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Text File  |  2001-05-10  |  12KB  |  531 lines

  1. ***********************
  2. *                     *
  3. *     Tropico         *             
  4. * Editor Conditions   *
  5. *                     *
  6. * See EDITOR.TXT for  *
  7. * basic editor info   *
  8. *                     *
  9. ***********************
  11. ** There are 4 variables that are unique per event, and only modifibiable/accessible by that event
  12. ** (Useful for keeping sums and such) - the values all default to zero.  They are stored between 
  13. ** executions of a given event - so if an event is run once a month, adding one to a particular 
  14. ** variable, that counter will climb over time
  15. EventVariable1 
  16. EventVariable2
  17. EventVariable3
  18. EventVariable4
  20. ** Group variables work like event variables, except they're stored at a group level.  All
  21. ** events at the same directory level are considered in the same group.  i.e. Everything in the
  22. ** root is one group.  Everything in a given subdirectory is another, and so on.  This is why
  23. ** many of the events in the pre-designed scenarios are organized into subdirectories
  24. GroupVariable1
  25. GroupVariable2
  26. GroupVariable3
  27. GroupVariable4
  29. ** The following two generate a random number with the specified scale
  30. Random0To100
  31. Random0To100000
  33. ** Month is 1 to 12 (January to December)
  34. Month
  35. Year
  36. YearsElapsed
  38. ** Money is the player's national treasury
  39. Money
  42. ** By default, all of the following evaluate to the current year's total, where applicable.
  43. ** Precede with LTD to get a lifetime total (i.e. LTDGSExpMiningWages)
  44. GSRevFarmingUnclassified
  45. GSExpFarmingUnclassified
  46. GSExpFarmingWages
  47. GSExpFarmingMaintenance
  48. GSRevMiningUnclassified
  49. GSExpMiningUnclassified
  50. GSExpMiningWages
  51. GSExpMiningMaintenance
  52. GSRevLoggingUnclassified
  53. GSExpLoggingUnclassified
  54. GSExpLoggingWages
  55. GSExpLoggingMaintenance
  56. GSRevIndustryUnclassified
  57. GSExpIndustryUnclassified
  58. GSExpIndustryRawMaterialsCost
  59. GSExpIndustryWages
  60. GSExpIndustryMaintenance
  61. GSRevTourismUnclassified
  62. GSRevTourismHotelRents
  63. GSRevTourismNonHotelBuildingFees
  64. GSRevTourismLocal
  65. GSRevTourismBankingFees
  66. GSRevTourismTicketFees
  67. GSExpTourismUnclassified
  68. GSExpTourismWages
  69. GSExpTourismMaintenance
  70. GSRevForeignUnclassified
  71. GSRevForeignUsAid
  72. GSRevForeignRussiaAid
  73. GSRevForeignOffshoreOil
  74. GSRevForeignArmyBase
  75. GSExpForeignUnclassified
  76. GSRevMiscMedia
  77. GSRevMiscHousing
  78. GSRevMiscEdicts
  79. GSRevMiscDebug
  80. GSExpMiscUnclassified
  81. GSExpMiscHousing
  82. GSExpMiscWages
  83. GSExpMiscHumanServicesWages
  84. GSExpMiscHumanServicesMaintenance
  85. GSExpMiscWagesInfrastructureWages
