GameStar 2006 March
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#ifndef __MATH_CURVE_H__
#define __MATH_CURVE_H__
Curve base template.
template< class type >
class idCurve {
idCurve( void );
virtual ~idCurve( void );
virtual int AddValue( const float time, const type &value );
virtual void RemoveIndex( const int index ) { values.RemoveIndex(index); times.RemoveIndex(index); changed = true; }
virtual void Clear( void ) { values.Clear(); times.Clear(); currentIndex = -1; changed = true; }
virtual type GetCurrentValue( const float time ) const;
virtual type GetCurrentFirstDerivative( const float time ) const;
virtual type GetCurrentSecondDerivative( const float time ) const;
virtual bool IsDone( const float time ) const;
// jscott: added
void SetGranularity( int gran ) { times.SetGranularity( gran ); values.SetGranularity( gran ); }
int GetNumValues( void ) const { return values.Num(); }
void SetValue( const int index, const type &value ) { values[index] = value; changed = true; }
type GetValue( const int index ) const { return values[index]; }
type * GetValueAddress( const int index ) { return &values[index]; }
float GetTime( const int index ) const { return times[index]; }
float GetLengthForTime( const float time ) const;
float GetTimeForLength( const float length, const float epsilon = 0.1f ) const;
float GetLengthBetweenKnots( const int i0, const int i1 ) const;
void MakeUniform( const float totalTime );
void SetConstantSpeed( const float totalTime );
void ShiftTime( const float deltaTime );
void Translate( const type &translation );
// ddynerman: spline joining
virtual bool Weld( idCurve<type>* c ) const;
idList<float> times; // knots
idList<type> values; // knot values
mutable int currentIndex; // cached index for fast lookup
mutable bool changed; // set whenever the curve changes
int IndexForTime( const float time ) const;
float TimeForIndex( const int index ) const;
type ValueForIndex( const int index ) const;
float GetSpeed( const float time ) const;
float RombergIntegral( const float t0, const float t1, const int order ) const;
template< class type >
ID_INLINE idCurve<type>::idCurve( void ) {
currentIndex = -1;
changed = false;
template< class type >
ID_INLINE idCurve<type>::~idCurve( void ) {
add a timed/value pair to the spline
returns the index to the inserted pair
template< class type >
ID_INLINE int idCurve<type>::AddValue( const float time, const type &value ) {
int i;
i = IndexForTime( time );
times.Insert( time, i );
values.Insert( value, i );
changed = true;
return i;
get the value for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve<type>::GetCurrentValue( const float time ) const {
int i;
i = IndexForTime( time );
if ( i >= values.Num() ) {
return values[values.Num() - 1];
} else {
return values[i];
get the first derivative for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative( const float time ) const {
return ( values[0] - values[0] );
get the second derivative for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative( const float time ) const {
return ( values[0] - values[0] );
template< class type >
ID_INLINE bool idCurve<type>::IsDone( const float time ) const {
return ( time >= times[ times.Num() - 1 ] );
template< class type >
ID_INLINE float idCurve<type>::GetSpeed( const float time ) const {
int i;
float speed;
type value;
value = GetCurrentFirstDerivative( time );
for ( speed = 0.0f, i = 0; i < value.GetDimension(); i++ ) {
speed += value[i] * value[i];
return idMath::Sqrt( speed );
template< class type >
ID_INLINE float idCurve<type>::RombergIntegral( const float t0, const float t1, const int order ) const {
int i, j, k, m, n;
float sum, delta;
float *temp[2];
temp[0] = (float *) _alloca16( order * sizeof( float ) );
temp[1] = (float *) _alloca16( order * sizeof( float ) );
delta = t1 - t0;
temp[0][0] = 0.5f * delta * ( GetSpeed( t0 ) + GetSpeed( t1 ) );
for ( i = 2, m = 1; i <= order; i++, m *= 2, delta *= 0.5f ) {
// approximate using the trapezoid rule
sum = 0.0f;
for ( j = 1; j <= m; j++ ) {
sum += GetSpeed( t0 + delta * ( j - 0.5f ) );
// Richardson extrapolation
temp[1][0] = 0.5f * ( temp[0][0] + delta * sum );
for ( k = 1, n = 4; k < i; k++, n *= 4 ) {
temp[1][k] = ( n * temp[1][k-1] - temp[0][k-1] ) / ( n - 1 );
for ( j = 0; j < i; j++ ) {
temp[0][j] = temp[1][j];
return temp[0][order-1];
template< class type >
ID_INLINE float idCurve<type>::GetLengthBetweenKnots( const int i0, const int i1 ) const {
float length = 0.0f;
for ( int i = i0; i < i1; i++ ) {
length += RombergIntegral( times[i], times[i+1], 5 );
return length;
template< class type >
ID_INLINE float idCurve<type>::GetLengthForTime( const float time ) const {
float length = 0.0f;
int index = IndexForTime( time );
for ( int i = 0; i < index; i++ ) {
length += RombergIntegral( times[i], times[i+1], 5 );
length += RombergIntegral( times[index], time, 5 );
return length;
template< class type >
ID_INLINE float idCurve<type>::GetTimeForLength( const float length, const float epsilon ) const {
int i, index;
float *accumLength, totalLength, len0, len1, t, diff;
if ( length <= 0.0f ) {
return times[0];
accumLength = (float *) _alloca16( values.Num() * sizeof( float ) );
totalLength = 0.0f;
for ( index = 0; index < values.Num() - 1; index++ ) {
totalLength += GetLengthBetweenKnots( index, index + 1 );
accumLength[index] = totalLength;
if ( length < accumLength[index] ) {
if ( index >= values.Num() - 1 ) {
return times[times.Num() - 1];
if ( index == 0 ) {
len0 = length;
len1 = accumLength[0];
} else {
len0 = length - accumLength[index-1];
len1 = accumLength[index] - accumLength[index-1];
// invert the arc length integral using Newton's method
t = ( times[index+1] - times[index] ) * len0 / len1;
for ( i = 0; i < 32; i++ ) {
diff = RombergIntegral( times[index], times[index] + t, 5 ) - len0;
if ( idMath::Fabs( diff ) <= epsilon ) {
return times[index] + t;
t -= diff / GetSpeed( times[index] + t );
return times[index] + t;
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve<type>::MakeUniform( const float totalTime ) {
int i, n;
n = times.Num() - 1;
for ( i = 0; i <= n; i++ ) {
times[i] = i * totalTime / n;
changed = true;
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve<type>::SetConstantSpeed( const float totalTime ) {
// bdube: fixed warning
int i;
float *length, totalLength, scale, t;
length = (float *) _alloca16( values.Num() * sizeof( float ) );
totalLength = 0.0f;
for ( i = 0; i < values.Num() - 1; i++ ) {
length[i] = GetLengthBetweenKnots( i, i + 1 );
totalLength += length[i];
scale = totalTime / totalLength;
for ( t = 0.0f, i = 0; i < times.Num() - 1; i++ ) {
times[i] = t;
t += scale * length[i];
times[times.Num() - 1] = totalTime;
changed = true;
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve<type>::ShiftTime( const float deltaTime ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < times.Num(); i++ ) {
times[i] += deltaTime;
changed = true;
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve<type>::Translate( const type &translation ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < values.Num(); i++ ) {
values[i] += translation;
changed = true;
find the index for the first time greater than or equal to the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE int idCurve<type>::IndexForTime( const float time ) const {
int len, mid, offset, res;
if ( currentIndex >= 0 && currentIndex <= times.Num() ) {
// use the cached index if it is still valid
if ( currentIndex == 0 ) {
if ( time <= times[currentIndex] ) {
return currentIndex;
} else if ( currentIndex == times.Num() ) {
if ( time > times[currentIndex-1] ) {
return currentIndex;
} else if ( time > times[currentIndex-1] && time <= times[currentIndex] ) {
return currentIndex;
} else if ( time > times[currentIndex] && ( currentIndex+1 == times.Num() || time <= times[currentIndex+1] ) ) {
// use the next index
return currentIndex;
// use binary search to find the index for the given time
len = times.Num();
mid = len;
offset = 0;
res = 0;
while( mid > 0 ) {
mid = len >> 1;
if ( time == times[offset+mid] ) {
return offset+mid;
} else if ( time > times[offset+mid] ) {
offset += mid;
len -= mid;
res = 1;
} else {
len -= mid;
res = 0;
currentIndex = offset+res;
return currentIndex;
get the value for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve<type>::ValueForIndex( const int index ) const {
int n = values.Num()-1;
if ( index < 0 ) {
return values[0] + index * ( values[1] - values[0] );
} else if ( index > n ) {
return values[n] + ( index - n ) * ( values[n] - values[n-1] );
return values[index];
get the value for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE float idCurve<type>::TimeForIndex( const int index ) const {
int n = times.Num()-1;
if ( index < 0 ) {
return times[0] + index * ( times[1] - times[0] );
} else if ( index > n ) {
return times[n] + ( index - n ) * ( times[n] - times[n-1] );
return times[index];
// ddynerman: spline welding
Weld splines, implementation specific - parent version does nothing
template< class type >
ID_INLINE bool idCurve<type>::Weld( idCurve<type>* c ) const {
return false;
Bezier Curve template.
