GameStar 2006 March
C/C++ Source or Header
154 lines
Trace model vs. polygonal model collision detection.
Short translations are the least expensive. Retrieving contact points is
about as cheap as a short translation. Position tests are more expensive
and rotations are most expensive.
There is no position test at the start of a translation or rotation. In other
words if a translation with start != end or a rotation with angle != 0 starts
in solid, this goes unnoticed and the collision result is undefined.
A translation with start == end or a rotation with angle == 0 performs
a position test and fills in the trace_t structure accordingly.
// contact type
enum contactType_t {
CONTACT_NONE, // no contact
CONTACT_EDGE, // trace model edge hits model edge
CONTACT_MODELVERTEX, // model vertex hits trace model polygon
CONTACT_TRMVERTEX // trace model vertex hits model polygon
// contact info
struct contactInfo_t {
contactType_t type; // contact type
idVec3 point; // point of contact
idVec3 normal; // contact plane normal
float dist; // contact plane distance
float separation; // contact feature separation at initial position
int contents; // contents at other side of surface
const idMaterial * material; // surface material
int modelFeature; // contact feature on model
int trmFeature; // contact feature on trace model
int entityNum; // entity the contact surface is a part of
int id; // id of clip model the contact surface is part of
// jscott: for material type code
const rvDeclMatType *materialType; // material type of texture (possibly indirected though a hit map)
// trace result
struct trace_t {
float fraction; // fraction of movement completed, 1.0 = didn't hit anything
idVec3 endpos; // final position of trace model
idMat3 endAxis; // final axis of trace model
contactInfo_t c; // contact information, only valid if fraction < 1.0
#define WORLD_MODEL_NAME "worldMap" // name of world model
#define CM_CLIP_EPSILON 0.25f // always stay this distance away from any model
#define CM_BOX_EPSILON 1.0f // should always be larger than clip epsilon
#define CM_MAX_TRACE_DIST 4096.0f // maximum distance a trace model may be traced, point traces are unlimited
// collision model
class idCollisionModel {
virtual ~idCollisionModel() { }
// Returns the name of the model.
virtual const char * GetName( void ) const = 0;
// Gets the bounds of the model.
virtual bool GetBounds( idBounds &bounds ) const = 0;
// Gets all contents flags of brushes and polygons of the model ored together.
virtual bool GetContents( int &contents ) const = 0;
// Gets a vertex of the model.
virtual bool GetVertex( int vertexNum, idVec3 &vertex ) const = 0;
// Gets an edge of the model.
virtual bool GetEdge( int edgeNum, idVec3 &start, idVec3 &end ) const = 0;
// Gets a polygon of the model.
virtual bool GetPolygon( int polygonNum, idFixedWinding &winding ) const = 0;
// collision model manager
class idCollisionModelManager {
virtual ~idCollisionModelManager( void ) {}
virtual void Init( void ) = 0;
virtual void Shutdown( void ) = 0;
// Loads collision models from a map file.
virtual void LoadMap( const idMapFile *mapFile, bool forceReload ) = 0;
// Frees all the collision models for the given map.
virtual void FreeMap( const char *mapName ) = 0;
// Loads a collision model.
virtual idCollisionModel * LoadModel( const char *mapName, const char *modelName ) = 0;
// mwhitlock: conversion from idRenderModel to MD5R fixes (to keep redundant collision surfaces out of the MD5R files).
virtual idCollisionModel * ExtractCollisionModel( idRenderModel *renderModel, const char *modelName ) = 0;
// Precaches a collision model.
virtual void PreCacheModel( const char *mapName, const char *modelName ) = 0;
// Free the given model.
virtual void FreeModel( idCollisionModel *model ) = 0;
// Purge all unused models.
virtual void PurgeModels( void ) = 0;
// Sets up a trace model for collision with other trace models.
virtual idCollisionModel * ModelFromTrm( const char *mapName, const char *modelName, const idTraceModel &trm, const idMaterial *material ) = 0;
// Creates a trace model from a collision model, returns true if succesfull.
virtual bool TrmFromModel( const char *mapName, const char *modelName, idTraceModel &trm ) = 0;
// Creates a trace model for each primitive of the collision model, returns the number of trace models.
virtual int CompoundTrmFromModel( const char *mapName, const char *modelName, idTraceModel *trms, int maxTrms ) = 0;
// Translates a trace model and reports the first collision if any.
virtual void Translation( trace_t *results, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end,
const idTraceModel *trm, const idMat3 &trmAxis, int contentMask,
idCollisionModel *model, const idVec3 &modelOrigin, const idMat3 &modelAxis ) = 0;
// Rotates a trace model and reports the first collision if any.
virtual void Rotation( trace_t *results, const idVec3 &start, const idRotation &rotation,
const idTraceModel *trm, const idMat3 &trmAxis, int contentMask,
idCollisionModel *model, const idVec3 &modelOrigin, const idMat3 &modelAxis ) = 0;
// Returns the contents touched by the trace model or 0 if the trace model is in free space.
virtual int Contents( const idVec3 &start,
const idTraceModel *trm, const idMat3 &trmAxis, int contentMask,
idCollisionModel *model, const idVec3 &modelOrigin, const idMat3 &modelAxis ) = 0;
// Stores all contact points of the trace model with the model, returns the number of contacts.
virtual int Contacts( contactInfo_t *contacts, const int maxContacts, const idVec3 &start, const idVec6 &dir, const float depth,
const idTraceModel *trm, const idMat3 &trmAxis, int contentMask,
idCollisionModel *model, const idVec3 &modelOrigin, const idMat3 &modelAxis ) = 0;
// Tests collision detection.
virtual void DebugOutput( const idVec3 &viewOrigin, const idMat3 &viewAxis ) = 0;
// Draws a model.
virtual void DrawModel( idCollisionModel *model, const idVec3 &modelOrigin, const idMat3 &modelAxis,
const idVec3 &viewOrigin, const idMat3 &viewAxis, const float radius ) = 0;
// Lists all loaded models.
virtual void ListModels( void ) = 0;
// Prints model information, use -1 for accumulated model info.
virtual void ModelInfo( int num ) = 0;
// jscott: added for memory profiling
virtual void PrintMemInfo( MemInfo *mi ) = 0;
// cdr: AASTactical
virtual bool IsLoaded( void ) = 0;
// Writes a collision model file for the given map entity.
virtual bool WriteCollisionModelForMapEntity( const idMapEntity *mapEnt, const char *filename, const bool testTraceModel = true ) = 0;
extern idCollisionModelManager *collisionModelManager;