  86. GSExpMiscWagesInfrastructureMaintenance
  87. GSExpMiscMaintenance
  88. GSRevSpecUnclassified
  89. GSExpSpecEdicts
  90. GSExpSpecConstructionCosts
  91. GSExpSpecSentToSwissBank
  92. GSExpSpecGamblingLosses
  93. GSUnitsOfFoodProduced
  94. GSUnitsOfFoodEaten
  95. GSAcresUnderHarvest
  96. GSNumberFarmers
  97. GSTonsMined
  98. GSNumberMiners
  99. GSTreesLogged
  100. GSNumberLumberjacks
  101. GSTreeCoverage
  102. GSNumberFactoryWorkers
  103. GSNumberTourists
  104. GSNumberTourismWorkers
  105. GSTourismRatingRaw
  106. GSTourismRatingFinal
  107. GSTourismRatingTrailing
  108. GSTourismRatingProjected
  109. GSAvgTourismEnvironment
  110. GSAvgTourismCrimeSafety
  111. GSAvgTourismAttractions
  112. GSAvgTourismSiteScore
  113. GSTRAUsRelationship
  114. GSTRACharacter
  115. GSTRAPoliticalStability
  116. GSTRAMiscellaneous
  117. GSTotalIslandAcres
  118. GSIncomePerWorker
  119. GSIncomePerWorkerQuintile1
  120. GSIncomePerWorkerQuintile2
  121. GSIncomePerWorkerQuintile3
  122. GSIncomePerWorkerQuintile4
  123. GSIncomePerWorkerQuintile5
  124. GSPoliticalSupportOverall
  125. GSUprisingThreat
  126. GSCoupThreat
  127. GSRebelThreat
  128. GSRussiaThreat
  129. GSUSThreat
  130. GSStabilityOfPower
  131. GSSwissBankSize
  132. GSTreasurySize
  133. GSNumberResidents
  134. GSNumberSoldiers
  135. GSNumberRebels
  136. GSHappyResidents
  137. GSContentResidents
  138. GSUnhappyResidents
  139. GSBuildingsValue
  140. GSBaseScore
  141. GSCoupForRegime
  142. GSCoupAgainstRegime
  143. GSCoupHiding
  144. GSCoupMorale
  145. GSUprisingForRegime
  146. GSUprisingAgainstRegime
  147. GSUprisingHiding
  148. GSUprisingMorale
  149. GSProtesters
  150. GSAverageEducation
  151. GSAverageHousingQuality
  152. GSAverageEntertainmentQuality
  153. GSAverageReligionQuality
  154. GSAverageFoodQuality
  155. GSAverageHealthCareQuality
  156. GSAverageCrimeSafety
  157. GSAverageUnitEnvironment
  158. GSAverageLiberty
  159. GSAverageJobQuality
  160. GSAverageAge
  161. GSAverageRespect
  162. GSAverageRespectMilitary
  163. GSAverageRespectReligion
  164. GSAverageRespectCommunist
  165. GSAverageRespectCapitalist
  166. GSAverageRespectIntellectual
  167. GSAverageRespectEnvironmentalist
  168. GSAverageHappiness
  169. GSBirths
  170. GSDeaths
  171. GSMarriages
  172. GSImmigrants
  173. GSEmmigrants
  174. GSUsRelationship
  175. GSRussiaRelationship
  176. GSExportValueCorn
  177. GSExportValuePapaya
  178. GSExportValueBanana
  179. GSExportValuePineapple
  180. GSExportValueCannedPineapple
  181. GSExportValueCoffee
  182. GSExportValueCannedCoffee
  183. GSExportValueFreezeDriedCoffee
  184. GSExportValueSugar
  185. GSExportValueRum
  186. GSExportValueSpicedRum
  187. GSExportValueTobacco
  188. GSExportValueCigars
  189. GSExportValueMachineCigars
  190. GSExportValueCattle
  191. GSExportValueSmokedCattle
  192. GSExportValueGoat
  193. GSExportValueFish
  194. GSExportValueCannedFish
  195. GSExportValueLogs
