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NOW YOU'RE COOKING! (c) 1994-97 Food-for-Thought Software
xx - major
x - minor
NYC 4.10f 9-Mar-97
disable Go button in export window during FileMerge operation
add Map categories to Help file
fix minor bugs in exporting and use of File menu cookbooks
NYC 4.10e 3-Mar-97
fix msg to show shopping list not created if a menu item has blank qty
add recipe name and more hints to ambiguous qty message
add ôwww.ffts.comö to print header
NYC 4.10d 2-Mar-97
fix VB Error 94 (printer error) when printing meal plan
NYC 4.10c 27-Feb-97
warn if >30,000 recipes in a cookbook in ReadCookHeader
x make Directions window resizable by user
disable toolbuttons when defragging or rebuilding cookbook indexes
add scale factor=1 to NYC menus (versions < 4.10)
add more error trapping to Upgrade...
NYC 4.10b 17-Feb-97
reset fonts after changing print orientation to avoid defaults
fix type mismatch when printing recipes in meal plan
trap blank new cookbook name
add placeholder (fake) coupon to coupon list when Delete Expired removes all
turn on error handling in Upgrade, PrtMultiRecipes, PutTag, mnuPlan_Click
x add scalefactor=1 to GC menus during Upgrade to NYC menu
NYC 4.10a 10-Feb-97
x avoid search for unassigned recipes when entering Assign Recipes
improve message in Edit Categories... Defaults button
remove debug messages from Print button in recipe print window
NYC 4.10 8-Feb-97
xx expand Search capabilities (any, all, none, only)
xx add feature to scale recipes in the Meal Plan window
xx add feature to import generic recipes
xx add feature to import/export entire group (all, unassigned, category, tagged)
xx add cookbook print option
x recognize import file type (avoid user specification)
x scale yield when scaling recipe ingredient quantities
x allow Rename of open cookbook
x save Font settings in nyc.ini
x add option to omit pagination on NYC recipe reports
x add feature to force one recipe per page in std NYC print format
x add option to use keyword file for Search
x Add Tools submenu under Options menu
x add Del key functionality in windows where appropriate
x eliminate superfluous cookbook index reads when searching
improve QuikView functionality
add mmformat.txt to archive
add droplist of discounts to coupon window
put Defrag Cookbook and Rebuild Cookbook Index under Options... Tools...
NYC 4.06 17-Dec-96
minor improvements in registration handling and import/export features
check for missing autokeys.lst file in Customize Auto-Assign routine
in Win95 install, add Desktop icon and add Help files to Start menu
avoid Win95 install to \Program Files folder
NYC 4.05 11-Nov-96
strengthen messages for rebuild index and defrag cookbook File menu options
fix bug that reduced droplist counts by 1 after Save
NYC 4.04 10-Nov-96
add changes.txt to List of Files distributed with archive
when recipe deleted, fix header ID so reindexing w/o defrag works
fix ôDid You Know?ö tips to avoid occasional blank tip
change references to GC in Help... Technical Support...
NYC 4.03 8-Nov-96
x show last 4 cookbooks opened at bottom of File menu
x allow autokeys with "-" prefix in Auto-Assign to avoid unwanted categorization
xx add File... Rebuild Cookbook Index...
correct prices shown in registration form printout from within NYC
free up more system resources during defrag operation
NYC 4.02 28-Oct-96
fix category transfer during export to NYC cookbook
NYC 4.01 24-Oct-96
add catlist.def to NYC \user sub-directory during setup process
NYC 4.00 23-Oct-96
xx recipe search across cookbooks
xx maximum number categories expanded to 200 per cookbook
xx recipe search criteria expanded (name, ingredients, directions)
xx mapping of recipe assignments across categories
xx capability to import Mastercook (tm) text recipes
xx bigger meal plans (15 items per meal)
xx ability to add individual items to meal plans
xx cookbook defragger to recover hard disk space
xx option to edit and maintain a default category list
x "Did you know?" tips added to stats window
x safe interruption of imports and other long operations
x user-defined names for new cookbooks
x expanded keywords for auto-assign feature
x expanded print capability for recipes and meal plans
x improved feature to upgrade from previous versions
x user-modified files kept in \user sub-directory for easy backup
x option to enable/disable cost features
more efficient droplist editing
Change name from Grocery Consumer (GC) to Now You're Cooking! (NYC)
GC 3.14p 16-Aug-96
speed up Add of new item in shopping list window
fix shopping list so it is sorted when first printed after saving menu
fix bug in shopping list Condense button (failed to update list if Add after Condense)
GC 3.14n 16-Aug-96 (same as GC 3.14p, but with 2000 importable MM recipes)
GC 3.14m 23-Jul-96
fix bug in use of minus button in import/export window
fix bug in recipe edit that sometimes failed to save category changes
GC 3.14k 29-Jun-96
xx add option to look for names or ingredients in recipe search
x make default cookbook dir = current cookbook dir rather than GC dir
trap out of memory error when > 500 recipes selected for MM export
trap "input past EOF" when opening tag list
fix bug sorting coupons by date with DMY rather than MDY set (Control Panel)
fix bug in Search during export with tag list searched
fix error when StartupCookbook in any dir other than GC dir
GC 3.14j 8-Jun-96
xx add forward-backward buttons to recipe edit form
xx rename "Next" button to "New" in recipe edit form
x fix minor bugs in Save Menu, View Price/Aisle, View Menu
GC 3.14i 6-Jun-96
xx add tagged recipe list to Category assign form
xx add recipe output format option to recipe select form
x improve error trapping in coupon list
x speed Price/Aisle list editing
x fix minor bugs
GC 3.14h 29-May-96
x fix bug that corrupted aisle list after price list edit
xx add 3x5 card printing option for recipes
GC 3.14g 26-May-96
x add more error msgs about network access
x improve background colors
x enable error trapping in File... Open Cookbook...
GC 3.14f 26-May-96
x add fast import/export option
x add button to find and delete duplicate recipes
x improve MM import success
x make MM importing interruptible
x fix numerous minor bugs (import/export, tagging, large cookbooks)
GC 3.14c 15-May-96
x improve speed of saving category changes
x reduce code size
x extend auto-assign capability
x fix minor bug in recipe counts in Category form
GC 3.14b 12-May-96
x improve MM import success
x extend auto-assign capability
x fix subscript out of range when saving a new recipe
GC 3.14a 10-May-96
x improve MM import success
Changes in GC 3.14 from previous version (GC 3.11f):
xx add use of multiple cookbooks for meal planning
xx expand form to customize Auto-Assign categories feature
xx improve MM import success
xx add tagging, untagging of recipes for later operations
xx add search for recipes with text string within a category
x convert Rename Cookbook... to Save Cookbook As...
x allow saving of cookbooks to diskette
x improve speed while editing price and aisle lists
x add multi-select feature in Category assignment form
x add printing list of recipes from multiple cookbooks
x improve speed of multiple recipe deletion
x allow long file paths with pkzip, unzip operation
x add option to omit GC report headers
x fix minor bugs