GameStar 2006 March
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#ifndef __BITMSG_H__
#define __BITMSG_H__
Handles byte ordering and avoids alignment errors.
Allows concurrent writing and reading.
The data set with Init is never freed.
class idBitMsg {
~idBitMsg() {}
void Init( byte *data, int length );
void Init( const byte *data, int length );
byte * GetData( void ); // get data for writing
const byte * GetData( void ) const; // get data for reading
const byte * GetReadData( void ) const;
int GetMaxSize( void ) const; // get the maximum message size
void SetAllowOverflow( bool set ); // generate error if not set and message is overflowed
bool IsOverflowed( void ) const; // returns true if the message was overflowed
int GetSize( void ) const; // size of the message in bytes
void SetSize( int size ); // set the message size
int GetWriteBit( void ) const; // get current write bit
void SetWriteBit( int bit ); // set current write bit
int GetNumBitsWritten( void ) const; // returns number of bits written
int GetRemainingSpace( void ) const; // space left in bytes for writing
int GetRemainingWriteBits( void ) const; // space left in bits for writing
void SaveWriteState( int &s, int &b ) const; // save the write state
void RestoreWriteState( int s, int b ); // restore the write state
int GetReadCount( void ) const; // bytes read so far
void SetReadCount( int bytes ); // set the number of bytes and bits read
int GetReadBit( void ) const; // get current read bit
void SetReadBit( int bit ); // set current read bit
int GetNumBitsRead( void ) const; // returns number of bits read
int GetRemainingData( void ) const; // number of bytes left to read
int GetRemainingReadBits( void ) const; // number of bits left to read
void SaveReadState( int &c, int &b ) const; // save the read state
void RestoreReadState( int c, int b ); // restore the read state
void BeginWriting( void ); // begin writing
void WriteByteAlign( void ); // write up to the next byte boundary
void WriteBits( int value, int numBits ); // write the specified number of bits
void WriteChar( int c );
void WriteByte( int c );
void WriteShort( int c );
void WriteLong( int c );
void WriteFloat( float f );
void WriteFloat( float f, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits );
void WriteAngle8( float f );
void WriteAngle16( float f );
void WriteDir( const idVec3 &dir, int numBits );
void WriteString( const char *s, int maxLength = -1 );
void WriteData( const void *data, int length );
void WriteNetadr( const netadr_t adr );
void WriteDeltaChar( int oldValue, int newValue );
void WriteDeltaByte( int oldValue, int newValue );
void WriteDeltaShort( int oldValue, int newValue );
void WriteDeltaLong( int oldValue, int newValue );
void WriteDeltaFloat( float oldValue, float newValue );
void WriteDeltaFloat( float oldValue, float newValue, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits );
void WriteDeltaByteCounter( int oldValue, int newValue );
void WriteDeltaShortCounter( int oldValue, int newValue );
void WriteDeltaLongCounter( int oldValue, int newValue );
bool WriteDeltaDict( const idDict &dict, const idDict *base );
void BeginReading( void ) const; // begin reading.