  196. GSExportValueLumber
  197. GSExportValueIron
  198. GSExportValueBauxite
  199. GSExportValueGold
  200. GSExportValueJewelry
  201. GSExportValueFineJewelry
  202. GSExportUnitsCorn
  203. GSExportUnitsPapaya
  204. GSExportUnitsBanana
  205. GSExportUnitsPineapple
  206. GSExportUnitsCannedPineapple
  207. GSExportUnitsCoffee
  208. GSExportUnitsCannedCoffee
  209. GSExportUnitsFreezeDriedCoffee
  210. GSExportUnitsSugar
  211. GSExportUnitsRum
  212. GSExportUnitsSpicedRum
  213. GSExportUnitsTobacco
  214. GSExportUnitsCigars
  215. GSExportUnitsMachineCigars
  216. GSExportUnitsCattle
  217. GSExportUnitsSmokedCattle
  218. GSExportUnitsGoat
  219. GSExportUnitsFish
  220. GSExportUnitsCannedFish
  221. GSExportUnitsLogs
  222. GSExportUnitsLumber
  223. GSExportUnitsIron
  224. GSExportUnitsBauxite
  225. GSExportUnitsGold
  226. GSExportUnitsJewelry
  227. GSExportUnitsFineJewelry
  228. GSDummy2
  229. GSDummy3
  230. GSDummy4
  231. GSSleazyTouristBuildingCount
  232. GSRevSpecConvict
  233. GSPrisoners
  234. GSCaribbeanAveragePay
  235. GSDemocracyExpectations
  236. GSDemocracySatisfaction
  237. GSUnitsOfEdibleFoodProduced
  238. GSMealsSkipped
  239. GSPersonalMealReserves
  240. GSGovernmentMealReserves
  241. GSDummyX5
  242. GSDummyX6
  243. GSDummyX7
  244. GSDummyX8
  245. GSDummyX9
  246. GSDummyX10
  247. GSProOverall
  248. GSRevOverall
  249. GSExpOverall
  250. GSProFarming
  251. GSRevFarming
  252. GSExpFarming
  253. GSProMining
  254. GSRevMining
  255. GSExpMining
  256. GSProLogging
  257. GSRevLogging
  258. GSExpLogging
  259. GSProIndustry
  260. GSRevIndustry
  261. GSExpIndustry
  262. GSProTourism
  263. GSRevTourism
  264. GSExpTourism
  265. GSProForeign
  266. GSRevForeign
  267. GSExpForeign
  268. GSProMisc
  269. GSRevMisc
  270. GSExpMisc
  271. GSProSpec
  272. GSRevSpec
  273. GSExpSpec
  274. GSUnitsOfFoodPerFarmer
  275. GSTonsPerMiner
  276. GSTreesPerLumberjack
  277. GSValueAddedByIndustry
  278. GSValueAddedPerFactoryWorker
  279. GSAmountSpentPerTourist
  280. GSIncomeDisparity
  281. GSDifficultyAdjustedScore
  282. GSTRATotal
  283. GSAvgTotalSiteAdjustment
  284. GSPersonalMealReservesPerPerson
  285. GSGovernmentMealReservesPerPerson
  286. GSMealsEatenPerPerson
  287. GSMealsSkippedPerPerson
  288. GSMealsEaten
  289. GSMealsProduced
  290. GSDummy27
  291. GSDummy28
  292. GSDummy29
  293. GSDummy210
  296. ** The following all should only be used if you're evaluating at a per-unit level
  297. ** (using LoopThroughAllUnits)
  298. UnitType
  299. UnitIsImmigrant
  300. UnitIsHomeless
  301. UnitIsJobless
  302. UnitIsUnemployed
  303. UnitIsChild
  304. UnitIsFemale
  305. UnitIsMarried
  307. UnitUIHunger
  308. UnitUIHealthNeed
  309. UnitUIEntertainmentNeed
  310. UnitUIReligiousNeed
  311. UnitUIRestNeed
  312. UnitUISuppression
  313. UnitUILiberty
  314. UnitUIRespectModifier
  315. UnitUIFoodQuality
  316. UnitUIHousingQuality
  317. UnitUIReligiousQuality
