// arenaDone transitions the blue flash/fade and names of winner/loser. needs values "gui::round" , "gui::bracket" and "gui::winner" (winner is a 1 or 2 value, 1 top 2 bottom)
// arenaDone transitions the blue flash/fade and names of winner/loser. needs values "gui::round" , "gui::bracket" and "gui::winner" (winner is a 1 or 2 value, 1 top 2 bottom)
//arenaFocus sets the green background on bracket, player 1 or player2 using value "gui::sel". ( 0 = bracket, 1 = player1, 2 = player2) arenaFocus also needs "gui::round" and "gui::bracket" values.
//arenaFocus sets the green background on bracket, player 1 or player2 using value "gui::sel". ( 0 = bracket, 1 = player1, 2 = player2) arenaFocus also needs "gui::round" and "gui::bracket" values.