The degree of the polynomial equals the number of knots minus one.
template< class type >
class idCurve_Bezier : public idCurve<type> {
idCurve_Bezier( void );
virtual type GetCurrentValue( const float time ) const;
virtual type GetCurrentFirstDerivative( const float time ) const;
virtual type GetCurrentSecondDerivative( const float time ) const;
void Basis( const int order, const float t, float *bvals ) const;
void BasisFirstDerivative( const int order, const float t, float *bvals ) const;
void BasisSecondDerivative( const int order, const float t, float *bvals ) const;
template< class type >
ID_INLINE idCurve_Bezier<type>::idCurve_Bezier( void ) {
get the value for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_Bezier<type>::GetCurrentValue( const float time ) const {
int i;
float *bvals;
type v;
bvals = (float *) _alloca16( values.Num() * sizeof( float ) );
Basis( values.Num(), time, bvals );
v = bvals[0] * values[0];
for ( i = 1; i < values.Num(); i++ ) {
v += bvals[i] * values[i];
return v;
get the first derivative for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_Bezier<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative( const float time ) const {
int i;
float *bvals, d;
type v;
bvals = (float *) _alloca16( values.Num() * sizeof( float ) );
BasisFirstDerivative( values.Num(), time, bvals );
v = bvals[0] * values[0];
for ( i = 1; i < values.Num(); i++ ) {
v += bvals[i] * values[i];
d = ( times[times.Num()-1] - times[0] );
return ( (float) (values.Num()-1) / d ) * v;
get the second derivative for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_Bezier<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative( const float time ) const {
int i;
float *bvals, d;
type v;
bvals = (float *) _alloca16( values.Num() * sizeof( float ) );
BasisSecondDerivative( values.Num(), time, bvals );
v = bvals[0] * values[0];
for ( i = 1; i < values.Num(); i++ ) {
v += bvals[i] * values[i];
d = ( times[times.Num()-1] - times[0] );
return ( (float) (values.Num()-2) * (values.Num()-1) / ( d * d ) ) * v;
bezier basis functions
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_Bezier<type>::Basis( const int order, const float t, float *bvals ) const {
int i, j, d;
float *c, c1, c2, s, o, ps, po;
bvals[0] = 1.0f;
d = order - 1;
if ( d <= 0 ) {
c = (float *) _alloca16( (d+1) * sizeof( float ) );
s = (float) ( t - times[0] ) / ( times[times.Num()-1] - times[0] );
o = 1.0f - s;
ps = s;
po = o;
for ( i = 1; i < d; i++ ) {
c[i] = 1.0f;
for ( i = 1; i < d; i++ ) {
c[i-1] = 0.0f;
c1 = c[i];
c[i] = 1.0f;
for ( j = i+1; j <= d; j++ ) {
c2 = c[j];
c[j] = c1 + c[j-1];
c1 = c2;
bvals[i] = c[d] * ps;
ps *= s;
for ( i = d-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
bvals[i] *= po;
po *= o;
bvals[d] = ps;
first derivative of bezier basis functions
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_Bezier<type>::BasisFirstDerivative( const int order, const float t, float *bvals ) const {
int i;
Basis( order-1, t, bvals+1 );
bvals[0] = 0.0f;
for ( i = 0; i < order-1; i++ ) {
bvals[i] -= bvals[i+1];
second derivative of bezier basis functions
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_Bezier<type>::BasisSecondDerivative( const int order, const float t, float *bvals ) const {
int i;
BasisFirstDerivative( order-1, t, bvals+1 );
bvals[0] = 0.0f;
for ( i = 0; i < order-1; i++ ) {
bvals[i] -= bvals[i+1];
Quadratic Bezier Curve template.
Should always have exactly three knots.
template< class type >
class idCurve_QuadraticBezier : public idCurve<type> {
idCurve_QuadraticBezier( void );
virtual type GetCurrentValue( const float time ) const;
virtual type GetCurrentFirstDerivative( const float time ) const;
virtual type GetCurrentSecondDerivative( const float time ) const;
void Basis( const float t, float *bvals ) const;
void BasisFirstDerivative( const float t, float *bvals ) const;
void BasisSecondDerivative( const float t, float *bvals ) const;
template< class type >
ID_INLINE idCurve_QuadraticBezier<type>::idCurve_QuadraticBezier( void ) {
get the value for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_QuadraticBezier<type>::GetCurrentValue( const float time ) const {
float bvals[3];
assert( values.Num() == 3 );
Basis( time, bvals );
return ( bvals[0] * values[0] + bvals[1] * values[1] + bvals[2] * values[2] );
get the first derivative for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_QuadraticBezier<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative( const float time ) const {
float bvals[3], d;
assert( values.Num() == 3 );
BasisFirstDerivative( time, bvals );
d = ( times[2] - times[0] );
return ( bvals[0] * values[0] + bvals[1] * values[1] + bvals[2] * values[2] ) / d;
get the second derivative for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_QuadraticBezier<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative( const float time ) const {
float bvals[3], d;
assert( values.Num() == 3 );
BasisSecondDerivative( time, bvals );
d = ( times[2] - times[0] );
return ( bvals[0] * values[0] + bvals[1] * values[1] + bvals[2] * values[2] ) / ( d * d );
quadratic bezier basis functions
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_QuadraticBezier<type>::Basis( const float t, float *bvals ) const {
float s1 = (float) ( t - times[0] ) / ( times[2] - times[0] );
float s2 = s1 * s1;
bvals[0] = s2 - 2.0f * s1 + 1.0f;
bvals[1] = -2.0f * s2 + 2.0f * s1;
bvals[2] = s2;
first derivative of quadratic bezier basis functions
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_QuadraticBezier<type>::BasisFirstDerivative( const float t, float *bvals ) const {
float s1 = (float) ( t - times[0] ) / ( times[2] - times[0] );
bvals[0] = 2.0f * s1 - 2.0f;
bvals[1] = -4.0f * s1 + 2.0f;
bvals[2] = 2.0f * s1;
second derivative of quadratic bezier basis functions
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_QuadraticBezier<type>::BasisSecondDerivative( const float t, float *bvals ) const {
float s1 = (float) ( t - times[0] ) / ( times[2] - times[0] );
bvals[0] = 2.0f;
bvals[1] = -4.0f;
bvals[2] = 2.0f;
Cubic Bezier Curve template.
