With LoKon you can construct digital circuits in a simple way. The signal flow of the circuits is simulated and can be recorded. This is done by an oscilloscope window.
A contextsensitive help (700KByte) explains the use of the program and reduces the time of initiation to a minimum.
There are more than 100 elements (gates, flipflops, etc.) as well as switches, solid zero, solid one, timer, ROM/RAM and PLA. Texts and graphics can be admitted to the circuits.
The use is simple and intuitive. Menues and mouse pointer are contextsensitive.
Own elements can be created comfortably. The input/output functionality can be realized with tables and boolean algebra and (new in version 2.0) with a circuit. That means, circuits can be cascaded, so large circuits can be divided up into several small ones.
Also new in version 2.0 is the undo feature that's unlimited.
The program is suited especially for education, but with the new features it's also interesting for commercial use.
The registration fee of 69 $US for commercial use and 35 $US for private or educational use is moderate.