Chip 2005 July
Text File
184 lines
// API for ATI Tray Tools
// C++ version
// (c) 2004 Ray Adams
#define ATT_Sign 0x4154544C
//Plugin type
#define PL_STD 0 // standard plugin
#define PL_RunTime 1 //Run Time plugin
#define atc_getversion 1
//Get ATT Version
//inData = 0
//outData pointer to word , hi byte - HI Version, low byte = Low version
#define atc_getDriverRegKey 2
//Get currect registry path for catalyst driver
//outData = PChar,
//must be allocated in plugin and have enought space to store path, >=255 will be enought
#define atc_IsLDInstalled 3
//Check if low lever driver was installed
//outData = pointer to byte
// 1 = yes
// 2 = no
#define atc_inb 4
#define atc_inw 5
#define atc_ind 6
//read Byte/Word/Dword from port
//inData = pointer to TPortIO port
//outData = pointer to dword, result
#define atc_outb 7
#define atc_outw 8
#define atc_outd 9
//write Byte/Word/Dword to port
//inData = pointer to TPortIO record
// port to write
// value to write
//outData = pointer to dword, result
#define atc_getPCIBusDataB 10
#define atc_getPCIBusDataW 11
#define atc_getPCIBusDataD 12
//read Byte/Word/Dword from PCI registers
//inData = pointer to TPCIIO record
// used only bus,device,func, offset
//outData = pointer to dword, result
#define atc_getClocks 13
//read current clocks
//inData = 0
//outData = pointer to dword
//hi part : memory
//lo part : GPU
#define atc_setClocks 14
//set clocks. PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!!
//inData = 0
//outData = pointer to dword (4 bytes)
//hi part : memory
//lo part : GPU
#define atc_ReadDefaultClocks 15
//read default clocks from BIOS
//inData = 0
//outData = pointer to dword
//hi part : memory
//lo part : GPU
#define atc_MapMemory 16
//Map frame buffer from physical address space to linear
//inData = pointer to TMemoryMapping
//outData = pointer to dword (variable with address of mapped memory)
#define atc_UnMapMemory 17
//Unmap IO memory
//inData = pointer to variable returned by atc_MapMemory
//outData = 0
#define atc_MRRReadB 18
//Read byte from MMR
//inData = pointer to word as offset in MMR
//outDate = pointer to byte
#define atc_MRRReadW 19
//Read byte from MMR
//inData = pointer to word as offset in MMR
//outDate = pointer to word
#define atc_MRRReadD 20
//Read byte from MMR
//inData = pointer to word as offset in MMR
//outDate = pointer to dword
#define atc_MRRWriteB 21
//Writebyte from MMR
//inData = pointer to word as offset in MMR
//outDate = pointer to byte (value to write)
#define atc_MRRWriteW 22
//Write word to MMR
//inData = pointer to word as offset in MMR
//outDate = pointer to word (value to write)
#define atc_MRRWriteD 23
//Write dword to MMR
//inData = pointer to word as offset in MMR
//outDate = pointer to dword (value to write)
#define atc_setPCIBusDataB 24
#define atc_setPCIBusDataW 25
#define atc_setPCIBusDataD 26
//write Byte/Word/Dword from PCI registers
//inData = pointer to TPCIIO record
// used all values: bus,device,func, offset, value
//outData = nothing
#define atc_VIDBusDataB 27
#define atc_VIDBusDataW 28
#define atc_VIDBusDataD 29
//Read registers from current video card
//inData - register
//outData - pointer to variable to receive value from registers
#define atc_tmsupport 30
//Read data from temperature sensore
//inData - void
//outData - pointer to TMonSuport struct
typedef struct tagTPortIO {
UINT port;
DWORD value;
} TPortIO, *PPortIO;
typedef struct tagTPCIIO {
char bus,device,func,offset;
DWORD value;
typedef struct tagTPlugInfo {
DWORD Sign; //std 4 chars to identify itself as a ATT plugin
char Menu_Text[51]; // text for menu
char PluginType; //type of plugin reserved must be PL_STD
} TPlugInfo, *PPlugInfo;
typedef struct tagMemoryMapping {
DWORD addr; //address of memory for mapping
DWORD size; //size of memory to map
} TMemoryMapping, *PMemoryMapping;
typedef struct tagTMonSuport {
DWORD SensorSupported;//0 if not supported
char SensorName[10]; //sensor name
DWORD TempGpu;
DWORD TempEnv;
DWORD FanDuty;
} TMonSuport, *PMonSuport;
typedef void (STDAPICALLTYPE* lppget_plug_info)(PPlugInfo Data);
typedef void (STDAPICALLTYPE* lppatt_proc)(UINT ACommand, void* inData, void* outData);
typedef void (STDAPICALLTYPE* lppexec_plugin)(HWND Win_Handle, void* ATT_Proc);
//Only for Run Time plugins
//ATT Will execute this function before terminate.
typedef void (STDAPICALLTYPE* lppdone_plugin)();
//ATT will execute this function after resuming from suspend/hibernate mode
//Plug-In must decide waht to do at this time.
//if you don't need any actions just create dummy procedure
typedef void (STDAPICALLTYPE* lppsuspend_restore)();
//Run Configuration for plugin
typedef void (STDAPICALLTYPE* lppconfig_plugin)();