3
material FlameFaces2
flags 0x1
lifespan 10000
startsize 80
growthrate 0
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0xffffffff
startheight 128
endheight 128
texturerate 3.0
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,-80,0)
count 1
birthrate 1000
numsegs 32
ring electricRing
material BlueLightning
flags 0x1
lifespan 10000
startsize 80
growthrate 0
startcolor 0x80808080
endcolor 0x80808080
startheight 256
endheight 256
texturerate 3.0
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,45,0)
count 1
birthrate 1000
numsegs 32
ring electricRing2
material BlueLightning2
flags 0x1
lifespan 10000
startsize 80
growthrate 0
startcolor 0x80808080
endcolor 0x80808080
startheight 256
endheight 256
texturerate 3.0
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,45,0)
count 1
birthrate 1000
numsegs 32
ring houndsRing
material hounds
flags 0x1
lifespan 10000
startsize 80
growthrate 0
startcolor 0x80808080
endcolor 0x80808080
startheight 256
endheight 256
texturerate 3.0
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,45,0)
count 1
birthrate 1000
numsegs 32
ring wraithRing
material WraithFlames
flags 0x1
lifespan 10000
startsize 80
growthrate 0
startcolor 0x80808080
endcolor 0x80808080
startheight 256
endheight 256
texturerate 3.0
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,45,0)
count 1
birthrate 1000
numsegs 32
ring handsRing
material Hands
flags 0x1
lifespan 10000
startsize 80
growthrate 0
startcolor 0x80808080
endcolor 0x80808080
startheight 256
endheight 256
texturerate 3.0
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,45,0)
count 1
birthrate 1000
numsegs 32
ring energyRing
material energyBurst
flags 0x1
lifespan 10000
startsize 80
growthrate 0
startcolor 0x80808080
endcolor 0x80808080
startheight 256
endheight 256
texturerate 3.0
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,45,0)
count 1
birthrate 1000
numsegs 32
ring energyRingBlue
material energyBurst_b
flags 0x1
lifespan 10000
startsize 80
growthrate 0
startcolor 0x80808080
endcolor 0x80808080
startheight 256
endheight 256
texturerate 3.0
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,45,0)
count 1
birthrate 1000
numsegs 32
ring energyRingGreen
material energyBurst_g
flags 0x1
lifespan 10000
startsize 80
growthrate 0
startcolor 0x80808080
endcolor 0x80808080
startheight 256
endheight 256
texturerate 3.0
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,45,0)
count 1
birthrate 1000
numsegs 32
ring energyRingRed
material energyBurst_r
flags 0x1
lifespan 10000
startsize 80
growthrate 0
startcolor 0x80808080
endcolor 0x80808080
startheight 256
endheight 256
texturerate 3.0
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,45,0)
count 1
birthrate 1000
numsegs 32
ring energyRingYellow
material energyBurst_y
flags 0x1
lifespan 10000
startsize 80
growthrate 0
startcolor 0x80808080
endcolor 0x80808080
startheight 256
endheight 256
texturerate 3.0
velocity (0,0,0)
rotvel (0,45,0)
count 1
birthrate 1000
numsegs 32
; ============================================================================================================
; MAGIC emitters
; startsize = starting size of the particles
; endsize = ending size of the particles
; mindist, maxdist = range for radius radius around pivot
; startcolor, endcolor = particles shift between these colors as they age
; minradius, maxradius = starting radius around pivot randomly dist. between these values
; minspeed, maxspeed = yaw rate around pivot is random between these values (negative is OK, degrees/sec)