Should always have exactly four knots.
template< class type >
class idCurve_CubicBezier : public idCurve<type> {
idCurve_CubicBezier( void );
virtual type GetCurrentValue( const float time ) const;
virtual type GetCurrentFirstDerivative( const float time ) const;
virtual type GetCurrentSecondDerivative( const float time ) const;
void Basis( const float t, float *bvals ) const;
void BasisFirstDerivative( const float t, float *bvals ) const;
void BasisSecondDerivative( const float t, float *bvals ) const;
template< class type >
ID_INLINE idCurve_CubicBezier<type>::idCurve_CubicBezier( void ) {
get the value for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_CubicBezier<type>::GetCurrentValue( const float time ) const {
float bvals[4];
assert( values.Num() == 4 );
Basis( time, bvals );
return ( bvals[0] * values[0] + bvals[1] * values[1] + bvals[2] * values[2] + bvals[3] * values[3] );
get the first derivative for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_CubicBezier<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative( const float time ) const {
float bvals[4], d;
assert( values.Num() == 4 );
BasisFirstDerivative( time, bvals );
d = ( times[3] - times[0] );
return ( bvals[0] * values[0] + bvals[1] * values[1] + bvals[2] * values[2] + bvals[3] * values[3] ) / d;
get the second derivative for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_CubicBezier<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative( const float time ) const {
float bvals[4], d;
assert( values.Num() == 4 );
BasisSecondDerivative( time, bvals );
d = ( times[3] - times[0] );
return ( bvals[0] * values[0] + bvals[1] * values[1] + bvals[2] * values[2] + bvals[3] * values[3] ) / ( d * d );
cubic bezier basis functions
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_CubicBezier<type>::Basis( const float t, float *bvals ) const {
float s1 = (float) ( t - times[0] ) / ( times[3] - times[0] );
float s2 = s1 * s1;
float s3 = s2 * s1;
bvals[0] = -s3 + 3.0f * s2 - 3.0f * s1 + 1.0f;
bvals[1] = 3.0f * s3 - 6.0f * s2 + 3.0f * s1;
bvals[2] = -3.0f * s3 + 3.0f * s2;
bvals[3] = s3;
first derivative of cubic bezier basis functions
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_CubicBezier<type>::BasisFirstDerivative( const float t, float *bvals ) const {
float s1 = (float) ( t - times[0] ) / ( times[3] - times[0] );
float s2 = s1 * s1;
bvals[0] = -3.0f * s2 + 6.0f * s1 - 3.0f;
bvals[1] = 9.0f * s2 - 12.0f * s1 + 3.0f;
bvals[2] = -9.0f * s2 + 6.0f * s1;
bvals[3] = 3.0f * s2;
second derivative of cubic bezier basis functions
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_CubicBezier<type>::BasisSecondDerivative( const float t, float *bvals ) const {
float s1 = (float) ( t - times[0] ) / ( times[3] - times[0] );
bvals[0] = -6.0f * s1 + 6.0f;
bvals[1] = 18.0f * s1 - 12.0f;
bvals[2] = -18.0f * s1 + 6.0f;
bvals[3] = 6.0f * s1;
Spline base template.
template< class type >
class idCurve_Spline : public idCurve<type> {
enum boundary_t { BT_FREE, BT_CLAMPED, BT_CLOSED };
idCurve_Spline( void );
virtual bool IsDone( const float time ) const;
virtual void SetBoundaryType( const boundary_t bt ) { boundaryType = bt; changed = true; }
virtual boundary_t GetBoundaryType( void ) const { return boundaryType; }
virtual void SetCloseTime( const float t ) { closeTime = t; changed = true; }
// jsinger: changed to be const so that we can call it during binary serialization
virtual float GetCloseTime( void ) const { return boundaryType == BT_CLOSED ? closeTime : 0.0f; }
boundary_t boundaryType;
float closeTime;
type ValueForIndex( const int index ) const;
float TimeForIndex( const int index ) const;
float ClampedTime( const float t ) const;
template< class type >
ID_INLINE idCurve_Spline<type>::idCurve_Spline( void ) {
boundaryType = BT_FREE;
closeTime = 0.0f;
get the value for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_Spline<type>::ValueForIndex( const int index ) const {
int n = values.Num()-1;
if ( index < 0 ) {
if ( boundaryType == BT_CLOSED ) {
return values[ values.Num() + index % values.Num() ];
else {
return values[0] + (float)index * ( values[1] - values[0] );
else if ( index > n ) {
if ( boundaryType == BT_CLOSED ) {
return values[ index % values.Num() ];
else {
return values[n] + (float)( index - n ) * ( values[n] - values[n-1] );
return values[index];
get the value for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE float idCurve_Spline<type>::TimeForIndex( const int index ) const {
int n = times.Num()-1;
if ( index < 0 ) {
if ( boundaryType == BT_CLOSED ) {
return ( index / times.Num() ) * ( times[n] + closeTime ) - ( times[n] + closeTime - times[times.Num() + index % times.Num()] );
else {
return times[0] + index * ( times[1] - times[0] );
else if ( index > n ) {
if ( boundaryType == BT_CLOSED ) {
return ( index / times.Num() ) * ( times[n] + closeTime ) + times[index % times.Num()];
else {
return times[n] + ( index - n ) * ( times[n] - times[n-1] );
return times[index];
return the clamped time based on the boundary type
template< class type >
ID_INLINE float idCurve_Spline<type>::ClampedTime( const float t ) const {
if ( boundaryType == BT_CLAMPED ) {
if ( t < times[0] ) {
return times[0];
else if ( t >= times[times.Num()-1] ) {
return times[times.Num()-1];
return t;
template< class type >
ID_INLINE bool idCurve_Spline<type>::IsDone( const float time ) const {
return ( boundaryType != BT_CLOSED && time >= times[ times.Num() - 1 ] );
Cubic Interpolating Spline template.
The curve goes through all the knots.