void ReadByteAlign( void ) const; // read up to the next byte boundary
int ReadBits( int numBits ) const; // read the specified number of bits
int ReadChar( void ) const;
int ReadByte( void ) const;
int ReadShort( void ) const;
int ReadLong( void ) const;
float ReadFloat( void ) const;
float ReadFloat( int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) const;
float ReadAngle8( void ) const;
float ReadAngle16( void ) const;
idVec3 ReadDir( int numBits ) const;
int ReadString( char *buffer, int bufferSize ) const;
int ReadData( void *data, int length ) const;
void ReadNetadr( netadr_t *adr ) const;
int ReadDeltaChar( int oldValue ) const;
int ReadDeltaByte( int oldValue ) const;
int ReadDeltaShort( int oldValue ) const;
int ReadDeltaLong( int oldValue ) const;
float ReadDeltaFloat( float oldValue ) const;
float ReadDeltaFloat( float oldValue, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) const;
int ReadDeltaByteCounter( int oldValue ) const;
int ReadDeltaShortCounter( int oldValue ) const;
int ReadDeltaLongCounter( int oldValue ) const;
bool ReadDeltaDict( idDict &dict, const idDict *base ) const;
static int DirToBits( const idVec3 &dir, int numBits );
static idVec3 BitsToDir( int bits, int numBits );
byte * writeData; // pointer to data for writing
const byte * readData; // pointer to data for reading
int maxSize; // maximum size of message in bytes
int curSize; // current size of message in bytes
int writeBit; // number of bits written to the last written byte
mutable int readCount; // number of bytes read so far
mutable int readBit; // number of bits read from the last read byte
int numValueOverflows; // number of bit value overflows
bool allowOverflow; // if false, generate an error when the message is overflowed
bool overflowed; // set to true if the buffer size failed (with allowOverflow set)
bool CheckOverflow( int numBits );
byte * GetByteSpace( int length );
void WriteDelta( int oldValue, int newValue, int numBits );
int ReadDelta( int oldValue, int numBits ) const;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::Init( byte *data, int length ) {
writeData = data;
readData = data;
maxSize = length;
numValueOverflows = 0;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::Init( const byte *data, int length ) {
writeData = NULL;
readData = data;
maxSize = length;
numValueOverflows = 0;
ID_INLINE byte *idBitMsg::GetData( void ) {
return writeData;
ID_INLINE const byte *idBitMsg::GetData( void ) const {
return readData;
ID_INLINE const byte *idBitMsg::GetReadData( void ) const {
return ( readData + readCount );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetMaxSize( void ) const {
return maxSize;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::SetAllowOverflow( bool set ) {
allowOverflow = set;
ID_INLINE bool idBitMsg::IsOverflowed( void ) const {
return overflowed;
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetSize( void ) const {
return curSize;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::SetSize( int size ) {
if ( size > maxSize ) {
curSize = maxSize;
} else {
curSize = size;
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetWriteBit( void ) const {
return writeBit;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::SetWriteBit( int bit ) {
writeBit = bit & 7;
if ( writeBit ) {
writeData[curSize - 1] &= ( 1 << writeBit ) - 1;
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetNumBitsWritten( void ) const {
// return ( ( curSize << 3 ) - ( writeBit ? 8 - writeBit : 0 ) );
return ( ( curSize << 3 ) - ( ( 8 - writeBit ) & 7 ) );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetRemainingSpace( void ) const {
return maxSize - curSize;
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetRemainingWriteBits( void ) const {
return ( maxSize << 3 ) - GetNumBitsWritten();
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::SaveWriteState( int &s, int &b ) const {
s = curSize;
b = writeBit;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::RestoreWriteState( int s, int b ) {
curSize = s;
writeBit = b & 7;
if ( writeBit ) {
writeData[curSize - 1] &= ( 1 << writeBit ) - 1;
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetReadCount( void ) const {
return readCount;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::SetReadCount( int bytes ) {
readCount = bytes;
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetReadBit( void ) const {
return readBit;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::SetReadBit( int bit ) {