; mingrowth, maxgrowth = rate of change of the radius over time (negative ok)
; velocity = movement speed of pivot center
; ============================================================================================================
magic magictest
material smokeSprite
lifespan 2000
birthrate 100
maxparticles 500
startsize 1.0
endsize 15.0
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0x00000000
minradius 10
maxradius 30
minspeed -540
maxspeed 540
mingrowth 10
maxgrowth 25
velocity (0,0,55)
; teleporter effect for Haus de Hexe
magic HausTeleporter
material fireSprite
lifespan 3500
birthrate 50
maxparticles 500
startsize 8.0
endsize 1.0
startcolor 0x00ffffff
endcolor 0xf000080f
minradius 80
maxradius 80
minspeed 300
maxspeed 500
mingrowth -10
maxgrowth -25
velocity (0,0,70)
magic ardanMagic
material LensFlare1_green
lifespan 1000
birthrate 100
maxparticles 300
startsize 14
endsize 5
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0x00ff00ff
minradius 10
maxradius 30
minspeed -540
maxspeed 540
mingrowth 10
maxgrowth 50
velocity (0,0,65)
magic blueMagic
material LensFlare1_blue
lifespan 1000
birthrate 40
maxparticles 500
startsize 14.0
endsize 5.0
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0x002020ff
minradius 10
maxradius 30
minspeed -540
maxspeed 540
mingrowth 10
maxgrowth 25
velocity (0,0,55)
magic yellowMagic
material LensFlare1_yellow
lifespan 1000
birthrate 40
maxparticles 500
startsize 14.0
endsize 5.0
startcolor 0xfffffff4
endcolor 0x00f7ff59
minradius 10
maxradius 30
minspeed -540
maxspeed 540
mingrowth 10
maxgrowth 25
velocity (0,0,55)
magic redMagic
material LensFlare1_red
lifespan 1000
birthrate 40
maxparticles 500
startsize 14.0
endsize 5.0
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0x00800000
minradius 10
maxradius 20
minspeed -240
maxspeed 240
mingrowth 10
maxgrowth 25
velocity (0,0,45)
magic greenMagic
material LensFlare1_green
lifespan 1000
birthrate 40
maxparticles 500
startsize 14.0
endsize 5.0
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0x00008000
minradius 10
maxradius 20
minspeed -240
maxspeed 240
mingrowth 10
maxgrowth 25
velocity (0,0,45)
magic blackMagic
material blackMagic
lifespan 1000
birthrate 40
maxparticles 500
startsize 30.0
endsize 20.0
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0x00000000
minradius 10
maxradius 20
minspeed -240
maxspeed 240
mingrowth 10
maxgrowth 25
velocity (0,0,45)
magic mysticIdleMagic
material LensFlare2_white
lifespan 900
birthrate 40
maxparticles 500
startsize 5.0
endsize 3.0
startcolor 0xff8000ff
endcolor 0x00004000
minradius 15
maxradius 20
minspeed -140
maxspeed 140
mingrowth 10
maxgrowth 25
velocity (0,0,45)
magic mysticGoodMagic
material LensFlare2_white
lifespan 2000
birthrate 40
maxparticles 500
startsize 10.0
endsize 5.0
startcolor 0xff3000ff
endcolor 0x00000000
minradius 10
maxradius 30
minspeed -540
maxspeed 540
mingrowth 10
maxgrowth 25
velocity (0,0,55)
magic mysticBadMagic
material LensFlare2_white
lifespan 2000
birthrate 40
maxparticles 500
startsize 10.0
endsize 5.0
startcolor 0xffff0000
endcolor 0x00000000
minradius 10
maxradius 30
minspeed -540
maxspeed 540
mingrowth 10
maxgrowth 25
velocity (0,0,55)
; TRAIL emitters
; Names must match what is in the template for "modelName" on the weapon
; and the weapon must be tagged as "BLADETRAIL"
; StartPos and Endpos define the endpoints of the trail and must be tweaked for
; each weapon to match the model.
