Labels:crt screen | earth | monitor | plant | sky | trade name | web site | window OCR: Notebook C:\TEST`NOTEBOOK LNOTEBOOK TXT File Search Options Help NO TEBOOK V3.8 LARGE TEXT FILE EDITOR The following files represen the inventory of this archive: COMDLG32. .OC FILE ID DIZ MFC40.DL NOTEBOOK * NOTEBOOK NOTEBOOK H NOT EBOOK TXT REG TXT REGOCX32. FX RICHTX32.0C SETUP.EXE The following files represent the VB4 Runtime Module pue MUST be n your WINDOWS ISYSTEM VB40032. .DLL OLEPRO32.DLL MSVCRT 40.DLL [If you qou op r have these files they can be obtained from the CT Software Home Page Please feel free to visit this WEB site SE will allow access to the very latest version ol the shareware loffered I by CT Software to offering links to other excellent Insert Line=1 HH Column=1 Juni 11. 1996 followino SYSTEM directory offered