readBit = bit & 7;
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetNumBitsRead( void ) const {
// return ( ( readCount << 3 ) - ( readBit ? 8 - readBit : 0 ) );
return ( ( readCount << 3 ) - ( ( 8 - readBit ) & 7 ) );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetRemainingData( void ) const {
return curSize - readCount;
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetRemainingReadBits( void ) const {
return ( curSize << 3 ) - GetNumBitsRead();
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::SaveReadState( int &c, int &b ) const {
c = readCount;
b = readBit;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::RestoreReadState( int c, int b ) {
readCount = c;
readBit = b & 7;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::BeginWriting( void ) {
curSize = 0;
overflowed = false;
writeBit = 0;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteByteAlign( void ) {
writeBit = 0;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteChar( int c ) {
WriteBits( c, -8 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteByte( int c ) {
WriteBits( c, 8 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteShort( int c ) {
WriteBits( c, -16 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteLong( int c ) {
WriteBits( c, 32 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteFloat( float f ) {
WriteBits( *reinterpret_cast<int *>(&f), 32 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteFloat( float f, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) {
int bits = idMath::FloatToBits( f, exponentBits, mantissaBits );
WriteBits( bits, 1 + exponentBits + mantissaBits );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteAngle8( float f ) {
WriteByte( ANGLE2BYTE( f ) );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteAngle16( float f ) {
WriteShort( ANGLE2SHORT(f) );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteDir( const idVec3 &dir, int numBits ) {
WriteBits( DirToBits( dir, numBits ), numBits );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteDeltaChar( int oldValue, int newValue ) {
WriteDelta( oldValue, newValue, -8 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteDeltaByte( int oldValue, int newValue ) {
WriteDelta( oldValue, newValue, 8 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteDeltaShort( int oldValue, int newValue ) {
WriteDelta( oldValue, newValue, -16 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteDeltaLong( int oldValue, int newValue ) {
WriteDelta( oldValue, newValue, 32 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteDeltaFloat( float oldValue, float newValue ) {
WriteDelta( *reinterpret_cast<int *>(&oldValue), *reinterpret_cast<int *>(&newValue), 32 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteDeltaFloat( float oldValue, float newValue, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) {
int oldBits = idMath::FloatToBits( oldValue, exponentBits, mantissaBits );
int newBits = idMath::FloatToBits( newValue, exponentBits, mantissaBits );
WriteDelta( oldBits, newBits, 1 + exponentBits + mantissaBits );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::BeginReading( void ) const {
readCount = 0;
readBit = 0;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::ReadByteAlign( void ) const {
readBit = 0;
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::ReadChar( void ) const {
return (signed char)ReadBits( -8 );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::ReadByte( void ) const {
return (unsigned char)ReadBits( 8 );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::ReadShort( void ) const {
return (short)ReadBits( -16 );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::ReadLong( void ) const {
return ReadBits( 32 );
ID_INLINE float idBitMsg::ReadFloat( void ) const {
float value;
*reinterpret_cast<int *>(&value) = ReadBits( 32 );
return value;
ID_INLINE float idBitMsg::ReadFloat( int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) const {
int bits = ReadBits( 1 + exponentBits + mantissaBits );
return idMath::BitsToFloat( bits, exponentBits, mantissaBits );
ID_INLINE float idBitMsg::ReadAngle8( void ) const {
return BYTE2ANGLE( ReadByte() );
ID_INLINE float idBitMsg::ReadAngle16( void ) const {
return SHORT2ANGLE( ReadShort() );
ID_INLINE idVec3 idBitMsg::ReadDir( int numBits ) const {
return BitsToDir( ReadBits( numBits ), numBits );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::ReadDeltaChar( int oldValue ) const {
