We recommend you uninstall any previous version. Go to Control panel, Add/Remove programs and uninstall then run the self-extracting archive, fsync.exe.
Version 2.03
╖ New tools - "Remove empty folders" and "Replicate folder trees".
╖ New options, when synchronising, to copy or remove empty folders.
╖ New "Not equal" filter - Shows all differences, including size and binary.
╖ No longer prompts to save profile when filter has been changed.
╖ Intermittent problem with timestamps being copied incorrectly on some W95/W98 configurations has been fixed.
╖ File list columns are now auto-sized on double-clicking the column header.
Version 2.0
╖ Folder inclusion/exclusion
╖ Compare on profile load option
╖ Time remaining and other improvements to progress dialog
╖ Filter settings saved with profile
╖ Time shift target option
╖ Display of progress with files over 40Mb fixed
╖ Binary compare display fixed
╖ List no longer displays duplicates
Version 1.55
╖ Dependency on wininet.dll removed
Version 1.54
╖ Binary compare now displays equality/inequality correctly for files with different timestamps
╖ Browse button for difference viewer selection added
╖ Suppress quotes for difference viewer parameters added
╖ Safe copy switch added
╖ Skip option in File Overwrite confirmation dialog added
╖ Facility to change synchronization output path added
╖ Copy file list to clipboard added
╖ Write file list to text file added
╖ Error and warning log added
╖ Saving of incorrect path and file type data under some circumstances has been fixed
╖ Spin button for ôOlder than à daysö now works the right way round
╖ Tickbox now appears for file list entries when the copy direction is overridden
Version 1.52
The problem with the display of the comparison list has been fixed.
Disk full conditions are now detected and handled.
The binary compare facility has also been enhanced
with an "Ignore time-stamps" option and the addition
of a new Toolbar button.
Version 1.51
Bug fix for "Ignore 2 second time differences" where only differences less
than 2 seconds were being ignored.
Version 1.50
╖ Binary compare
╖ File size compare
╖ Ignore older than...
╖ View differences
╖ Delete files with Delete key
╖ Space bar tagging
╖ Incorrect 0KB output in report printing fixed
╖ Target file is no longer destroyed when an error occurs during synchronisation
╖ Crash when handling invalid Timestamps fixed
╖ No longer reports an error about root directory creation