template< class type >
class idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline : public idCurve_Spline<type> {
idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline( void );
virtual void Clear( void ) { idCurve_Spline<type>::Clear(); values.Clear(); b.Clear(); c.Clear(); d.Clear(); }
virtual type GetCurrentValue( const float time ) const;
virtual type GetCurrentFirstDerivative( const float time ) const;
virtual type GetCurrentSecondDerivative( const float time ) const;
mutable idList<type>b;
mutable idList<type>c;
mutable idList<type>d;
void Setup( void ) const;
void SetupFree( void ) const;
void SetupClamped( void ) const;
void SetupClosed( void ) const;
template< class type >
ID_INLINE idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline( void ) {
get the value for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::GetCurrentValue( const float time ) const {
float clampedTime = ClampedTime( time );
int i = IndexForTime( clampedTime );
float s = time - TimeForIndex( i );
return ( values[i] + s * ( b[i] + s * ( c[i] + s * d[i] ) ) );
get the first derivative for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative( const float time ) const {
float clampedTime = ClampedTime( time );
int i = IndexForTime( clampedTime );
float s = time - TimeForIndex( i );
return ( b[i] + s * ( 2.0f * c[i] + 3.0f * s * d[i] ) );
get the second derivative for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative( const float time ) const {
float clampedTime = ClampedTime( time );
int i = IndexForTime( clampedTime );
float s = time - TimeForIndex( i );
return ( 2.0f * c[i] + 6.0f * s * d[i] );
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::Setup( void ) const {
if ( changed ) {
switch( boundaryType ) {
case BT_FREE: SetupFree(); break;
case BT_CLAMPED: SetupClamped(); break;
case BT_CLOSED: SetupClosed(); break;
changed = false;
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::SetupFree( void ) const {
int i;
float inv;
float *d0, *d1, *beta, *gamma;
type *alpha, *delta;
d0 = (float *) _alloca16( ( values.Num() - 1 ) * sizeof( float ) );
d1 = (float *) _alloca16( ( values.Num() - 1 ) * sizeof( float ) );
alpha = (type *) _alloca16( ( values.Num() - 1 ) * sizeof( type ) );
beta = (float *) _alloca16( values.Num() * sizeof( float ) );
gamma = (float *) _alloca16( ( values.Num() - 1 ) * sizeof( float ) );
delta = (type *) _alloca16( values.Num() * sizeof( type ) );
for ( i = 0; i < values.Num() - 1; i++ ) {
d0[i] = times[i+1] - times[i];
for ( i = 1; i < values.Num() - 1; i++ ) {
d1[i] = times[i+1] - times[i-1];
for ( i = 1; i < values.Num() - 1; i++ ) {
type sum = 3.0f * ( d0[i-1] * values[i+1] - d1[i] * values[i] + d0[i] * values[i-1] );
inv = 1.0f / ( d0[i-1] * d0[i] );
alpha[i] = inv * sum;
beta[0] = 1.0f;
gamma[0] = 0.0f;
delta[0] = values[0] - values[0];
for ( i = 1; i < values.Num() - 1; i++ ) {
beta[i] = 2.0f * d1[i] - d0[i-1] * gamma[i-1];
inv = 1.0f / beta[i];
gamma[i] = inv * d0[i];
delta[i] = inv * ( alpha[i] - d0[i-1] * delta[i-1] );
beta[values.Num() - 1] = 1.0f;
delta[values.Num() - 1] = values[0] - values[0];
b.AssureSize( values.Num() );
c.AssureSize( values.Num() );
d.AssureSize( values.Num() );
c[values.Num() - 1] = values[0] - values[0];
for ( i = values.Num() - 2; i >= 0; i-- ) {
c[i] = delta[i] - gamma[i] * c[i+1];
inv = 1.0f / d0[i];
b[i] = inv * ( values[i+1] - values[i] ) - ( 1.0f / 3.0f ) * d0[i] * ( c[i+1] + 2.0f * c[i] );
d[i] = ( 1.0f / 3.0f ) * inv * ( c[i+1] - c[i] );
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::SetupClamped( void ) const {
int i;
float inv;
float *d0, *d1, *beta, *gamma;
type *alpha, *delta;
d0 = (float *) _alloca16( ( values.Num() - 1 ) * sizeof( float ) );
d1 = (float *) _alloca16( ( values.Num() - 1 ) * sizeof( float ) );
alpha = (type *) _alloca16( ( values.Num() - 1 ) * sizeof( type ) );
beta = (float *) _alloca16( values.Num() * sizeof( float ) );
gamma = (float *) _alloca16( ( values.Num() - 1 ) * sizeof( float ) );
delta = (type *) _alloca16( values.Num() * sizeof( type ) );
for ( i = 0; i < values.Num() - 1; i++ ) {
d0[i] = times[i+1] - times[i];
for ( i = 1; i < values.Num() - 1; i++ ) {
d1[i] = times[i+1] - times[i-1];
inv = 1.0f / d0[0];
alpha[0] = 3.0f * ( inv - 1.0f ) * ( values[1] - values[0] );
inv = 1.0f / d0[values.Num() - 2];
alpha[values.Num() - 1] = 3.0f * ( 1.0f - inv ) * ( values[values.Num() - 1] - values[values.Num() - 2] );
for ( i = 1; i < values.Num() - 1; i++ ) {
type sum = 3.0f * ( d0[i-1] * values[i+1] - d1[i] * values[i] + d0[i] * values[i-1] );
inv = 1.0f / ( d0[i-1] * d0[i] );
alpha[i] = inv * sum;
beta[0] = 2.0f * d0[0];
gamma[0] = 0.5f;
inv = 1.0f / beta[0];
delta[0] = inv * alpha[0];
for ( i = 1; i < values.Num() - 1; i++ ) {
beta[i] = 2.0f * d1[i] - d0[i-1] * gamma[i-1];
inv = 1.0f / beta[i];
gamma[i] = inv * d0[i];
delta[i] = inv * ( alpha[i] - d0[i-1] * delta[i-1] );
beta[values.Num() - 1] = d0[values.Num() - 2] * ( 2.0f - gamma[values.Num() - 2] );
inv = 1.0f / beta[values.Num() - 1];
delta[values.Num() - 1] = inv * ( alpha[values.Num() - 1] - d0[values.Num() - 2] * delta[values.Num() - 2] );
b.AssureSize( values.Num() );
c.AssureSize( values.Num() );
d.AssureSize( values.Num() );
c[values.Num() - 1] = delta[values.Num() - 1];
for ( i = values.Num() - 2; i >= 0; i-- ) {
c[i] = delta[i] - gamma[i] * c[i+1];
inv = 1.0f / d0[i];
b[i] = inv * ( values[i+1] - values[i] ) - ( 1.0f / 3.0f ) * d0[i]* ( c[i+1] + 2.0f * c[i] );
d[i] = ( 1.0f / 3.0f ) * inv * ( c[i+1] - c[i] );
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::SetupClosed( void ) const {
int i, j;
float c0, c1;
float *d0;
idMatX mat;
idVecX x;
d0 = (float *) _alloca16( ( values.Num() - 1 ) * sizeof( float ) );
x.SetData( values.Num(), VECX_ALLOCA( values.Num() ) );
mat.SetData( values.Num(), values.Num(), MATX_ALLOCA( values.Num() * values.Num() ) );
b.AssureSize( values.Num() );
c.AssureSize( values.Num() );
d.AssureSize( values.Num() );
for ( i = 0; i < values.Num() - 1; i++ ) {
d0[i] = times[i+1] - times[i];
// matrix of system
mat[0][0] = 1.0f;
mat[0][values.Num() - 1] = -1.0f;
for ( i = 1; i <= values.Num() - 2; i++ ) {
mat[i][i-1] = d0[i-1];
mat[i][i ] = 2.0f * ( d0[i-1] + d0[i] );
mat[i][i+1] = d0[i];
mat[values.Num() - 1][values.Num() - 2] = d0[values.Num() - 2];
mat[values.Num() - 1][0] = 2.0f * ( d0[values.Num() - 2] + d0[0] );
mat[values.Num() - 1][1] = d0[0];
// right-hand side
for ( i = 1; i <= values.Num() - 2; i++ ) {
c0 = 1.0f / d0[i];
c1 = 1.0f / d0[i-1];
c[i] = 3.0f * ( c0 * ( values[i + 1] - values[i] ) - c1 * ( values[i] - values[i - 1] ) );
c0 = 1.0f / d0[0];
c1 = 1.0f / d0[values.Num() - 2];
c[values.Num() - 1] = 3.0f * ( c0 * ( values[1] - values[0] ) - c1 * ( values[0] - values[values.Num() - 2] ) );
// solve system for each dimension
mat.LU_Factor( NULL );
for ( i = 0; i < values[0].GetDimension(); i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < values.Num(); j++ ) {
x[j] = c[j][i];
mat.LU_Solve( x, x, NULL );
for ( j = 0; j < values.Num(); j++ ) {
c[j][i] = x[j];
for ( i = 0; i < values.Num() - 1; i++ ) {
c0 = 1.0f / d0[i];
b[i] = c0 * ( values[i + 1] - values[i] ) - ( 1.0f / 3.0f ) * ( c[i+1] + 2.0f * c[i] ) * d0[i];
d[i] = ( 1.0f / 3.0f ) * c0 * ( c[i + 1] - c[i] );
Uniform Cubic Interpolating Spline template.