return (signed char)ReadDelta( oldValue, -8 );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::ReadDeltaByte( int oldValue ) const {
return (unsigned char)ReadDelta( oldValue, 8 );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::ReadDeltaShort( int oldValue ) const {
return (short)ReadDelta( oldValue, -16 );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::ReadDeltaLong( int oldValue ) const {
return ReadDelta( oldValue, 32 );
ID_INLINE float idBitMsg::ReadDeltaFloat( float oldValue ) const {
float value;
*reinterpret_cast<int *>(&value) = ReadDelta( *reinterpret_cast<int *>(&oldValue), 32 );
return value;
ID_INLINE float idBitMsg::ReadDeltaFloat( float oldValue, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) const {
int oldBits = idMath::FloatToBits( oldValue, exponentBits, mantissaBits );
int newBits = ReadDelta( oldBits, 1 + exponentBits + mantissaBits );
return idMath::BitsToFloat( newBits, exponentBits, mantissaBits );
class idBitMsgDelta {
~idBitMsgDelta() {}
void InitWriting( const idBitMsg *base, idBitMsg *newBase, idBitMsg *delta );
void InitReading( const idBitMsg *base, idBitMsg *newBase, const idBitMsg *delta );
bool HasChanged( void ) const;
void WriteBits( int value, int numBits );
void WriteChar( int c );
void WriteByte( int c );
void WriteShort( int c );
void WriteLong( int c );
void WriteFloat( float f );
void WriteFloat( float f, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits );
// abahr:
void WriteVec3( const idVec3& v );
void WriteDeltaVec3( const idVec3& oldValue, const idVec3& newValue );
void WriteVec4( const idVec4& v );
void WriteDeltaVec4( const idVec4& oldValue, const idVec4& newValue );
void WriteQuat( const idQuat& q );
void WriteDeltaQuat( const idQuat& oldValue, const idQuat& newValue );
void WriteMat3( const idMat3& m );
void WriteDeltaMat3( const idMat3& oldValue, const idMat3& newValue );
void WriteAngle8( float f );
void WriteAngle16( float f );
void WriteDir( const idVec3 &dir, int numBits );
void WriteString( const char *s, int maxLength = -1 );
void WriteData( const void *data, int length );
void WriteDict( const idDict &dict );
void WriteDeltaChar( int oldValue, int newValue );
void WriteDeltaByte( int oldValue, int newValue );
void WriteDeltaShort( int oldValue, int newValue );
void WriteDeltaLong( int oldValue, int newValue );
void WriteDeltaFloat( float oldValue, float newValue );
void WriteDeltaFloat( float oldValue, float newValue, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits );
void WriteDeltaByteCounter( int oldValue, int newValue );
void WriteDeltaShortCounter( int oldValue, int newValue );
void WriteDeltaLongCounter( int oldValue, int newValue );
int ReadBits( int numBits ) const;
int ReadChar( void ) const;
int ReadByte( void ) const;
int ReadShort( void ) const;
int ReadLong( void ) const;
float ReadFloat( void ) const;
float ReadFloat( int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) const;
// abahr
idVec3 ReadVec3( void ) const;
idVec3 ReadDeltaVec3( const idVec3& oldValue ) const;
idVec4 ReadVec4( void ) const;
idVec4 ReadDeltaVec4( const idVec4& oldValue ) const;
idQuat ReadQuat( void ) const;
idQuat ReadDeltaQuat( const idQuat& oldValue ) const;
idMat3 ReadMat3( void ) const;
idMat3 ReadDeltaMat3( const idMat3& oldValue ) const;
float ReadAngle8( void ) const;
float ReadAngle16( void ) const;
idVec3 ReadDir( int numBits ) const;
void ReadString( char *buffer, int bufferSize ) const;
void ReadData( void *data, int length ) const;
void ReadDict( idDict &dict );
int ReadDeltaChar( int oldValue ) const;
int ReadDeltaByte( int oldValue ) const;
int ReadDeltaShort( int oldValue ) const;
int ReadDeltaLong( int oldValue ) const;
float ReadDeltaFloat( float oldValue ) const;
float ReadDeltaFloat( float oldValue, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) const;
int ReadDeltaByteCounter( int oldValue ) const;
int ReadDeltaShortCounter( int oldValue ) const;
int ReadDeltaLongCounter( int oldValue ) const;
const idBitMsg *base; // base
idBitMsg * newBase; // new base
idBitMsg * writeDelta; // delta from base to new base for writing
const idBitMsg *readDelta; // delta from base to new base for reading
mutable bool changed; // true if the new base is different from the base
void WriteDelta( int oldValue, int newValue, int numBits );
int ReadDelta( int oldValue, int numBits ) const;
ID_INLINE idBitMsgDelta::idBitMsgDelta() {
base = NULL;
newBase = NULL;
writeDelta = NULL;
readDelta = NULL;