; lifespan = life of the trail.. Longer life = longer trail
; birthrate = how fast to create new segments of the trail (lower value = more accurate trail = more expensive)
; startcolor = color of the newest part of the trail
; endcolor = color of the oldest part of the trail (recommend 0 alpha)
trail bastard
material bladetrail2
startpos (0,20,0)
endpos (0,100,0)
lifespan 150
birthrate 10
startcolor 0xff303030
endcolor 0x00000000
trail arrowTrail
material bladetrail2
flags 0x1
startpos (0,-30,-5)
endpos (0,-30,5)
lifespan 350
birthrate 10
startcolor 0xff303030
endcolor 0x00000000
trail knifeTrail
material bladetrail2
flags 0x1
startpos (0,-8,-5)
endpos (0,-8,5)
lifespan 350
birthrate 10
startcolor 0xff303030
endcolor 0x00000000
trail flameTrail
material bladetrail2
startpos (0,20,0)
endpos (0,100,0)
lifespan 500
birthrate 6
startcolor 0xc0ff8000
endcolor 0x30000000
;startcolor 0xc0bb3500
;endcolor 0x00200000
trail bloodTrail
material bladetrail2
startpos (0,20,0)
endpos (0,100,0)
lifespan 250
birthrate 6
startcolor 0x50500000
endcolor 0x00000000
trail celerityTrail
material bladetrail2
flags 0x1
startpos (0,0,0)
endpos (0,0,60)
lifespan 500
birthrate 6
startcolor 0xff303030
endcolor 0x00000000
; PAD emitters
; Mostly the same params as SHOCK emitters, but the COUNT field must be > 0
; endSize = the size of the pad at its beginning and end
; startSize = the size of the pad while running normally
; growthrate = how fast the pad grows/shrinks at the start/end of the emitter
pad ankhsPad
material ankhs
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff870101
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ankhsPadGreen
material ankhs
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff248265
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ankhsPadRed
material ankhs
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff870101
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ankhsPadYellow
material ankhs
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xfff2cb5f
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ankhs2Pad
material ankhs2
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff2c5b95
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ankhs2PadGreen
material ankhs2
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff248265
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ankhs2PadRed
material ankhs2
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff870101
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ankhs2PadYellow
material ankhs2
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xfff2cb5f
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad dexterityPadBlue
material dexterity
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff2c5b95
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad dexterityPadGreen
material dexterity
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff248265
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad dexterityPadRed
material dexterity
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff870101
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad dexterityPadYellow
material dexterity
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xfff2cb5f
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad dexterity2PadBlue
material dexterity2
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff2c5b95
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad dexterity2PadGreen
material dexterity2
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff248265
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad dexterity2PadRed
material dexterity2
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff870101
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad dexterity2PadYellow
material dexterity2
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xfff2cb5f
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad flamePad
material ringOfFire
startsize 50
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff843701
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad flamePadBlue
material ringOfFire
startsize 50
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff2c5b95
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad flamePadGreen
material ringOfFire
startsize 50
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff248265
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad flamePadRed
material ringOfFire
startsize 50
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff870101
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad flamePadYellow
material ringOfFire
startsize 50
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xfff2cb5f
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad padtest
material shock
startsize 100
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ringOfEyesBlue
material ringOfEyes
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff2c5b95
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ringOfEyesGreen
material ringOfEyes
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff248265