The curve goes through all the knots.
template< class type >
class idCurve_CatmullRomSpline : public idCurve_Spline<type> {
idCurve_CatmullRomSpline( void );
virtual type GetCurrentValue( const float time ) const;
virtual type GetCurrentFirstDerivative( const float time ) const;
virtual type GetCurrentSecondDerivative( const float time ) const;
void Basis( const int index, const float t, float *bvals ) const;
void BasisFirstDerivative( const int index, const float t, float *bvals ) const;
void BasisSecondDerivative( const int index, const float t, float *bvals ) const;
template< class type >
ID_INLINE idCurve_CatmullRomSpline<type>::idCurve_CatmullRomSpline( void ) {
get the value for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_CatmullRomSpline<type>::GetCurrentValue( const float time ) const {
int i, j, k;
float bvals[4], clampedTime;
type v;
if ( times.Num() == 1 ) {
return values[0];
clampedTime = ClampedTime( time );
i = IndexForTime( clampedTime );
Basis( i-1, clampedTime, bvals );
v = values[0] - values[0];
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
k = i + j - 2;
v += bvals[j] * ValueForIndex( k );
return v;
get the first derivative for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_CatmullRomSpline<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative( const float time ) const {
int i, j, k;
float bvals[4], d, clampedTime;
type v;
if ( times.Num() == 1 ) {
return ( values[0] - values[0] );
clampedTime = ClampedTime( time );
i = IndexForTime( clampedTime );
BasisFirstDerivative( i-1, clampedTime, bvals );
v = values[0] - values[0];
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
k = i + j - 2;
v += bvals[j] * ValueForIndex( k );
d = ( TimeForIndex( i ) - TimeForIndex( i-1 ) );
return v / d;
get the second derivative for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_CatmullRomSpline<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative( const float time ) const {
int i, j, k;
float bvals[4], d, clampedTime;
type v;
if ( times.Num() == 1 ) {
return ( values[0] - values[0] );
clampedTime = ClampedTime( time );
i = IndexForTime( clampedTime );
BasisSecondDerivative( i-1, clampedTime, bvals );
v = values[0] - values[0];
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
k = i + j - 2;
v += bvals[j] * ValueForIndex( k );
d = ( TimeForIndex( i ) - TimeForIndex( i-1 ) );
return v / ( d * d );
spline basis functions
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_CatmullRomSpline<type>::Basis( const int index, const float t, float *bvals ) const {
float s = (float) ( t - TimeForIndex( index ) ) / ( TimeForIndex( index+1 ) - TimeForIndex( index ) );
bvals[0] = ( ( -s + 2.0f ) * s - 1.0f ) * s * 0.5f; // -0.5f s * s * s + s * s - 0.5f * s
bvals[1] = ( ( ( 3.0f * s - 5.0f ) * s ) * s + 2.0f ) * 0.5f; // 1.5f * s * s * s - 2.5f * s * s + 1.0f
bvals[2] = ( ( -3.0f * s + 4.0f ) * s + 1.0f ) * s * 0.5f; // -1.5f * s * s * s - 2.0f * s * s + 0.5f s
bvals[3] = ( ( s - 1.0f ) * s * s ) * 0.5f; // 0.5f * s * s * s - 0.5f * s * s
first derivative of spline basis functions
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_CatmullRomSpline<type>::BasisFirstDerivative( const int index, const float t, float *bvals ) const {
float s = (float) ( t - TimeForIndex( index ) ) / ( TimeForIndex( index+1 ) - TimeForIndex( index ) );
bvals[0] = ( -1.5f * s + 2.0f ) * s - 0.5f; // -1.5f * s * s + 2.0f * s - 0.5f
bvals[1] = ( 4.5f * s - 5.0f ) * s; // 4.5f * s * s - 5.0f * s
bvals[2] = ( -4.5 * s + 4.0f ) * s + 0.5f; // -4.5 * s * s + 4.0f * s + 0.5f
bvals[3] = 1.5f * s * s - s; // 1.5f * s * s - s
second derivative of spline basis functions
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_CatmullRomSpline<type>::BasisSecondDerivative( const int index, const float t, float *bvals ) const {
float s = (float) ( t - TimeForIndex( index ) ) / ( TimeForIndex( index+1 ) - TimeForIndex( index ) );
bvals[0] = -3.0f * s + 2.0f;
bvals[1] = 9.0f * s - 5.0f;
bvals[2] = -9.0f * s + 4.0f;
bvals[3] = 3.0f * s - 1.0f;
Cubic Interpolating Spline template.
The curve goes through all the knots.
The curve becomes the Catmull-Rom spline if the tension,
continuity and bias are all set to zero.
template< class type >
class idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline : public idCurve_Spline<type> {
idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline( void );
virtual int AddValue( const float time, const type &value );
virtual int AddValue( const float time, const type &value, const float tension, const float continuity, const float bias );
virtual void RemoveIndex( const int index ) { values.RemoveIndex(index); times.RemoveIndex(index); tension.RemoveIndex(index); continuity.RemoveIndex(index); bias.RemoveIndex(index); }
virtual void Clear( void ) { values.Clear(); times.Clear(); tension.Clear(); continuity.Clear(); bias.Clear(); currentIndex = -1; }
virtual type GetCurrentValue( const float time ) const;
virtual type GetCurrentFirstDerivative( const float time ) const;
virtual type GetCurrentSecondDerivative( const float time ) const;
idList<float> tension;
idList<float> continuity;
idList<float> bias;
void TangentsForIndex( const int index, type &t0, type &t1 ) const;
void Basis( const int index, const float t, float *bvals ) const;
void BasisFirstDerivative( const int index, const float t, float *bvals ) const;
void BasisSecondDerivative( const int index, const float t, float *bvals ) const;
template< class type >
ID_INLINE idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline( void ) {
add a timed/value pair to the spline
returns the index to the inserted pair
template< class type >
ID_INLINE int idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::AddValue( const float time, const type &value ) {
int i;
i = IndexForTime( time );
times.Insert( time, i );
values.Insert( value, i );
tension.Insert( 0.0f, i );
continuity.Insert( 0.0f, i );
bias.Insert( 0.0f, i );
return i;
add a timed/value pair to the spline
returns the index to the inserted pair
template< class type >
ID_INLINE int idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::AddValue( const float time, const type &value, const float tension, const float continuity, const float bias ) {
int i;
i = IndexForTime( time );
this->times.Insert( time, i );
this->values.Insert( value, i );
this->tension.Insert( tension, i );
this->continuity.Insert( continuity, i );
this->bias.Insert( bias, i );
return i;
get the value for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::GetCurrentValue( const float time ) const {
int i;
float bvals[4], clampedTime;
type v, t0, t1;
if ( times.Num() == 1 ) {
return values[0];
clampedTime = ClampedTime( time );
i = IndexForTime( clampedTime );
TangentsForIndex( i - 1, t0, t1 );
Basis( i - 1, clampedTime, bvals );
v = bvals[0] * ValueForIndex( i - 1 );
v += bvals[1] * ValueForIndex( i );
v += bvals[2] * t0;
v += bvals[3] * t1;
return v;
get the first derivative for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative( const float time ) const {
int i;
float bvals[4], d, clampedTime;
type v, t0, t1;
if ( times.Num() == 1 ) {
return ( values[0] - values[0] );
clampedTime = ClampedTime( time );
i = IndexForTime( clampedTime );
TangentsForIndex( i - 1, t0, t1 );
