You can keep the Scratch Pad on top of all other windows? Choose "Always On Top" from the view menu.
To quickly change settings... Click the right mouse button for a quick menu.
Scratch Pad can automatically capture a copy of anything pasted to the clipboard from another program! See Clipboard Capture from the Custom Settings menu.
Scratch Pad is a Shareware program. Please support Shareware! If you use Scratch Pad, make sure to register your copy. See the Help menu for instructions
You can jump directly to any line by entering a line number. Choose Go to Line Number from the View menu.
You can add a Date/Time stamp by pressing CTRL-D
You can change the format for Date/Time stamps. See Date Stamp settings from the Custom Settings menu.
Scratch Pad is shareware! Please register your copy. Surf to to register on-line, or the Help menu for more instructions.
You can have Scratch Pad automatically add a bookmark every time it auto captures an item from the clipboard. See Bookmark settings from the Custom Settings menu.
You can work with Text files, Scratch Pad files (.sct) with bookmarks, colors, fonts, etc., or Rich Text Format files (.rtf) with colors and fonts
To differentiate groups of notes... Make each group a different color.
Scratch Pad can be configured to sound an audible alert whenever it auto captures an item from the clipboard. See Clipboard Capture from the Custom Settings menu.
You can have Scratch Pad change text color for every new capture from the clipboard. See Clipboard Capture from the Custom Settings menu.
Word wrapping is completely customizable. See Page Settings from the Custom Settings menu.
You can drop a file from File Manager or Explorer on a running copy of Scratch Pad to insert the text into the current file.
You can make a shortcut to Scratch Pad on the Windows 95 desktop. Drop a file on the shortcut to open the file with Scratch Pad.
You can set a bookmark anywhere? This allows you to return to a previous reference.
You cannot set Auto Save from the file manager? Scratch Pad will then save your document whenever necessary so that even if your system crashes your entries won't be lost. (important for most programmers!)
Each time you start Scratch Pad it automatically returns you to the same place you were at the last time you ran the program.
You can have Scratch Pad automatically add a Date/Time stamp every time it auto captures an item from the clipboard. See Date Stamp settings from the Custom Settings menu.
Scratch Pad supports OLE. You can insert any available OLE object into your pad. (Try inserting some music from a sound editing program!)