  318. UnitUIEntertainmentQuality
  319. UnitUIEnvironmentalQuality
  320. UnitUIHealthCareQuality
  321. UnitUICrimeSafety
  322. UnitUIFactionSupportMilitary
  323. UnitUIFactionSupportReligion
  324. UnitUIFactionSupportCommunism
  325. UnitUIFactionSupportCapitalist
  326. UnitUIFactionSupportIntellectual
  327. UnitUIFactionSupportEnvironmentalist
  328. UnitUIFactionEnvironmentAdjustmentMilitary
  329. UnitUIFactionEnvironmentAdjustmentReligion
  330. UnitUIFactionEnvironmentAdjustmentCommunism
  331. UnitUIFactionEnvironmentAdjustmentCapitalist
  332. UnitUIFactionEnvironmentAdjustmentIntellectual
  333. UnitUIFactionEnvironmentAdjustmentEnvironmentalist
  334. UnitUIFactionEnvironmentAdjustmentOverall
  335. UnitUIForeignerResentment
  336. UnitUIJobQuality
  337. UnitUIRespect
  338. UnitUIPayRelativeToWorld
  339. UnitUIPayRelativeToOtherWorkersOfMyJobType
  340. UnitUIPayRelativeToOtherIslandWorkers
  341. UnitUIPayRelativeToEverything
  342. UnitUIRevoltLikelihood
  343. UnitUIOverallHappiness
  345. UnitAge
  347. ** The following all should only be used if you're evaluating at a per-building level
  348. ** (using LoopThroughAllBuildings)
  349. BldgType
  350. BldgIsHousing
  351. BldgRent
  352. BldgPay
  353. BldgCurrentWorkers
  354. BldgPossibleWorkers
  355. BldgWorkerPercent
  356. BldgOccupiedHousingUnits
  357. BldgPossibleHousingUnits
  358. BldgOccupiedHousingUnitPercent
  359. BldgYtdRevenue
  360. BldgYtdExpenses
  361. BldgYtdProfits
  363. ** The following are useful for determining unitType (i.e. Condition UnitType=UnitTypeCook)
  364. UnitTypeBanker
  365. UnitTypeFarmer
  366. UnitTypeSoldier
  367. UnitTypeDoctor
  368. UnitTypeProfessor
  369. UnitTypeRebel
  370. UnitTypeTeacher
  371. UnitTypeFisherman
  372. UnitTypeMiner
  373. UnitTypeLumberjack
  374. UnitTypeFactoryWorker
  375. UnitTypeProstitute
  376. UnitTypeMaid
  377. UnitTypeCook
  378. UnitTypeDockWorker
  379. UnitTypeSlobTourist
  380. UnitTypetAttendant
  381. UnitTypeBartender
  382. UnitTypeLaborer
  383. UnitTypeTeamster
  384. UnitTypeAthlete
  385. UnitTypePriest
  386. UnitTypePoliceman
  387. UnitTypeShopkeeper
  388. UnitTypeDispatcher
  389. UnitTypePitBoss
  390. UnitTypeBureaucrat
  391. UnitTypeGeneral
  392. UnitTypeEngineer
  393. UnitTypeBishop
  394. UnitTypeJournalist
  395. UnitTypeTourist
  396. UnitTypeunemployed
  397. UnitTypeStudent
  398. UnitTypeChild
  399. UnitTypeMother
  400. UnitTypeRetiree
  401. UnitTypeCow
  402. UnitTypeGoat
  403. UnitTypeCalf
  404. UnitTypeKid
  405. UnitTypeBird
  406. UnitTypeSmallPlane
  407. UnitTypeLargePlane
  408. UnitTypeBoat
  409. UnitTypeFreighter
  410. UnitTypeYacht
  411. UnitTypeGunboatUs
  412. UnitTypeGunboatRussia
  413. UnitTypeBaby
  415. ** The following are useful for determining bldgType (i.e. Condition BldgType=BldgTypeLumberMill)
  416. BldgTypeBarracks
  417. BldgTypeTenement
  418. BldgTypeSpa
  419. BldgTypeApartmentComplex
