1078 Program files(*.exe;*.bat;*.pif)|*.exe;*.bat;*.pif|
1079 End of texts !
1080 Text not found !
1081 End of text !
1082 Beginning of text !
1083 Find in files
1084 Choose the directory:
1085 File "%s" has been modified by another application:\n\nLast Editeur access time: %02d %03s %02d %02d:%02d:%02d\nActual file time: %02d %03s %02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n\nReload from file?
1086 Failed to initialize Object Linking and Embedding
1087 S&tay on top
1088 Column
1089 Columns
1090 Syntax libraries(*.dll)|*.dll|
1091 Standard dictionaries(*.vtd)|*.vtd|
1092 Choose a standard dictionary
1093 Custom dictionaries(*.dic)|*.dic|
1094 Choose a custom dictionary
1095 Could not load dictionary "%s" !
1096 [No suggestion]
1097 "%s" is not a valid syntax library !
1098 American.vtd
1099 selected
1100 The file "%s" has been modified. Save changes ?
1101 HelpUs.hlp
1102 TipsUs.txt
1103 English
57344 Editeur
57345 For Help, press F1
57346 Select an object on which to get Help
57347 %1 in %2
57349 %1 - %2
57600 Create a new text\nNew
57601 Open an existing text\nOpen...
57602 Close the active text\nClose
57603 Save the active text\nSave
57604 Save the active text in a new file\nSave As...
57605 Set up the page layout used for printing\nPage Setup...
57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup...
57607 Print the active text\nPrint...
57608 Print the active text on the default printer\nPrint direct
57609 Show how the active text will appear on printer\nPrint preview
57610 Update the container to show any changes\nUpdate
57611 Save a copy of the active text in a file\nSave Copy
57612 Send the active text through electronic mail\nSend Mail...
57632 Clear the selected text\nClear
57633 Erase everything\nErase All
57634 Copy the selected text to the clipboard\nCopy
57635 Cut the selected text\nCut
57636 Find the specified text\nFind
57637 Paste characters from the clipboard\nPaste
57640 Repeat the current update\nRepeat
57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All
57643 Undo the last update\nUndo
57644 Redo a previously undone update\nRedo
57648 Open another window for the active text\nNew Window
57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window\nArrange Icons
57650 Arrange windows so they overlap\nCascade Windows
57651 Arrange windows as horizontal tiles\nTile horizontal
57652 Arrange windows as vertical tiles\nTile vertical
57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
57665 Quit the application; prompts to save texts\nExit
57666 Opens Help\nHelp Topics
57667 List Help topics\nHelp Topics
57668 Display instructions about how to use help\nHelp
57669 Display help for clicked-on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp
57670 Display help for current task or command\nHelp
57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
58112 Close the preview window\nClose
58113 Preview two pages at a time\nTwo pages
58114 Show the next page\nNext page
58115 Show the previous page\nPrevious page
58116 Print the document\nPrint
58117 Zoom in\nZoom in
58118 Zoom out\nZoom out
58369 Reload the text, discarding any change\nReload
58370 Save all texts\nSave all
58371 Save the active text and close it\nSave and close
58372 Save all texts and quit the application\nSave and exit
58373 Reopen this file\nReopen
58374 Reopen this file\nReopen
58375 Reopen this file\nReopen
58376 Reopen this file\nReopen
58377 Reopen this file\nReopen
58378 Reopen this file\nReopen
58379 Reopen this file\nReopen
58380 Reopen this file\nReopen
58381 Reopen this file\nReopen
58382 Reopen this file\nReopen
58383 Reopen this file\nReopen
58384 Reopen this file\nReopen
58385 Reopen this file\nReopen
58386 Reopen this file\nReopen
58387 Reopen this file\nReopen
58388 Reopen this file\nReopen
58393 Append the selected text to the clipboard\nAppend
58394 Select the entire text\nSelect all
58395 Copy the selected text to a file\nCopy to
58396 Paste characters from a file\nPaste from
58397 Move the selection to the right\nIndent
58398 Move the selection to the left\nUnindent
58399 Join two lines or the lines selected into one single line\nJoin lines
58400 Split the selected text into separate lines according to current word-wrapping aspect\nSplit lines
58401 Set the selected text to uppercase\nUpper
58402 Set the selected text to lowercase\nLower
58403 Invert the case of the selected text\nInvert
58404 Set to uppercase the first letter of every word of the selected text\nCapitalize
58405 Insert the date and time\nDate/Time
58406 Search for a string in the active text\nSearch...
58408 Search for the next occurence of a string\nSearch next
58409 Search for the previous occurence of a string\nSearch previous
58410 Replace a string in the active text\nReplace...
58412 Find all files containing a string\nFind in files...
58413 Go to a line number\nGo to a line number...
58414 Go to the last update\nGo to the last update
58415 Toggle a bookmark\nToggle bookmark
58416 Go to the next bookmark\nGo to the next bookmark
58417 Go to the previous bookmark\nGo to the previous bookmark
58418 Clear all bookmarks\nClear all bookmarks
58419 Load a macro from a file\nLoad macro...
58420 Save a macro to a file\nStore macro...
58421 Begin recording a macro\nBegin recording
58422 Finish recording a macro\nFinish recording
58423 Replay the current macro once\nReplay once
58424 Replay the current macro several times\nReplay n times...
58425 Replay the current macro indefinitely - press Escape to stop\nReplay indefinitely
58426 Compare two files and shows the differences\nCompare files...
58427 Check the spelling in the active text\nSpell check...
58428 Run an external program\nRun...
58429 Convert tabs size in the active text\nConvert...
58431 Sort the active text - Beware: a sort processing cannot be undone\nSort...
58433 Runs this command\nRun...
58434 Runs this command\nRun...
58435 Runs this command\nRun...
58436 Runs this command\nRun...
58437 Runs this command\nRun...
58438 Runs this command\nRun...
58439 Runs this command\nRun...
58440 Runs this command\nRun...
58441 Runs this command\nRun...
58442 Change Editeur options\nOptions...
58443 Switch on or off the word wrap option\nToggle word wrap
58444 Show or hide spaces, tabulations, and end of lines\nToggle view mode
58445 Display Editeur on top of all other windows\nStay on top
58446 Change the font used for displaying characters\nScreen font...
58447 Change the font used for printing\nPrint font...
58448 Use a copy of the screen font for printing\nMirror screen font
58449 Set up external tools for use within Editeur\nTools...
58450 Close all windows\nClose all
58451 Close all windows, automatically saving the modified texts\n Save and close all
58452 Display a Tip of the Day\nDisplay a Tip...
58453 Display version number and copyright\nAbout...
58454 Display contact information\nContact...
58456 Select text as lines\nLine select
58457 Select text as columns\nColumn select
58464 Select text as rectangles\nRectangle select
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59143 1:1
59144 Insert
59145 Modified
59146 1 line, 0 character
59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar
59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents