Microsoft Windows Help File Content | 1997-07-30 | 30.3 KB | 477 lines
:Base frontpg.HLP
:Title Microsoft FrontPage Help
:Index fpsrvwin =fpsrvwin.hlp
:Index fpcdfwiz =fpcdfwiz.hlp
:Index fphtmsw =fphtmsw.hlp
1 What's New
2 What's New in This Release=FP_Whats_New
1 About Microsoft FrontPage
2 About Microsoft FrontPage=HP_IDH_OVERVIEW
2 The FrontPage Explorer=WE_IDH_CONTENTS
2 The FrontPage Editor=PE_IDH_CONTENTS
:Include learning.cnt
1 Using FrontPage
2 The FrontPage Workplace
3 About the FrontPage Workplace=Overview_Workplace
3 Using the FrontPage Explorer
4 To create a new folder=WORKPLACE_create_folder@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To select pages=WORKPLACE_select_page@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To print a navigation structure=WORKPLACE_print_nav_structure@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To preview the printing of a web structure=WORKPLACE_preview_printing_web_structure@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Using the FrontPage Editor
4 To preview a printed page=WORKPLACE_preview_printed_page@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To print a page=WORKPLACE_print_page@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To redo an action=WORKPLACE_change_redo@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To undo an action=WORKPLACE_change_undo@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Other Workplace Operations
4 To show the Getting Started with Microsoft FrontPage Dialog Box=WORKPLACE_show_as_dialog@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To test your network connection=WORKPLACE_test_network_connection@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To view the properties of page elements=WORKPLACE_view_properties@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
2 Using FrontPage Webs
3 About FrontPage Webs=Overview_Webs
3 Creating and Deleting FrontPage Webs
4 To create a new FrontPage web=WEB_create@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To delete a FrontPage web=WEB_delete@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Opening FrontPage Webs
4 To open a FrontPage web=WEB_open@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Adding Pages and Files To a FrontPage Web
4 To add pages to a FrontPage web=WEB_adding_pages@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To copy a page to a FrontPage web=WEB_copy_page@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To import files to a FrontPage web=WEB_importing_files@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Publishing FrontPage Webs
4 To publish the current FrontPage web=WEB_publish@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Using Variables
4 To add a variable to a FrontPage web=WEB_add_configuration_variable@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To delete a variable from a FrontPage web=WEB_remove_configuration_variable@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To modify a variable in a FrontPage web=WEB_modify_configuration_variable@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Other Web Procedures
4 To copy the current FrontPage web=WEB_copy_current_web@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To change the title of a FrontPage web=WEB_change_title@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create a new folder in a FrontPage web=WEB_create_directory@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To export a page or file from a FrontPage web=WEB_exporting_from@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To rename a FrontPage web=WEB_rename@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
2 Using Themes
3 Overview=Overview_Themes
3 Applying Themes
4 To apply a theme to a FrontPage web=THEME_apply_to_web@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To apply a theme to a page=THEME_apply_to_page@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Changing Themes
4 To change the theme applied to a FrontPage web=THEME_change_for_web@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To change the theme applied to a page=THEME_change_for_page@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Removing Themes
4 To remove the theme applied to a FrontPage web=THEME_remove_from_web@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To remove the theme applied to a page=THEME_remove_from_page@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
2 Maintaining Web Security
3 Adding Security on Your Web=Overview_Security
3 Internet Information Server (IIS) and Microsoft Personal Web Server Procedures
4 To authorize a FrontPage web author (IIS or Microsoft Personal Web Server Procedures)=WEB_author_authorizing_IIS@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To authorize a FrontPage web administrator (IIS or Microsoft Personal Web Server Procedures)=WEB_administrator_authorizing_IIS@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To register a user of a restricted-access FrontPage web (IIS or Microsoft Personal Web Server Procedures)=WEB_user_restricting_IIS@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To authorize a group of FrontPage web authors (IIS or Microsoft Personal Web Server Procedures)=WEB_group_author_authorizing@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To authorize a group of FrontPage web administrators (IIS or Microsoft Personal Web Server Procedures)=WEB_group_administrator_authorizing@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To register a group of users of a restricted-access FrontPage web (IIS or Microsoft Personal Web Server Procedures)=WEB_group_user_restricting@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To remove a FrontPage web author=WEB_author_removing@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To remove a FrontPage web administrator=WEB_administrator_removing@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To remove a registered user from a restricted-access FrontPage web=WEB_user_removing@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Procedures for Other Web Server
4 To authorize a FrontPage web author=WEB_author_authorizing@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To authorize a FrontPage web administrator=WEB_administrator_authorizing@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To register a user of a restricted-access FrontPage web=WEB_user_restricting@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To restrict a FrontPage web user's IP addresses=WEB_user_restrict_IP_address@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To restrict a FrontPage web author's IP addresses=WEB_author_restrict_IP_address@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To restrict a FrontPage web administrator's IP addresses=WEB_administrator_restrict_IP_address@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To remove a FrontPage web user's IP address mask=WEB_user_remove_IP_address_mask@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To remove a FrontPage web author's IP address mask=WEB_author_remove_IP_address_mask@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To remove a FrontPage web administrator's IP address mask=WEB_administrator_remove_IP_address_mask@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To remove a FrontPage web author=WEB_author_removing@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To remove a FrontPage web administrator=WEB_administrator_removing@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To remove a registered user from a restricted-access FrontPage web=WEB_user_removing@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
2 Using Pages
3 About Pages=Overview_Pages
3 Creating Pages
4 To create a new page=PAGE_creating@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create a template page=PAGE_saving_as_templates@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Opening Pages
4 To open a page from the FrontPage Explorer=PAGE_opening_from_explorer@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To open a page in the FrontPage Editor=PAGE_opening_from_editor@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Saving Pages
4 To save a page to a file=PAGE_saving_to_file>(w95sec)
4 To save a page to the current FrontPage webPAGE_saving_to_web@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Editing Pages
4 To add a system meta-variable to a page=PAGE_add_system_meta_variables@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To add a user-defined meta-variable to a page=PAGE_add_user_meta_variables@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To add a watermark to a page=PAGE_add_watermark_image@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To add comments to a page=PAGE_annotating_pages@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To include a page in another page=PAGE_include_page_in_page@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To include a page in another page during a time period=PAGE_include_page_in_page_sched@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To include an image in a page during a time period=PAGE_include_image_in_page_sched@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To insert a variable=PAGE_adding_configuration_variables@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To timestamp a page=PAGE_timestamping_a_page>@frontpg.HLP(w95sec)
3 Previewing Pages
4 To add a Web browser to the preview list=PAGE_add_browser@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To preview a page in a Web browser=PAGE_preview_in_browser@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To set the preview window size=PAGE_browser_window_size@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Editing Horizontal Lines
4 To add a horizontal line=PAGE_adding_a_horizontal_line@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To change the appearance of a horizontal line=PAGE_change_appearance_of_horizontal_line@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Inserting and Editing Marquees
4 To align a marquee with text=PAGE_marquee_alignment@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To change a marquee's background color=PAGE_marquee_background_color@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To change a marquee's behavior=PAGE_marquee_behavior@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To change a marquee's direction=PAGE_marquee_direction@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To change a marquee's size=PAGE_marquee_size@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To change a marquee's speed=PAGE_marquee_speed@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To change the number of times a marquee repeats=PAGE_change_times_marquee_repeats@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To insert a marquee=PAGE_marquee_insert@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Setting Page Properties
4 To apply one page's background style and colors to another page=PAGE_style_page@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To set a background color for a page=PAGE_setting_background_color@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To set a background image for a page=PAGE_setting_background_image@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To specify the margins of a page=PAGE_specify_margins@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Associating Sounds
4 To associate a background sound with a page=PAGE_associate_background_sound@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To change the number of times a background sound repeats=PAGE_change_background_sound_repetitions@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Using Animation and Effects
4 To animate one or more page elements=PAGE_animate_page_element@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create a banner ad=PAGE_create_banner_ad@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create a hover button=PAGE_create_hover_button@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create a page transition effect=PAGE_make_page_transition_effect@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To insert a hit counter=PAGE_insert_hit_counter@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Editing Tables of Contents
4 To create a table of contents=PAGE_creating_table_of_contents_existing_page@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Other Page Operations
4 To delete pages from the current FrontPage web=PAGE_delete_from_web@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To hide a page from Web browsers=PAGE_hiding@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To send a copy of the active page through electronic mail=PAGE_SEND_MAIL@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To view explanations of errors on pages=PAGE_viewing_explanations_of_errors@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
2 Viewing and Editing HTML
3 Overview=Overview_HTML
3 Viewing and Editing HTML
4 To edit a page's HTML=HTML_edit_page_html@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To view HTML=HTML_view_html@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
2 Using Navigation Bars and Shared Borders
3 Overview=Overview_Navigation_Bars_and_Borders
3 Using Navigation Bars
4 To insert a navigation bar on a page=NAVIGATION_insert_nav_bar@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To change the text of a button in a navigation bar=NAVIGATION_change_text_on_button@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To modify a navigation bar=NAVIGATION_modify_navigation_bar@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To change the position of navigation bar=NAVIGATION_change_position_of_navigation_bar@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To delete a navigation bar in the FrontPage Editor=NAVIGATION_delete_navigation_bar>(w95sec)
3 Using Shared Borders
4 To assign shared borders to a FrontPage web=NAVIGATION_assign_shared_borders_to_web@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To assign shared borders to a page=NAVIGATION_assign_shared_borders>(w95sec)
4 To edit a shared border=NAVIGATION_edit_shared_border@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
2 Typing and Editing
3 Overview=Overview_Text
3 Formatting Text
4 To format text=TEXT_setting_character_formats@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To indent text=TEXT_indent@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To outdent text=TEXT_outdent@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Working with Paragraphs
4 To create a new line=TEXT_create_new_line@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create a paragraph=TEXT_create_paragraph@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To align a paragraph=TEXT_align@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To change a paragraph's style=TEXT_paragraph_change_style@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Deleting Text
4 To cut or delete text=TEXT_cutting@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Finding and Replacing Text
4 To find text in a FrontPage web=TEXT_find_text_all_pages@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To find text on a page=TEXT_finding@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To replace text in a FrontPage web=TEXT_replace_text_all_pages@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To replace text on a page=TEXT_replacing@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Other Text Procedures
4 To check spelling in a FrontPage web=TEXT_check_spelling_web@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To check spelling on a page=TEXT_check_spelling@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To insert a line break=TEXT_line_break@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To insert a special character=TEXT_special_character@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To undo an edit=TEXT_undoing@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
2 Creating and Using Style Sheets
3 Overview=Overview_Style_Sheets
3 Creating Style Sheets
4 To create an external style sheet=STYLE_SHEET_create_external@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To edit an external style sheet=STYLE_SHEET_edit_external@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To link a page to an external style sheet=STYLE_SHEET_link_to_external@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To create or edit an embedded style sheet=STYLE_SHEET_create_edit_embedded@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
3 Using Style Sheets
4 To apply a style from an external or embedded style sheet=STYLE_SHEET_apply_style_external_or_embedded@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To apply an inline style to a page element=STYLE_SHEET_apply_inline_style@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To create or apply a class or ID selector to a page element=STYLE_SHEET_create_or_apply_class_ID_selector@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
2 Creating and Editing Lists
3 Overview=Overview_Lists
3 Creating Lists
4 To create a bulleted list=LISTS_create_bulleted@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create a definition list=LISTS_create_definition@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create a directory list=LISTS_create_directory@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create a menu list=LISTS_create_menu@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create a nested list=LISTS_list_within_list@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create a numbered list=LISTS_create_numbered@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create a collapsible outline=LISTS_create_collapsible_outline@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Deleting List Items
4 To delete a list item=LISTS_delete_list_items@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Other List Procedures
4 To end a list=LISTS_end_list@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To insert a list item=LISTS_insert_list_items@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To select a list=LISTS_select_a_list@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
2 Working With Files
3 Overview=Overview_Files
3 Opening Files
4 To open a file from the FrontPage Explorer=FILES_open_file_from_explorer@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To open a text file from the FrontPage Editor=FILE_open_text_from_editor@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To open an HTML file from the FrontPage Editor=FILE_open_html_from_editor@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To open an RTF file from the FrontPage Editor=FILE_open_rtf_from_editor@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Inserting Files
4 To insert a text file=FILE_insert_text@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To insert an HTML file=FILE_insert_html@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To insert an RTF file=FILE_insert_rtf@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Associating Files With Editors
4 To associate a file type with an editor=FILE_associate_with_editor@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To change the associated editor for a file type=FILE_associate_with_editor_change@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To remove the association between an editor and a file type=FILE_associate_with_editor_remove@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Renaming Files
4 To move a file=FILE_move@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To rename a file=FILE_change_title@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
2 Creating and Using Hyperlinks and Bookmarks
3 Overview=Overview_Hyperlinks
3 Creating Text Hyperlinks