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ringOfEyesRed
material ringOfEyes
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff870101
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ringOfEyesYellow
material ringOfEyes
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xfff2cb5f
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ringOfSerpentsBlue
material ringOfSerpents
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff2c5b95
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ringOfSerpentsGreen
material ringOfSerpents
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff248265
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ringOfSerpentsRed
material ringOfSerpents
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff870101
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ringOfSerpentsYellow
material ringOfSerpents
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xfff2cb5f
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ringOfSkullsBlue
material ringOfSkulls
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff2c5b95
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ringOfSkullsGreen
material ringOfSkulls
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff248265
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ringOfSkullsRed
material ringOfSkulls
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff870101
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ringOfSkullsYellow
material ringOfSkulls
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xfff2cb5f
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ringOfWolvesBlue
material ringOfWolves
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff2c5b95
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ringOfWolvesGreen
material ringOfWolves
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff248265
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ringOfWolvesRed
material ringOfWolves
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff870101
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad ringOfWolvesYellow
material ringOfWolves
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xfff2cb5f
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad rosettePad
material rosette
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff2c5b95
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,-90,0)
pad rosettePadGreen
material rosette
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff248265
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,-90,0)
pad rosettePadRed
material rosette
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff870101
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,-90,0)
pad rosettePadYellow
material rosette
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xfff2cb5f
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,-90,0)
pad sawToothPad
material sawTooth
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff870101
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad sawToothBlueRed
material sawTooth_b_r
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xffffffff
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad sawToothBlue
material sawTooth
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff2c5b95
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad sawToothGreen
material sawTooth
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff248265
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad sawToothYellow
material sawTooth
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xfff2cb5f
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad swirlingSkullsPad
material swirlingSkulls
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff843701
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad swirlingSkullsBlue
material swirlingSkulls
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff2c5b95
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad swirlingSkullsGreen
material swirlingSkulls
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff248265
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad swirlingSkullsRed
material swirlingSkulls
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff870101
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad swirlingSkullsYellow
material swirlingSkulls
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xfff2cb5f
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad thornedRingPad
material thornedRing
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff843701
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad thornedRingBlue
material thornedRing
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff2c5b95
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad thornedRingGreen
material thornedRing
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff248265
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad thornedRingRed
material thornedRing
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff870101
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad thornedRingYellow
material thornedRing
