GameStar 2006 March
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Euler angles
This is basically a duplicate of idAngles, but used radians rather than
degrees (to avoid the conversion before trig calls)
All trig calls use float precision
ToMat3 passes in workspace to avoid a memcpy
#ifndef M_PI
# define M_PI (3.1415926536f)
class idVec3;
class idMat3;
class rvAngles
float pitch;
float yaw;
float roll;
rvAngles( void ) {}
rvAngles( float pitch, float yaw, float roll );
explicit rvAngles( const idVec3 &v );
void Set( float pitch, float yaw, float roll );
rvAngles & Zero( void );
float operator[]( int index ) const;
float & operator[]( int index );
rvAngles operator-() const;
rvAngles & operator=( const rvAngles &a );
rvAngles & operator=( const idVec3 &a );
rvAngles operator+( const rvAngles &a ) const;
rvAngles operator+( const idVec3 &a ) const;
rvAngles & operator+=( const rvAngles &a );
rvAngles & operator+=( const idVec3 &a );
rvAngles operator-( const rvAngles &a ) const;
rvAngles operator-( const idVec3 &a ) const;
rvAngles & operator-=( const rvAngles &a );
rvAngles & operator-=( const idVec3 &a );
rvAngles operator*( const float a ) const;
rvAngles & operator*=( const float a );
friend rvAngles operator+( const idVec3 &a, const rvAngles &b );
friend rvAngles operator-( const idVec3 &a, const rvAngles &b );
friend rvAngles operator*( const float a, const rvAngles &b );
bool Compare( const rvAngles &a ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
bool Compare( const rvAngles &a, const float epsilon ) const; // compare with epsilon
bool operator==( const rvAngles &a ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
bool operator!=( const rvAngles &a ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
rvAngles & NormalizeFull( void ); // normalizes 'this'
rvAngles & NormalizeHalf( void ); // normalizes 'this'
void ToVectors( idVec3 *forward, idVec3 *right = NULL, idVec3 *up = NULL ) const;
idVec3 ToForward( void ) const;
idMat3 &ToMat3( idMat3 &mat ) const;
const float * ToFloatPtr( void ) const { return( &pitch ); }
float * ToFloatPtr( void ) { return( &pitch ); }
ID_INLINE rvAngles::rvAngles( float pitch, float yaw, float roll )
this->pitch = pitch;
this->yaw = yaw;
this->roll = roll;
ID_INLINE rvAngles::rvAngles( const idVec3 &v )
this->pitch = v[0];
this->yaw = v[1];
this->roll = v[2];
ID_INLINE void rvAngles::Set( float pitch, float yaw, float roll )
this->pitch = pitch;
this->yaw = yaw;
this->roll = roll;
ID_INLINE rvAngles &rvAngles::Zero( void )
pitch = 0.0f;
yaw = 0.0f;
roll = 0.0f;
return( *this );
ID_INLINE float rvAngles::operator[]( int index ) const
assert( ( index >= 0 ) && ( index < 3 ) );
return( ( &pitch )[ index ] );
ID_INLINE float &rvAngles::operator[]( int index )
assert( ( index >= 0 ) && ( index < 3 ) );
return( ( &pitch )[ index ] );
ID_INLINE rvAngles rvAngles::operator-( void ) const
return( rvAngles( -pitch, -yaw, -roll ) );
ID_INLINE rvAngles &rvAngles::operator=( const rvAngles &a )
pitch = a.pitch;
yaw = a.yaw;
roll = a.roll;
return( *this );
ID_INLINE rvAngles &rvAngles::operator=( const idVec3 &a )
pitch = a.x;
yaw = a.y;
roll = a.z;
return( *this );
ID_INLINE rvAngles rvAngles::operator+( const rvAngles &a ) const
return( rvAngles( pitch + a.pitch, yaw + a.yaw, roll + a.roll ) );
ID_INLINE rvAngles rvAngles::operator+( const idVec3 &a ) const
return( rvAngles( pitch + a.x, yaw + a.y, roll + a.z ) );
ID_INLINE rvAngles& rvAngles::operator+=( const rvAngles &a )
pitch += a.pitch;
yaw += a.yaw;
roll += a.roll;
return( *this );
ID_INLINE rvAngles& rvAngles::operator+=( const idVec3 &a )
pitch += a.x;
yaw += a.y;
roll += a.z;
return( *this );
ID_INLINE rvAngles rvAngles::operator-( const rvAngles &a ) const
return( rvAngles( pitch - a.pitch, yaw - a.yaw, roll - a.roll ) );
ID_INLINE rvAngles rvAngles::operator-( const idVec3 &a ) const
return( rvAngles( pitch - a.x, yaw - a.y, roll - a.z ) );
ID_INLINE rvAngles& rvAngles::operator-=( const rvAngles &a )
pitch -= a.pitch;
yaw -= a.yaw;
roll -= a.roll;
return( *this );
ID_INLINE rvAngles& rvAngles::operator-=( const idVec3 &a )
pitch -= a.x;
yaw -= a.y;
roll -= a.z;
return( *this );
ID_INLINE rvAngles rvAngles::operator*( const float a ) const
return( rvAngles( pitch * a, yaw * a, roll * a ) );
ID_INLINE rvAngles& rvAngles::operator*=( float a )
pitch *= a;
yaw *= a;
roll *= a;
return( *this );
ID_INLINE rvAngles operator+( const idVec3 &a, const rvAngles &b )
return( rvAngles( a.x + b.pitch, a.y + b.yaw, a.z + b.roll ) );
ID_INLINE rvAngles operator-( const idVec3 &a, const rvAngles &b )
return( rvAngles( a.x - b.pitch, a.y - b.yaw, a.z - b.roll ) );
ID_INLINE rvAngles operator*( const float a, const rvAngles &b )
return( rvAngles( a * b.pitch, a * b.yaw, a * b.roll ) );
ID_INLINE bool rvAngles::Compare( const rvAngles &a ) const
return( ( a.pitch == pitch ) && ( a.yaw == yaw ) && ( a.roll == roll ) );
ID_INLINE bool rvAngles::Compare( const rvAngles &a, const float epsilon ) const
if( idMath::Fabs( pitch - a.pitch ) > epsilon )
return( false );
if( idMath::Fabs( yaw - a.yaw ) > epsilon )
return( false );
if( idMath::Fabs( roll - a.roll ) > epsilon )
return( false );
return( true );
ID_INLINE bool rvAngles::operator==( const rvAngles &a ) const
return( Compare( a ) );
ID_INLINE bool rvAngles::operator!=( const rvAngles &a ) const
return( !Compare( a ) );
#endif // _MATH_RADIANS_H_INC_