BasisFirstDerivative( i - 1, clampedTime, bvals );
v = bvals[0] * ValueForIndex( i - 1 );
v += bvals[1] * ValueForIndex( i );
v += bvals[2] * t0;
v += bvals[3] * t1;
d = ( TimeForIndex( i ) - TimeForIndex( i-1 ) );
return v / d;
get the second derivative for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative( const float time ) const {
int i;
float bvals[4], d, clampedTime;
type v, t0, t1;
if ( times.Num() == 1 ) {
return ( values[0] - values[0] );
clampedTime = ClampedTime( time );
i = IndexForTime( clampedTime );
TangentsForIndex( i - 1, t0, t1 );
BasisSecondDerivative( i - 1, clampedTime, bvals );
v = bvals[0] * ValueForIndex( i - 1 );
v += bvals[1] * ValueForIndex( i );
v += bvals[2] * t0;
v += bvals[3] * t1;
d = ( TimeForIndex( i ) - TimeForIndex( i-1 ) );
return v / ( d * d );
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::TangentsForIndex( const int index, type &t0, type &t1 ) const {
float dt, omt, omc, opc, omb, opb, adj, s0, s1;
type delta;
delta = ValueForIndex( index + 1 ) - ValueForIndex( index );
dt = TimeForIndex( index + 1 ) - TimeForIndex( index );
omt = 1.0f - tension[index];
omc = 1.0f - continuity[index];
opc = 1.0f + continuity[index];
omb = 1.0f - bias[index];
opb = 1.0f + bias[index];
adj = 2.0f * dt / ( TimeForIndex( index + 1 ) - TimeForIndex( index - 1 ) );
s0 = 0.5f * adj * omt * opc * opb;
s1 = 0.5f * adj * omt * omc * omb;
// outgoing tangent at first point
t0 = s1 * delta + s0 * ( ValueForIndex( index ) - ValueForIndex( index - 1 ) );
omt = 1.0f - tension[index + 1];
omc = 1.0f - continuity[index + 1];
opc = 1.0f + continuity[index + 1];
omb = 1.0f - bias[index + 1];
opb = 1.0f + bias[index + 1];
adj = 2.0f * dt / ( TimeForIndex( index + 2 ) - TimeForIndex( index ) );
s0 = 0.5f * adj * omt * omc * opb;
s1 = 0.5f * adj * omt * opc * omb;
// incoming tangent at second point
t1 = s1 * ( ValueForIndex( index + 2 ) - ValueForIndex( index + 1 ) ) + s0 * delta;
spline basis functions
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::Basis( const int index, const float t, float *bvals ) const {
float s = (float) ( t - TimeForIndex( index ) ) / ( TimeForIndex( index+1 ) - TimeForIndex( index ) );
bvals[0] = ( ( 2.0f * s - 3.0f ) * s ) * s + 1.0f; // 2.0f * s * s * s - 3.0f * s * s + 1.0f
bvals[1] = ( ( -2.0f * s + 3.0f ) * s ) * s; // -2.0f * s * s * s + 3.0f * s * s
bvals[2] = ( ( s - 2.0f ) * s ) * s + s; // s * s * s - 2.0f * s * s + s
bvals[3] = ( ( s - 1.0f ) * s ) * s; // s * s * s - s * s
first derivative of spline basis functions
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::BasisFirstDerivative( const int index, const float t, float *bvals ) const {
float s = (float) ( t - TimeForIndex( index ) ) / ( TimeForIndex( index+1 ) - TimeForIndex( index ) );
bvals[0] = ( 6.0f * s - 6.0f ) * s; // 6.0f * s * s - 6.0f * s
bvals[1] = ( -6.0f * s + 6.0f ) * s; // -6.0f * s * s + 6.0f * s
bvals[2] = ( 3.0f * s - 4.0f ) * s + 1.0f; // 3.0f * s * s - 4.0f * s + 1.0f
bvals[3] = ( 3.0f * s - 2.0f ) * s; // 3.0f * s * s - 2.0f * s
second derivative of spline basis functions
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::BasisSecondDerivative( const int index, const float t, float *bvals ) const {
float s = (float) ( t - TimeForIndex( index ) ) / ( TimeForIndex( index+1 ) - TimeForIndex( index ) );
bvals[0] = 12.0f * s - 6.0f;
bvals[1] = -12.0f * s + 6.0f;
bvals[2] = 6.0f * s - 4.0f;
bvals[3] = 6.0f * s - 2.0f;
B-Spline base template. Uses recursive definition and is slow.
Use idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline or idCurve_NonUniformBSpline instead.
template< class type >
class idCurve_BSpline : public idCurve_Spline<type> {
idCurve_BSpline( void );
virtual int GetOrder( void ) const { return order; }
virtual void SetOrder( const int i ) { assert( i > 0 && i < 10 ); order = i; }
virtual type GetCurrentValue( const float time ) const;
virtual type GetCurrentFirstDerivative( const float time ) const;
virtual type GetCurrentSecondDerivative( const float time ) const;
int order;
float Basis( const int index, const int order, const float t ) const;
float BasisFirstDerivative( const int index, const int order, const float t ) const;
float BasisSecondDerivative( const int index, const int order, const float t ) const;
template< class type >
ID_INLINE idCurve_BSpline<type>::idCurve_BSpline( void ) {
order = 4; // default to cubic
get the value for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_BSpline<type>::GetCurrentValue( const float time ) const {
int i, j, k;
float clampedTime;
type v;
if ( times.Num() == 1 ) {
return values[0];
clampedTime = ClampedTime( time );
i = IndexForTime( clampedTime );
v = values[0] - values[0];
for ( j = 0; j < order; j++ ) {
k = i + j - ( order >> 1 );
v += Basis( k-2, order, clampedTime ) * ValueForIndex( k );
return v;
get the first derivative for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_BSpline<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative( const float time ) const {
int i, j, k;
float clampedTime;
type v;
if ( times.Num() == 1 ) {
return values[0];
clampedTime = ClampedTime( time );
i = IndexForTime( clampedTime );
v = values[0] - values[0];
for ( j = 0; j < order; j++ ) {
k = i + j - ( order >> 1 );
v += BasisFirstDerivative( k-2, order, clampedTime ) * ValueForIndex( k );
return v;
get the second derivative for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_BSpline<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative( const float time ) const {
int i, j, k;
float clampedTime;
type v;
if ( times.Num() == 1 ) {
return values[0];
clampedTime = ClampedTime( time );
i = IndexForTime( clampedTime );
v = values[0] - values[0];
for ( j = 0; j < order; j++ ) {
k = i + j - ( order >> 1 );
v += BasisSecondDerivative( k-2, order, clampedTime ) * ValueForIndex( k );
return v;
spline basis function
template< class type >
ID_INLINE float idCurve_BSpline<type>::Basis( const int index, const int order, const float t ) const {
if ( order <= 1 ) {
if ( TimeForIndex( index ) < t && t <= TimeForIndex( index + 1 ) ) {
return 1.0f;
} else {
return 0.0f;
} else {
float sum = 0.0f;
float d1 = TimeForIndex( index+order-1 ) - TimeForIndex( index );
if ( d1 != 0.0f ) {
sum += (float) ( t - TimeForIndex( index ) ) * Basis( index, order-1, t ) / d1;
float d2 = TimeForIndex( index+order ) - TimeForIndex( index+1 );
if ( d2 != 0.0f ) {
sum += (float) ( TimeForIndex( index+order ) - t ) * Basis( index+1, order-1, t ) / d2;
return sum;
first derivative of spline basis function
template< class type >
ID_INLINE float idCurve_BSpline<type>::BasisFirstDerivative( const int index, const int order, const float t ) const {
return ( Basis( index, order-1, t ) - Basis( index+1, order-1, t ) ) *
(float) ( order - 1 ) / ( TimeForIndex( index + ( order - 1 ) - 2 ) - TimeForIndex( index - 2 ) );
second derivative of spline basis function
template< class type >
ID_INLINE float idCurve_BSpline<type>::BasisSecondDerivative( const int index, const int order, const float t ) const {
return ( BasisFirstDerivative( index, order-1, t ) - BasisFirstDerivative( index+1, order-1, t ) ) *
(float) ( order - 1 ) / ( TimeForIndex( index + ( order - 1 ) - 2 ) - TimeForIndex( index - 2 ) );
Uniform Non-Rational Cubic B-Spline template.