changed = false;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::InitWriting( const idBitMsg *base, idBitMsg *newBase, idBitMsg *delta ) {
this->base = base;
this->newBase = newBase;
this->writeDelta = delta;
this->readDelta = delta;
this->changed = false;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::InitReading( const idBitMsg *base, idBitMsg *newBase, const idBitMsg *delta ) {
this->base = base;
this->newBase = newBase;
this->writeDelta = NULL;
this->readDelta = delta;
this->changed = false;
ID_INLINE bool idBitMsgDelta::HasChanged( void ) const {
return changed;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteChar( int c ) {
WriteBits( c, -8 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteByte( int c ) {
WriteBits( c, 8 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteShort( int c ) {
WriteBits( c, -16 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteLong( int c ) {
WriteBits( c, 32 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteFloat( float f ) {
WriteBits( *reinterpret_cast<int *>(&f), 32 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteFloat( float f, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) {
int bits = idMath::FloatToBits( f, exponentBits, mantissaBits );
WriteBits( bits, 1 + exponentBits + mantissaBits );
// abahr
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteVec3( const idVec3& v ) {
for( int ix = 0; ix < v.GetDimension(); ++ix ) {
WriteFloat( v[ix] );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDeltaVec3( const idVec3& oldValue, const idVec3& newValue ) {
for( int ix = 0; ix < oldValue.GetDimension(); ++ix ) {
WriteDeltaFloat( oldValue[ix], newValue[ix] );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteVec4( const idVec4& v ) {
for( int ix = 0; ix < v.GetDimension(); ++ix ) {
WriteFloat( v[ix] );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDeltaVec4( const idVec4& oldValue, const idVec4& newValue ) {
for( int ix = 0; ix < oldValue.GetDimension(); ++ix ) {
WriteDeltaFloat( oldValue[ix], newValue[ix] );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteQuat( const idQuat& q ) {
for( int ix = 0; ix < q.GetDimension(); ++ix ) {
WriteFloat( q[ix] );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDeltaQuat( const idQuat& oldValue, const idQuat& newValue ) {
for( int ix = 0; ix < oldValue.GetDimension(); ++ix ) {
WriteDeltaFloat( oldValue[ix], newValue[ix] );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteMat3( const idMat3& m ) {
for( int ix = 0; ix < m.GetVec3Dimension(); ++ix ) {
WriteVec3( m[ix] );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDeltaMat3( const idMat3& oldValue, const idMat3& newValue ) {
for( int ix = 0; ix < oldValue.GetDimension(); ++ix ) {
WriteDeltaVec3( oldValue[ix], newValue[ix] );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteAngle8( float f ) {
WriteBits( ANGLE2BYTE( f ), 8 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteAngle16( float f ) {
WriteBits( ANGLE2SHORT(f), 16 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDir( const idVec3 &dir, int numBits ) {
WriteBits( idBitMsg::DirToBits( dir, numBits ), numBits );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDeltaChar( int oldValue, int newValue ) {
WriteDelta( oldValue, newValue, -8 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDeltaByte( int oldValue, int newValue ) {
WriteDelta( oldValue, newValue, 8 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDeltaShort( int oldValue, int newValue ) {
WriteDelta( oldValue, newValue, -16 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDeltaLong( int oldValue, int newValue ) {
WriteDelta( oldValue, newValue, 32 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDeltaFloat( float oldValue, float newValue ) {
WriteDelta( *reinterpret_cast<int *>(&oldValue), *reinterpret_cast<int *>(&newValue), 32 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDeltaFloat( float oldValue, float newValue, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) {
int oldBits = idMath::FloatToBits( oldValue, exponentBits, mantissaBits );
int newBits = idMath::FloatToBits( newValue, exponentBits, mantissaBits );
WriteDelta( oldBits, newBits, 1 + exponentBits + mantissaBits );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsgDelta::ReadChar( void ) const {
return (signed char)ReadBits( -8 );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsgDelta::ReadByte( void ) const {
return (unsigned char)ReadBits( 8 );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsgDelta::ReadShort( void ) const {