4 To create a text hyperlink from the FrontPage Explorer=LINK_create_from_explorer@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create a text hyperlink to a new page=LINK_create_new_page@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create a text hyperlink to a page on the World Wide Web=LINK_create_world_wide_web@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create a text hyperlink to a page or file in the current FrontPage web=LINK_create_current_web@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Creating Image Hyperlinks
4 To create an image hyperlink to a new page=LINK_image_new_page@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create an image hyperlink to a page on the World Wide Web=LINK_image_world_wide_web@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create an image hyperlink to a page or file in the current FrontPage web=LINK_image_current_web@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Following Hyperlinks
4 To follow a hyperlink backward=LINK_follow_link_back@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To follow a text hyperlink forward=LINK_follow_link_forward@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To follow an image hyperlink forward=LINK_follow_link_hotspot@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Deleting and Changing Hyperlinks
4 To change a text hyperlink=LINK_changing_from_text@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To change an image hyperlink=LINK_changing_from_hotspot@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To delete a text hyperlink=LINK_text_delete@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To delete an image hyperlink=LINK_hotspot_delete@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Creating and Using Bookmarks
4 To create a bookmark=LINK_creating_bookmark@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create a hyperlink to a bookmark=LINK_bookmark_creating@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To delete a bookmark=LINK_bookmark_delete@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To visit a bookmark=LINK_bookmark_visiting@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Verifying and Repairing Hyperlinks
4 To check the status of hyperlinks=LINK_check_status_hyperlinks@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To repair a broken hyperlink=LINK_repair_internal@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To verify hyperlinks=LINK_verify_hyperlinks@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To verify external hyperlinks=LINK_verify_external@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Other Hyperlink Procedures
4 To recalculate hyperlinks=LINK_recalculate@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To select a hyperlink=LINK_select@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To select hyperlink color=LINK_select_color@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To select active hyperlink color=LINK_select_active_color@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To select visited hyperlink color=LINK_select_visited_color@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create an e-mail hyperlink=LINK_create_email@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create a hyperlink to a Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file=LINK_create_link_word_excel_pp@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
2 Creating and Configuring Forms
3 Overview=Overview_Forms
3 Creating Forms
4 To create a form=FORM_creating@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Adding Fields
4 To add a field to a form=FORM_add_field@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Assigning Handlers To Forms
4 To assign a form's handler=FORM_handler_assign@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To assign a custom form handler=FORM_custom_handler@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Discussion Groups
4 To create a discussion group=FORM_create_discussion_group@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To moderate a discussion group=FORM_moderate_discussion_group@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Search Forms
4 To create a search form=FORM_create_search@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 General Forms
4 To collect data from a form=FORM_collect_data@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 User-Registration Forms
4 To create a user-registration form=FORM_user_registration@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
2 Creating and Editing Fields
3 Overview=Overview_Fields
3 Editing Fields
4 To copy a form field=FIELD_copy@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To delete a form field=FIELD_delete@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To display a confirmation field=FIELD_confirmation_displaying@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 One-line Text Boxes
4 To create a one-line text box field=FIELD_one_line_text_box_create@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create a password field=FIELD_password_create@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To customize a one-line text box=FIELD_one_line_text_box_customize@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Scrolling Text Boxes
4 To create a scrolling text box field=FIELD_scrolling_text_box_create@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To customize a scrolling text box=FIELD_scrolling_text_box_customize@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To validate a text box field=FIELD_validate_text_box@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Check Boxes
4 To create a check box field=FIELD_check_box_create@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To customize a check box field=FIELD_check_box_customize@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Radio Buttons
4 To create a radio button field=FIELD_radio_button_create@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To customize radio-button fields=FIELD_radio_button_customize@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To validate a group of radio button fields=FIELD_validate_radio_button@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Drop-Down Menus
4 To add a choice to a drop-down menu=FIELD_drop_down_menu_add_choice@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To change the height of a drop-down menu=FIELD_drop_down_menu_change_height@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create a drop-down menu=FIELD_drop_down_menu_create@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To modify a choice in a drop-down menu=FIELD_drop_down_menu_modify_choice@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To move a choice in a drop-down menu=FIELD_drop_down_menu_move_choice@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To remove a choice from a drop-down menu=FIELD_drop_down_menu_delete_choice@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To validate a drop-down menu field=FIELD_validate_drop_down_menu_field@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Push Buttons and Image Fields
