13 Real a = 1.2, b =0.22 , gamma = 1.8, delta = 1.2, epsilon =23.2; // parameters \n /*The function. Its name can be arbitrary */\nReal MyFunction(Real x) = a*x*sin(b*x^2)-gamma*cos(delta*x+epsilon);
14 -1.78*a - pi
15 2.99 * pi -b
16 /* Parameter declaration, to vary the curve */\nReal a = 1.4 , b = 2.26 , c = 1.25 , d = -2.5 ; \n/* Curve Definition */\nPoint MyCur(Real t) = (a*(b*cos(t) + c*sin(d*t)), a*(b*sin(t) - c*cos(d*t)));
102 Show or hide the font-tools-bar\nToggle font-tools
33536 Left parenthesis (function) or equal (declaration) expected
33537 Bad arguments-list
33538 Bad function-definition (formula?)
33539 Start symbol
33540 Number symbol
33541 Comma symbol
33542 New Name symbol
33543 Variable symbol
33544 Procedure symbol
33545 Procedure Applilcation symbol
33546 Argument symbol
33547 Real Function symbol
33548 Addition symbol
33549 Subtraction symbol
33550 Unary minus symbol
33551 Multiplication symbol
33552 Division symbol
33553 Exponentiation symbol
33554 Left parenthesis symbol
33555 Right parenthesis symbol
33556 Semi colon symbol
33557 Equal symbol
33558 Reserved word symbol
33559 Symbolic constant symbol
33560 End symbol
33561 Error symbol
33601 Function has no correct signature: i.e.\nArgument-type: ... Real ...\nReturn-type: ... Real (for functions) ... Point (for curves)
33602 Error : Return type on the left of ... = ... \nnot corresponding to number of expressions on the right side\nReturn type = %s \nNumber of Expressions = %d
33603 Integer
33604 Real
33605 Point
34001 General scale
34002 Labels-x
34003 Labels-y
34004 Left end
34005 Right end
34006 Compo-separation
34007 Perimeter
34008 Area
34009 Address
34010 Size in bytes
34011 Width in pix
34012 Height in pix
34013 Origin-x in pix
34014 Origin-y in pix
34015 Scale-x in pix
34016 Scale-y in pix
34017 Max Curve-points
34018 Max Graph-points
34019 dSignature
34020 nVersion
34021 nRecords
34022 nHandles
34023 nDescription
34024 offDescription
34025 nPalEntries
34026 cbPixelFormat
34027 offPixelFormat
34028 bOpenGL
34029 Metafile-bytes
34030 Total-size
34031 iType
34032 nSize
34033 rclBounds.left
34034 rclBounds.top
34035 rclBounds.right
34036 rclBounds.bottom
34037 rclFrame.left
34038 rclFrame.top
34039 rclFrame.right
34040 rclFrame.bottom
34041 szlDevice
34042 szlMillimeters
34043 In use percent:
34044 Physical memory:
34045 Free physical memory:
34046 Paging file bytes:
34047 Free paging file bytes:
34048 Total virtual:
34049 Free virtual:
34050 Initial-horizontal-pixels
34051 Initial-vertical-pixels
34052 Text-size
34053 Size
34054 Center
34055 Left-Top
34056 Right-Bottom
34057 point-%d
34058 Angle-%d
34059 segment-%d
34060 segment-%d : %f
34061 Perimeter : %f
34062 Font :
34063 Rot-angle
34064 Tr/tion-vector
34065 %s = %d %c
34066 %s = %f %c
34067 %s = ( %f , %f ) %c
34068 Some global variables used without being previously declared:\n%s\nI assigned them the value 0.0 !\nPress retry and go back to correct your string or ...(strange)\nPress cancel to accept these trivial values ...(with inpredictable (?) results).
34069 Where to the heck is declared your variable:\n %s \nIt's time to go back and correct your definition-string.\nUse the command "Its String" to inspect your errors.
34070 /*, %s = 0.0 is missing. Why?*/
34071 \nLast symbol read: ...%s \nLast name read: %s
34072 Error in Function-Definition
34073 Error in Left-end definition
34074 Error in Right-end definition
34075 Number in incorect format. \nPlease type again a valid number including:\n-Numerical constants like 1.23, 0.334, -3.5\n-Predefined constants. pi, e, gold\n-Standard operations: +, -, *, / and ^(exponentiation)
34076 Side a:
34077 Side b:
34078 Side c:
34079 Angle A:
34080 Angle B:
34081 Angle C:
34082 Some not previously defined identifier detected.\nSuch as: %s \nPlease reset the number correctly.
34083 Is this ...%s ... a degree format ?\nDo you know that degree format has the form 00:00:00 ?... f.e. 30:23:14
57344 Isoptikon
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