1058 %P Setup is now complete. You can view the README file or view the Sample Movie now. Please choose the options you want below.
1059 Yes, I want to view the %P README file.
1061 Yes, I want to view the Sample Movie.
1062 %P Setup is now complete. You can view the README file now. Please choose the option you want below.
1063 Yes, I want to view the %P README file.
1080 The directory '
1081 ' exists from a previous installation. Delete this directory?
1082 %s Setup
1083 The Setup process is not complete. If you quit Setup now, %s will not be properly installed. Are you sure that you want to quit Setup?
1084 The registration information you have entered is not valid. Please check that "registered to" and "registration number" are entered exactly as shown on your registration information.
1085 QuickTimeUpdater.exe
1088 The Updater process is not complete. Are you sure that you want to quit?
1089 NetScape.exe
1090 iexplore.exe
1091 plugins
1093 No
1094 Yes
1095 Partial
1099 QuickTimeInstallCache.qdat
1100 Basic Playback\n\nApproximate download size: 2MB\n\nInstalls the QuickTime Player, Web browser Plug-in, QuickTime Streaming, and essential QuickTime system software.
1101 Minimum\n\nApproximate download size: 3.3 MB\n\nInstalls the QuickTime Player, Web browser Plug-in, and essential QuickTime system software including MP3, VR and Flash.
1102 Full\n\nApproximate download size: 6.2 MB\n\nInstalls the Minimum package, PictureViewer, authoring support, DV support, and media exporters.
1103 Custom\n\nApproximate download size: not available\n\nAllows you to customize QuickTime by installing only the components you choose, Options include: QuickTime for Java, QuickDraw 3D, and QuickTime diagnostics.
1104 Not Installed
1105 Problems were encountered quitting other applications. The current operation cannot continue. Please quit any running applications and run again.