return (short)ReadBits( -16 );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsgDelta::ReadLong( void ) const {
return ReadBits( 32 );
ID_INLINE float idBitMsgDelta::ReadFloat( void ) const {
float value;
*reinterpret_cast<int *>(&value) = ReadBits( 32 );
return value;
ID_INLINE float idBitMsgDelta::ReadFloat( int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) const {
int bits = ReadBits( 1 + exponentBits + mantissaBits );
return idMath::BitsToFloat( bits, exponentBits, mantissaBits );
// abahr
ID_INLINE idVec3 idBitMsgDelta::ReadVec3() const {
idVec3 v;
for( int ix = 0; ix < v.GetDimension(); ++ix ) {
v[ix] = ReadFloat();
return v;
ID_INLINE idVec3 idBitMsgDelta::ReadDeltaVec3( const idVec3& oldValue ) const {
idVec3 value;
for( int ix = 0; ix < value.GetDimension(); ++ix ) {
value[ix] = ReadDeltaFloat( oldValue[ix] );
return value;
ID_INLINE idVec4 idBitMsgDelta::ReadVec4( void ) const {
idVec4 v;
for( int ix = 0; ix < v.GetDimension(); ++ix ) {
v[ix] = ReadFloat();
return v;
ID_INLINE idVec4 idBitMsgDelta::ReadDeltaVec4( const idVec4& oldValue ) const {
idVec4 value;
for( int ix = 0; ix < value.GetDimension(); ++ix ) {
value[ix] = ReadDeltaFloat( oldValue[ix] );
return value;
ID_INLINE idQuat idBitMsgDelta::ReadQuat( void ) const {
idQuat q;
for( int ix = 0; ix < q.GetDimension(); ++ix ) {
q[ix] = ReadFloat();
return q;
ID_INLINE idQuat idBitMsgDelta::ReadDeltaQuat( const idQuat& oldValue ) const {
idQuat value;
for( int ix = 0; ix < value.GetDimension(); ++ix ) {
value[ix] = ReadDeltaFloat( oldValue[ix] );
return value;
ID_INLINE idMat3 idBitMsgDelta::ReadMat3() const {
idMat3 m;
for( int ix = 0; ix < m.GetVec3Dimension(); ++ix ) {
m[ix] = ReadVec3();
return m;
ID_INLINE idMat3 idBitMsgDelta::ReadDeltaMat3( const idMat3& oldValue ) const {
idMat3 value;
for( int ix = 0; ix < value.GetVec3Dimension(); ++ix ) {
value[ix] = ReadDeltaVec3( oldValue[ix] );
return value;
ID_INLINE float idBitMsgDelta::ReadAngle8( void ) const {
return BYTE2ANGLE( ReadByte() );
ID_INLINE float idBitMsgDelta::ReadAngle16( void ) const {
return SHORT2ANGLE( ReadShort() );
ID_INLINE idVec3 idBitMsgDelta::ReadDir( int numBits ) const {
return idBitMsg::BitsToDir( ReadBits( numBits ), numBits );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsgDelta::ReadDeltaChar( int oldValue ) const {
return (signed char)ReadDelta( oldValue, -8 );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsgDelta::ReadDeltaByte( int oldValue ) const {
return (unsigned char)ReadDelta( oldValue, 8 );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsgDelta::ReadDeltaShort( int oldValue ) const {
return (short)ReadDelta( oldValue, -16 );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsgDelta::ReadDeltaLong( int oldValue ) const {
return ReadDelta( oldValue, 32 );
ID_INLINE float idBitMsgDelta::ReadDeltaFloat( float oldValue ) const {
float value;
*reinterpret_cast<int *>(&value) = ReadDelta( *reinterpret_cast<int *>(&oldValue), 32 );
return value;
ID_INLINE float idBitMsgDelta::ReadDeltaFloat( float oldValue, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) const {
int oldBits = idMath::FloatToBits( oldValue, exponentBits, mantissaBits );
int newBits = ReadDelta( oldBits, 1 + exponentBits + mantissaBits );
return idMath::BitsToFloat( newBits, exponentBits, mantissaBits );
#define MAX_MSG_QUEUE_SIZE 16384 // must be a power of 2
class idMsgQueue {
void Init( int sequence );
bool Add( const byte *data, const int size, bool sequencing );
// rjohnson: added check for data overflow
bool Get( byte *data, int dataSize, int &size, bool sequencing );
int GetTotalSize( void ) const;
int GetSpaceLeft( void ) const;
int GetFirst( void ) const { return first; }
int GetLast( void ) const { return last; }
void CopyToBuffer( byte *buf ) const;
void FlushTo( idBitMsg &msg );
void ReadFrom( const idBitMsg &msg );
void Save( idFile *file ) const;
void Restore( idFile *file );
byte buffer[MAX_MSG_QUEUE_SIZE];
int first; // sequence number of first message in queue
int last; // sequence number of last message in queue
int startIndex; // index pointing to the first byte of the first message
int endIndex; // index pointing to the first byte after the last message
void WriteByte( byte b );
byte ReadByte( void );
void WriteShort( int s );
int ReadShort( void );
void WriteLong( int l );
int ReadLong( void );
void WriteData( const byte *data, const int size );
void ReadData( byte *data, const int size );
#endif /* !__BITMSG_H__ */