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xfff2cb5f
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
pad thornedRing2Pad
material thornedRing2
startsize 40
endsize 0.1
growthrate 100
startcolor 0xff843701
endcolor 0x00000000
count 1
rotvel (0,90,0)
; OBJECT emitters
; These emitters just create objects using the defined emitter shape and lifeleft parameters
; emitshape = shape of emitters
; emitradius = shape of emtiter
; emitheight = height of emitter
; emitwidth = ' '
; emitdir = shape of emitter
; lifespan = how long each spawned objects lasts (0 = use template setting)
; birthrate = how frequently to create new objects
; template = name of template to spawn
object objecttest
template szlachta_head
lifespan 2000
birthrate 500
emitshape 2
emitRadius 40
object firestorm
template proj_firestorm
lifespan 2000
birthrate 125
emitshape 2
emitRadius 70
; SPURT emitters
; These are for stuff like blood or other steaky sort of directional liquids
; emitshape = shape of emitter
; emitradius
; emitheight
; emitwidth
; emitdir
; lifespan = lifespan of each particle
; material = material for particles
; birthrate = birthrate for new particles (for each streak)
; minbirthrate, maxbirthrate = variable birth rate range
; startsize = starting size of particles
; minstartsize, maxstartsize = varianble startsize range
; startcolor = color of particles
; speed = speed at which particles emerge from the emitter
; minspeed, maxspeed = variable speed range
; gravity = speed of gravity effect on particles
; numgroups = number of simultaneous streaks
; mingroup, maxgroup = min/max life span of each group
spurt testspurt
material bloodspurt
lifespan 6000
numgroups 3
maxparticles 6000
startcolor 0xffdfdfdf
minspeed 110.0
maxspeed 130.0
velocity (0.0,0.0,1.0)
gravity 50.0
velocityvar 0.3
emitshape 2
emitRadius 20
birthrate 500
minstartsize 1.0
maxstartsize 4.0
maxgroup 2000
mingroup 1500
spurt blood0
material bloodspurt
lifespan 3000
numgroups 1
maxparticles 6000
startcolor 0xffdfdfdf
minspeed 200.0
maxspeed 230.0
velocity (0.0,0.0,1.0)
gravity 500.0
velocityvar 0.3
emitshape 2
emitRadius 20
birthrate 500
minstartsize 1.0
maxstartsize 3.0
maxgroup 1500
mingroup 500
spurt headBlood
material bloodspurt
lifespan 3000
numgroups 1
maxparticles 6000
startcolor 0xffdfdfdf
minspeed 20.0
maxspeed 80.0
velocity (0.0,0.0,-1.0)
gravity 300.0
velocityvar 0.3
emitshape 2
emitRadius 1
birthrate 500
minstartsize 1.0
maxstartsize 3.0
maxgroup 1500
mingroup 500
spurt gibBlood
material bloodspurt
lifespan 3000
numgroups 1
maxparticles 6000
startcolor 0xffdfdfdf
minspeed 10.0
maxspeed 30.0
velocity (0.0,0.0,0.0)
gravity 300.0
velocityvar 0.3
emitshape 2
emitRadius 1
birthrate 500
minstartsize 1.0
maxstartsize 3.0
maxgroup 1500
mingroup 500
spurt neckBlood
material bloodspurt
lifespan 600
numgroups 1
maxparticles 6000
startcolor 0xffdfdfdf
minspeed 80.0
maxspeed 120.0
velocity (0.0,0.0,1.0)
gravity 500.0
velocityvar 0.3
emitshape 2
emitRadius 5
birthrate 300
minstartsize 1.0
maxstartsize 3.0
maxgroup 1500
mingroup 500
spurt blooddrip
material bloodspurt
lifespan 500
numgroups 1
maxparticles 100
startcolor 0xffdfdfdf
minspeed 100.0
maxspeed 115.0
velocity (0.0,0.0,-0.5)
gravity 200.0
velocityvar 0.0
emitshape 1
emitRadius 40
birthrate 800
minstartsize 1.0
maxstartsize 2.0
maxgroup 500
mingroup 100
spurt waterspurt
material fireSprite
lifespan 3000
numgroups 4
maxparticles 6000
startcolor 0x806060dc
minspeed 200.0
maxspeed 230.0
velocity (0.0,0.0,6.0)
gravity 300.0
velocityvar 0.6
emitshape 1
emitRadius 40
birthrate 500
minstartsize 1.0
maxstartsize 4.0
maxgroup 1500
mingroup 500
spurt moltenSplash
material fireSprite
lifespan 3000
numgroups 4
maxparticles 6000
startcolor 0xc0bb3500
minspeed 550.0
maxspeed 700.0
velocity (0.0,0.0,1.0)
gravity 750.0
velocityvar 0.2
emitshape 2
emitRadius 16
birthrate 500
minstartsize 10.0
maxstartsize 15.0
maxgroup 1500
mingroup 500
spurt waterdrip
material fireSprite
lifespan 500
numgroups 1
maxparticles 100
startcolor 0x806060dc
minspeed 100.0
maxspeed 115.0
velocity (0.0,0.0,-0.5)
gravity 200.0
velocityvar 0.0
emitshape 1
emitRadius 40
birthrate 800
minstartsize 1.0
maxstartsize 2.0
maxgroup 500
mingroup 100
spurt waterdripregion1
material fireSprite
lifespan 500
numgroups 1
maxparticles 20
startcolor 0x806060dc
minspeed 100.0
maxspeed 115.0
velocity (0.0,0.0,-0.5)
gravity 200.0
velocityvar 0.0
emitshape 2
emitRadius 50
birthrate 500
minstartsize 1.0
maxstartsize 2.0
maxgroup 1000
mingroup 500
; New Moon Greenman spout
spurt NEWM_waterspout
material fireSprite
lifespan 2000
numgroups 1
maxparticles 2000
startcolor 0x806060dc
minspeed 75.0
maxspeed 100.0
velocity (0.0,1.0,0.0)
gravity 375.0
velocityvar 0.0
emitshape 1
emitRadius 40
birthrate 800
minstartsize 1.0
maxstartsize 4.0
maxgroup 1500
mingroup 500
spurt waterspout
material fireSprite
lifespan 2000
numgroups 1
maxparticles 2000
startcolor 0x806060dc
minspeed 200.0
maxspeed 230.0
velocity (0.0,10.0,0.0)
gravity 300.0
velocityvar 0.0
emitshape 1
emitRadius 40
birthrate 800
minstartsize 1.0
maxstartsize 4.0
maxgroup 1500
mingroup 500