104 This utility will try to update %s from version %s to %s.
105 Update completed successfully!
106 OK
107 Beginning update.
108 Finishing update.
109 This program will try to update your %s installation from version %s to version %s.\n\nIf you have any difficulty updating, contact Technical Support at support@timegate.com.
110 Update did not complete successfully.
111 %s is already current or more recent than version %s.
112 There is one file to be patched in this update.
113 There are %d files to be patched in this update.
114 Patching %s from %s to %s, file #%d of %d.
115 Update process did not complete. No changes were made to your %s installation.
116 Update utility could not determine version number to patch to.
117 %s: Update version %s to %s
118 Checking for a "%s" installation in %s.
119 This program will try to update your %s installation found in\n%s\nfrom version %s to version %s.\n\nIf you have any difficulty updating, contact Technical Support at support@timegate.com.
120 Unable to determine installed version.
121 %s Update log written to %s.
122 version
123 detected.
124 Update completed successfully, no files needed to be patched.
125 No update will be performed.
126 Your installed version of %s does not match the version this update is designed to patch from.
127 is already up to date with version
128 The version you have installed may be newer than the version this patch was designed to upgrade, or it may be modified or corrupt.
129 File "%s" was not found, it is required for this patch.
130 Check %s for a more recent patch that matches your installed version, which is identified on the initial splash screen, or re-install from your %s CD and patch from there.
131 File "%s" is not the expected version for this patch.
132 Failed
133 is already more recent than version
134 Beginning patch process. This may take several minutes...
135 %s appears to be corrupt or not part of version %s.
136 Update error, terminating with no changes made to your installation.
137 %s patched successfully.
138 No files in your %s version %s installation were modified.
139 %s bytes available on drive %c:, %s bytes required for patch.
140 %s is unexpectedly not consistent with version %s.
141 This program will try to update your %s installation found in\n%s\nfrom %s to version %s.\n\nIf you have any difficulty updating, contact Technical Support at support@timegate.com.
142 This program will update from %s to version %s.
143 %s: Update to version %s
144 This program will update %s from %s to version %s.
145 versions
146 %s %s or %s
147 , or
148 ,
149 Where is %s installed?
150 Warning
151 Installation does not match expected contents, terminating update with no changes applied.
152 File may be already open, close it and re-run patch.
153 %s is not available.
154 Unable to determine if patch completed successfully, since some files were not of the expected version.
155 %s version %s is ready to run on your system.
156 Cancel
157 Patch information invalid, this patcher may have been corrupted.
158 Internal Update error, patch is possibly corrupt.
159 Please wait while additional information about the patch issue is being retrieved...
160 %d qualifying files found, computing checksums...
161 Checksum report complete.
162 Please copy and paste all the text in this box into an email and send it to support@timegate.com, along with a description of the problem.
163 Patching
164 www.timegate.com
165 Done
166 Unable to determine if patch completed successfully, since some files were not of the expected version.