  420. BldgTypeLuxuryHouse1
  421. BldgTypeBeachSite
  422. BldgTypeFoodProcessingPlant
  423. BldgTypeLumberMill
  424. BldgTypePool
  425. BldgTypeJewelryFactory
  426. BldgTypeFoundry
  427. BldgTypeTennisCourt
  428. BldgTypeOffShoreRig
  429. BldgTypeRumDistillery
  430. BldgTypeCigarFactory
  431. BldgTypeFountain
  432. BldgTypeFarm
  433. BldgTypeScenicOutlook
  434. BldgTypeTrailHead
  435. BldgTypeRanch
  436. BldgTypeGamingArea
  437. BldgTypeDummy
  438. BldgTypeLoggingCamp
  439. BldgTypeMine
  440. BldgTypeCheapHotel
  441. BldgTypehotel
  442. BldgTypeLuxuryHotel
  443. BldgTypeBordello
  444. BldgTypeCasino
  445. BldgTypePub
  446. BldgTypeNightClub
  447. BldgTypeRestaurant
  448. BldgTypeGourmetRestaurant
  449. BldgTypeSouvenirShop
  450. BldgTypeSmallGarden
  451. BldgTypeLargeGarden
  452. BldgTypeArchaelogicalSite
  453. BldgTypeSportsComplex
  454. BldgTypeFishingDockShack
  455. BldgTypePortShack
  456. BldgTypeAirport
  457. BldgTypeArmory
  458. BldgTypeConstructionOffice
  459. BldgTypeVehicleDepot
  460. BldgTypeNewspaper
  461. BldgTypeRadioStation
  462. BldgTypeTvStation
  463. BldgTypeBank
  464. BldgTypeGuardTower
  465. BldgTypePoliceStation
  466. BldgTypeForeignMilitaryBase
  467. BldgTypeElectricSubstation
  468. BldgTypePalace
  469. BldgTypeCustoms
  470. BldgTypeEmbassy
  471. BldgTypePrison
  472. BldgTypeElectricPowerPlant
  473. BldgTypeStatueMilitary
  474. BldgTypeStatueReligious
  475. BldgTypeHealthClinic
  476. BldgTypeHospital
  477. BldgTypeStatueNational
  478. BldgTypeMarketplace
  479. BldgTypeChurch
  480. BldgTypeCathedral
  481. BldgTypeHighSchool
  482. BldgTypeCollege
  483. BldgTypeShack1
  484. BldgTypeShack2
  485. BldgTypeShack3
  486. BldgTypeShack4
  487. BldgTypeHouse1
  488. BldgTypeHouse2
  489. BldgTypeHouse3
  490. BldgTypeHouse4
  491. BldgTypeLuxuryHouse2
  492. BldgTypeLuxuryHouse3
  493. BldgTypeBungalow1
  494. BldgTypeBungalow2
  495. BldgTypeBungalow3
  496. BldgTypePlaza
  497. BldgTypeFarmhouse1
  498. BldgTypeFarmhouse2
  499. BldgTypeFarmhouse3
  500. BldgTypeFarmhouse4
  501. BldgTypeStatueFinancial
  502. BldgTypeStatueSocial
  503. BldgTypeAirportTower
  504. BldgTypeAirportTerminal
  505. BldgTypeAirportTarmacNorth
  506. BldgTypeAirportTarmacMiddle
  507. BldgTypeAirportTarmacSouth
  508. BldgTypePortPierNorth
  509. BldgTypePortPierEast
  510. BldgTypePortPierSouth
  511. BldgTypePortPierWest
  512. BldgTypePortNorth
  513. BldgTypePortEast
  514. BldgTypePortSouth
  515. BldgTypePortWest
  516. BldgTypeFishingDockPierNorth
  517. BldgTypeFishingDockPierEast
  518. BldgTypeFishingDockPierSouth
  519. BldgTypeFishingDockPierWest
  520. BldgTypeFishingDockOuterPiece
  521. BldgTypeFishingDockNorth
  522. BldgTypeFishingDockEast
  523. BldgTypeFishingDockSouth
  524. BldgTypeFishingDockWest
  525. BldgTypeBeachSiteWest
  526. BldgTypeBeachSiteWest
  527. BldgTypeBeachSiteWest
  528. BldgTypeBeachSiteWest
  529. BldgTypeLargeFountain