template< class type >
class idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline : public idCurve_BSpline<type> {
idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline( void );
virtual type GetCurrentValue( const float time ) const;
virtual type GetCurrentFirstDerivative( const float time ) const;
virtual type GetCurrentSecondDerivative( const float time ) const;
void Basis( const int index, const float t, float *bvals ) const;
void BasisFirstDerivative( const int index, const float t, float *bvals ) const;
void BasisSecondDerivative( const int index, const float t, float *bvals ) const;
template< class type >
ID_INLINE idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline<type>::idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline( void ) {
order = 4; // always cubic
get the value for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline<type>::GetCurrentValue( const float time ) const {
int i, j, k;
float bvals[4], clampedTime;
type v;
if ( times.Num() == 1 ) {
return values[0];
clampedTime = ClampedTime( time );
i = IndexForTime( clampedTime );
Basis( i-1, clampedTime, bvals );
v = values[0] - values[0];
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
k = i + j - 2;
v += bvals[j] * ValueForIndex( k );
return v;
get the first derivative for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative( const float time ) const {
int i, j, k;
float bvals[4], d, clampedTime;
type v;
if ( times.Num() == 1 ) {
return ( values[0] - values[0] );
clampedTime = ClampedTime( time );
i = IndexForTime( clampedTime );
BasisFirstDerivative( i-1, clampedTime, bvals );
v = values[0] - values[0];
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
k = i + j - 2;
v += bvals[j] * ValueForIndex( k );
d = ( TimeForIndex( i ) - TimeForIndex( i-1 ) );
return v / d;
get the second derivative for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative( const float time ) const {
int i, j, k;
float bvals[4], d, clampedTime;
type v;
if ( times.Num() == 1 ) {
return ( values[0] - values[0] );
clampedTime = ClampedTime( time );
i = IndexForTime( clampedTime );
BasisSecondDerivative( i-1, clampedTime, bvals );
v = values[0] - values[0];
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
k = i + j - 2;
v += bvals[j] * ValueForIndex( k );
d = ( TimeForIndex( i ) - TimeForIndex( i-1 ) );
return v / ( d * d );
spline basis functions
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline<type>::Basis( const int index, const float t, float *bvals ) const {
float s = (float) ( t - TimeForIndex( index ) ) / ( TimeForIndex( index+1 ) - TimeForIndex( index ) );
bvals[0] = ( ( ( -s + 3.0f ) * s - 3.0f ) * s + 1.0f ) * ( 1.0f / 6.0f );
bvals[1] = ( ( ( 3.0f * s - 6.0f ) * s ) * s + 4.0f ) * ( 1.0f / 6.0f );
bvals[2] = ( ( ( -3.0f * s + 3.0f ) * s + 3.0f ) * s + 1.0f ) * ( 1.0f / 6.0f );
bvals[3] = ( s * s * s ) * ( 1.0f / 6.0f );
first derivative of spline basis functions
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline<type>::BasisFirstDerivative( const int index, const float t, float *bvals ) const {
float s = (float) ( t - TimeForIndex( index ) ) / ( TimeForIndex( index+1 ) - TimeForIndex( index ) );
bvals[0] = -0.5f * s * s + s - 0.5f;
bvals[1] = 1.5f * s * s - 2.0f * s;
bvals[2] = -1.5f * s * s + s + 0.5f;
bvals[3] = 0.5f * s * s;
second derivative of spline basis functions
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline<type>::BasisSecondDerivative( const int index, const float t, float *bvals ) const {
float s = (float) ( t - TimeForIndex( index ) ) / ( TimeForIndex( index+1 ) - TimeForIndex( index ) );
bvals[0] = -s + 1.0f;
bvals[1] = 3.0f * s - 2.0f;
bvals[2] = -3.0f * s + 1.0f;
bvals[3] = s;
Non-Uniform Non-Rational B-Spline (NUBS) template.
template< class type >
class idCurve_NonUniformBSpline : public idCurve_BSpline<type> {
idCurve_NonUniformBSpline( void );
virtual type GetCurrentValue( const float time ) const;
virtual type GetCurrentFirstDerivative( const float time ) const;
virtual type GetCurrentSecondDerivative( const float time ) const;
// ddynerman: spline welding
virtual bool Weld( idCurve<type>* c ) const;
void Basis( const int index, const int order, const float t, float *bvals ) const;
void BasisFirstDerivative( const int index, const int order, const float t, float *bvals ) const;
void BasisSecondDerivative( const int index, const int order, const float t, float *bvals ) const;
template< class type >
ID_INLINE idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type>::idCurve_NonUniformBSpline( void ) {
get the value for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type>::GetCurrentValue( const float time ) const {
int i, j, k;
float clampedTime;
type v;
float *bvals = (float *) _alloca16( order * sizeof(float) );
if ( times.Num() == 1 ) {
return values[0];
clampedTime = ClampedTime( time );
i = IndexForTime( clampedTime );
Basis( i-1, order, clampedTime, bvals );
v = values[0] - values[0];
for ( j = 0; j < order; j++ ) {
k = i + j - ( order >> 1 );
v += bvals[j] * ValueForIndex( k );
return v;
get the first derivative for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative( const float time ) const {
int i, j, k;
float clampedTime;
type v;
float *bvals = (float *) _alloca16( order * sizeof(float) );
if ( times.Num() == 1 ) {
return ( values[0] - values[0] );
clampedTime = ClampedTime( time );
i = IndexForTime( clampedTime );
BasisFirstDerivative( i-1, order, clampedTime, bvals );
v = values[0] - values[0];
for ( j = 0; j < order; j++ ) {
k = i + j - ( order >> 1 );
v += bvals[j] * ValueForIndex( k );
return v;
get the second derivative for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative( const float time ) const {
int i, j, k;
float clampedTime;
type v;
float *bvals = (float *) _alloca16( order * sizeof(float) );
if ( times.Num() == 1 ) {
return ( values[0] - values[0] );
clampedTime = ClampedTime( time );
i = IndexForTime( clampedTime );
BasisSecondDerivative( i-1, order, clampedTime, bvals );
v = values[0] - values[0];
for ( j = 0; j < order; j++ ) {
k = i + j - ( order >> 1 );
v += bvals[j] * ValueForIndex( k );
return v;
spline basis functions
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type>::Basis( const int index, const int order, const float t, float *bvals ) const {
int r, s, i;
float omega;
bvals[order-1] = 1.0f;
for ( r = 2; r <= order; r++ ) {
i = index - r + 1;
bvals[order - r] = 0.0f;
for ( s = order - r + 1; s < order; s++ ) {
omega = (float) ( t - TimeForIndex( i ) ) / ( TimeForIndex( i + r - 1 ) - TimeForIndex( i ) );
bvals[s - 1] += ( 1.0f - omega ) * bvals[s];
bvals[s] *= omega;
first derivative of spline basis functions