4 To create a push button field=FIELD_push_button_create@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To create an image field=FIELD_image_create@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To customize a push button field=FIELD_push_button_field_customize@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Hidden Form Fields
4 To change a hidden field=FIELD_hidden_change@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To add a hidden field=FIELD_hidden_create@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To remove a hidden field=FIELD_hidden_delete@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
3 Other Field Procedures
4 To rename a form field=FIELD_rename_form_field@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To add tab order to a form=FIELD_add_tab_order_to_form_fields@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To make a form field label"clickable"=FIELD_make_form_field_label_clickable@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
4 To add an access key to a form field label=FIELD_add_access_key_to_form_field_label@frontpg.HLP>(w95sec)
2 Using Images and Image Maps
3 Overview=Overview_Images
3 Inserting Images
4 To edit an image=IMAGE_edit_image@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To insert a video clip=IMAGE_insert_video_clip@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To insert an image from a file=IMAGE_image_insert_file@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To insert an image from the current FrontPage web=IMAGE_image_insert_web@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To insert an image from the World Wide Web=IMAGE_image_insert_WWW@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To insert clip art=IMAGE_insert_clip_art@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
3 Editing Images
4 To add a beveled edge to an image=IMAGE_bevel_edge@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To add text to an image=IMAGE_text_on_images@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To adjust an image's contrast=IMAGE_adjust_contrast@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To adjust an image's brightness=IMAGE_adjust_brightness@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To change the layout of an image=IMAGE_layout_image@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To convert an image to black and white=IMAGE_convert_black_and_white@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To create a thumbnail image=IMAGE_thumbnail@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To crop an image=IMAGE_crop@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To customize a video clip=IMAGE_customize_video_clip@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To flip an image vertically=IMAGE_flip_vertically@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To resample an image=IMAGE_resample@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To reset an image=IMAGE_reset@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To resize an image=IMAGE_resize@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To rotate an image=IMAGE_rotate@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To washout an image=IMAGE_washout@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
3 Adding Images to a FrontPage Web
4 To import an image to a FrontPage web=IMAGE_image_import@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
3 Creating and Editing Hotspots
4 To create a circular hotspot=IMAGE_hotspot_circular@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To create a polygonal hotspot=IMAGE_hotspot_polygonal@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To create a rectangular hotspot=IMAGE_hotspot_rectangular@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To create a text hotspot=IMAGE_hotspot_text@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To highlight hotspots=IMAGE_hotspots_highlight@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To move a hotspot=IMAGE_hotspots_move@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To select a hotspot=IMAGE_hotspots_select@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
3 Making Images Transparent
4 To make a color in an image transparent=IMAGE_image_transparent@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
3 Converting Images
4 To convert an image to GIF format=IMAGE_converting_to_GIF@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To convert an image to JPEG format=IMAGE_converting_to_JPEG@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
3 Other Image Procedures
4 To select an image=IMAGE_image_select@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To specify an image's alternate low-resolution image=IMAGE_add_low_resolution_alternate@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To set an image's default hyperlink=IMAGE_set_default_link@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To specify an image's alternate text=IMAGE_alternate_text@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
2 Adding and Using Tasks
3 Overview=Overview_Tasks
3 Adding and Deleting Tasks
4 To add a task from the FrontPage Editor=TASK_add_task_to_to_do_list_editor@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To add a task from the FrontPage Explorer=TASK_add_task_to_to_do_list_explorer@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To delete a task=TASK_delete_completed_task@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
3 Other Task Procedures
4 To modify a task=TASK_modify_a_task@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To do a task=TASK_do_a_task@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To mark a task completed=TASK_mark_task_completed@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To show completed tasks=TASK_view_completed_tasks@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To view task history=TASK_view_task_history@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
2 Working with Tables
3 Overview=Overview_Tables
3 Inserting Tables
4 To insert a table=TABLES_create_table@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To insert a table within a table=TABLES_inserting_a_table@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