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type>::BasisFirstDerivative( const int index, const int order, const float t, float *bvals ) const {
int i;
Basis( index, order-1, t, bvals+1 );
bvals[0] = 0.0f;
for ( i = 0; i < order-1; i++ ) {
bvals[i] -= bvals[i+1];
bvals[i] *= (float) ( order - 1) / ( TimeForIndex( index + i + (order-1) - 2 ) - TimeForIndex( index + i - 2 ) );
bvals[i] *= (float) ( order - 1) / ( TimeForIndex( index + i + (order-1) - 2 ) - TimeForIndex( index + i - 2 ) );
second derivative of spline basis functions
template< class type >
ID_INLINE void idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type>::BasisSecondDerivative( const int index, const int order, const float t, float *bvals ) const {
int i;
BasisFirstDerivative( index, order-1, t, bvals+1 );
bvals[0] = 0.0f;
for ( i = 0; i < order-1; i++ ) {
bvals[i] -= bvals[i+1];
bvals[i] *= (float) ( order - 1) / ( TimeForIndex( index + i + (order-1) - 2 ) - TimeForIndex( index + i - 2 ) );
bvals[i] *= (float) ( order - 1) / ( TimeForIndex( index + i + (order-1) - 2 ) - TimeForIndex( index + i - 2 ) );
// ddynerman: spline welding
Attach two B-Splines together
template< class type >
ID_INLINE bool idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type>::Weld( idCurve<type>* c ) const {
idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type>* spline = dynamic_cast<idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type>*>(c);
if( spline == NULL ) {
return false;
type refLine = values[ values.Num() - 1 ] - values[ values.Num() - 2 ];
float length = (spline->values[ 0 ] - spline->values[ 1 ]).Length();
bool valuesChanged = spline->values[ 0 ] != values[ values.Num() - 1 ];
spline->values[ 0 ] = values[ values.Num() - 1 ];
type deltaPos = ~refLine * length;
type newValue = spline->values[ 0 ] + deltaPos;
valuesChanged = (spline->values[ 1 ] != newValue) || valuesChanged;
spline->values[ 1 ] = newValue;
return valuesChanged;
Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) template.
template< class type >
class idCurve_NURBS : public idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type> {
idCurve_NURBS( void );
virtual int AddValue( const float time, const type &value );
virtual int AddValue( const float time, const type &value, const float weight );
virtual void RemoveIndex( const int index ) { values.RemoveIndex(index); times.RemoveIndex(index); weights.RemoveIndex(index); }
virtual void Clear( void ) { values.Clear(); times.Clear(); weights.Clear(); currentIndex = -1; }
virtual type GetCurrentValue( const float time ) const;
virtual type GetCurrentFirstDerivative( const float time ) const;
virtual type GetCurrentSecondDerivative( const float time ) const;
idList<float> weights;
float WeightForIndex( const int index ) const;
template< class type >
ID_INLINE idCurve_NURBS<type>::idCurve_NURBS( void ) {
add a timed/value pair to the spline
returns the index to the inserted pair
template< class type >
ID_INLINE int idCurve_NURBS<type>::AddValue( const float time, const type &value ) {
int i;
i = IndexForTime( time );
times.Insert( time, i );
values.Insert( value, i );
weights.Insert( 1.0f, i );
return i;
add a timed/value pair to the spline
returns the index to the inserted pair
template< class type >
ID_INLINE int idCurve_NURBS<type>::AddValue( const float time, const type &value, const float weight ) {
int i;
i = IndexForTime( time );
times.Insert( time, i );
values.Insert( value, i );
weights.Insert( weight, i );
return i;
get the value for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_NURBS<type>::GetCurrentValue( const float time ) const {
int i, j, k;
float w, b, *bvals, clampedTime;
type v;
if ( times.Num() == 1 ) {
return values[0];
bvals = (float *) _alloca16( order * sizeof(float) );
clampedTime = ClampedTime( time );
i = IndexForTime( clampedTime );
Basis( i-1, order, clampedTime, bvals );
v = values[0] - values[0];
w = 0.0f;
for ( j = 0; j < order; j++ ) {
k = i + j - ( order >> 1 );
b = bvals[j] * WeightForIndex( k );
w += b;
v += b * ValueForIndex( k );
return v / w;
get the first derivative for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_NURBS<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative( const float time ) const {
int i, j, k;
float w, wb, wd1, b, d1, *bvals, *d1vals, clampedTime;
type v, vb, vd1;
if ( times.Num() == 1 ) {
return values[0];
bvals = (float *) _alloca16( order * sizeof(float) );
d1vals = (float *) _alloca16( order * sizeof(float) );
clampedTime = ClampedTime( time );
i = IndexForTime( clampedTime );
Basis( i-1, order, clampedTime, bvals );
BasisFirstDerivative( i-1, order, clampedTime, d1vals );
vb = vd1 = values[0] - values[0];
wb = wd1 = 0.0f;
for ( j = 0; j < order; j++ ) {
k = i + j - ( order >> 1 );
w = WeightForIndex( k );
b = bvals[j] * w;
d1 = d1vals[j] * w;
wb += b;
wd1 += d1;
v = ValueForIndex( k );
vb += b * v;
vd1 += d1 * v;
return ( wb * vd1 - vb * wd1 ) / ( wb * wb );
get the second derivative for the given time
template< class type >
ID_INLINE type idCurve_NURBS<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative( const float time ) const {
int i, j, k;
float w, wb, wd1, wd2, b, d1, d2, *bvals, *d1vals, *d2vals, clampedTime;
type v, vb, vd1, vd2;
if ( times.Num() == 1 ) {
return values[0];
bvals = (float *) _alloca16( order * sizeof(float) );
d1vals = (float *) _alloca16( order * sizeof(float) );
d2vals = (float *) _alloca16( order * sizeof(float) );
clampedTime = ClampedTime( time );
i = IndexForTime( clampedTime );
Basis( i-1, order, clampedTime, bvals );
BasisFirstDerivative( i-1, order, clampedTime, d1vals );
BasisSecondDerivative( i-1, order, clampedTime, d2vals );
vb = vd1 = vd2 = values[0] - values[0];
wb = wd1 = wd2 = 0.0f;
for ( j = 0; j < order; j++ ) {
k = i + j - ( order >> 1 );
w = WeightForIndex( k );
b = bvals[j] * w;
d1 = d1vals[j] * w;
d2 = d2vals[j] * w;
wb += b;
wd1 += d1;
wd2 += d2;
v = ValueForIndex( k );
vb += b * v;
vd1 += d1 * v;
vd2 += d2 * v;
return ( ( wb * wb ) * ( wb * vd2 - vb * wd2 ) - ( wb * vd1 - vb * wd1 ) * 2.0f * wb * wd1 ) / ( wb * wb * wb * wb );
get the weight for the given index
template< class type >
ID_INLINE float idCurve_NURBS<type>::WeightForIndex( const int index ) const {
int n = weights.Num()-1;
if ( index < 0 ) {
if ( boundaryType == BT_CLOSED ) {
return weights[ weights.Num() + index % weights.Num() ];
} else {
return weights[0] + index * ( weights[1] - weights[0] );
} else if ( index > n ) {
if ( boundaryType == BT_CLOSED ) {
return weights[ index % weights.Num() ];
} else {
return weights[n] + ( index - n ) * ( weights[n] - weights[n-1] );
return weights[index];
#endif /* !__MATH_CURVE_H__ */