3 Selecting Parts of a Table
4 To select a table or its parts=TABLES_selecting@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
3 Changing a Table
4 To add a background image to a cell=TABLES_add_background_image_to_cells@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To add a background image to a table=TABLES_add_background_image@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To change the background color of one or more cells=TABLES_add_background_color_to_cells@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To change the background color of a table=TABLES_change_background_color@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To change the color of cell borders=TABLES_set_border_colors_for_cells@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To change the color of table borders=TABLES_border_colors@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To change the layout of a cell=TABLES_change_cell_layout@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To change the layout of a table=TABLES_change_layout@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To insert a cell=TABLES_inserting_cells@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To insert a row or column=TABLES_add_row_or_column@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To split cells=TABLES_splitting@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To merge cells=TABLES_merging_cells@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To change cell spanning=TABLES_setting_cell_span@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To resize a table=TABLES_resize@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To resize a cell=TABLES_resize_cell@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
3 Aligning a Table or Its Parts
4 To distribute rows and columns evenly=TABLES_distribute_rows_columns@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
3 Deleting a Table or Its Parts
4 To delete a table or its parts=TABLES_deleting@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
3 Other Table Procedures
4 To add a table caption=TABLES_add_table_caption@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To edit a table caption=TABLES_editing_table_captions@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To add a header cell=TABLES_adding_header_cells@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To convert a table to text=TABLES_convert_table_to_text@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To convert existing text to a table=TABLES_convert_text_to_table@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
2 Creating and Using Frames
3 Overview=Overview_Frames
3 Creating and Editing Frames Pages
4 To adjust the spacing between frames=FRAME_adjust_spacing_between_frames@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To create a frames page=FRAME_create_frames_page@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To display frame borders=FRAME_display_frame_borders@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To resize a frame=FRAME_resize@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To split a frame=FRAME_split@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
3 Other Frames Procedures
4 To create a hyperlink to display a page in another page=FRAME_hyperlink_for_page_in_another_frame@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To delete a frame=FRAME_delete@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To open a frames page=FRAME_open_frames_page@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To open a page in a frame=FRAME_open_page_in_frame@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To specify the initial page of a frame=FRAME_specify_initial_page@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To display a page in a frame=FRAME_link_target@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To display form results in a frame=FRAME_form_page@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
2 FrontPage Advanced Components
3 Overview=Overview_Advanced_Components
3 Inserting Advanced Components
4 To insert a Java applet=PAGE_insert_Java_applet@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To insert a plug-in=PAGE_insert_plug_in@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To insert an ActiveX control=PAGE_insert_ActiveX@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To insert an event script=PAGE_insert_event_script@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To insert an inline script=PAGE_insert_inline_script@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
3 Setting the Scripting Language
4 To set the default script language for the Script Wizard=PAGE_set_language_script_wizard@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To set the script language=PAGE_set_script_language@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
2 Setting Language and Character Encoding
3 Overview=Overview_Language_Encoding
3 Setting Language and Character Encoding
4 To change the HTML character encoding for saving or loading a page=PAGE_change_code_page_display@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To specify the default display font for a language or character set=PAGE_specify_default_display_font@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
2 Using Channel Definitions
3 Overview=Overview_Channels
4 To define a channel for the current FrontPage web=CHANNEL_define@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To change a channel definition=CHANNEL_change@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To rename a Subscribe button=CHANNEL_rename_button@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To create a hyperlink that subscribes users to a channel=CHANNEL_create_hyperlink@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
4 To publish a channel=CHANNEL_publish@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
2 FrontPage 98 Database Integration
3 Overview=Overview_DATABASE_WIZARD
3 Creating Database Regions
4 To create a database region=DBASE_CREATE_DATABASE_REGION@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
3 Editing IDC Files
4 To change an IDC file=DBASE_EDIT_IDC_FILE@frontpg.hlp>(w95sec)
1 Contacting Microsoft Technical Support
4 You're having other problems=pss@frontpg.hlp
4 Choose the support option that's right for you=MTSChoose@frontpg.hlp
4 Self-Help Tools=MTSSelf@frontpg.hlp
4 Other Self-Help Tools=MTSSelfOther@frontpg.hlp
4 Direct Assistance with a Microsoft Technical Support Engineer=DirectAssistance@frontpg.hlp
4 Other Microsoft Services=MTSOther@frontpg.hlp
4 Microsoft Technical Support Worldwide=MTSWorld@frontpg.hlp