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| This VENDINFO Product Information File contains both readable text |
| and tools-accessible data about a product. See the last text |
| section, below, for more information about VENDINFO and its tools. |
VENDINFO standard v1.04, produced by VendEdit v1.30, 2-Jan-1997
===== Product Information ==============================
Product: HTML Builder HTML Editor
Version: 1.10
Version Date: 1-Jan-1997
Product Type: Software
Basic Distribution Policy (see License, below, for details):
Shareware, subject to distribution restrictions
Product Description: HTML Builder HTML Editor v1.10 <ASP> HTML
Builder is a Microsoft Windows based HTML
editor. With HTML Builder there is no need to
learn complicated HTML, just select text and
click on tool bars or choose menu items.
Common tasks such as adding a link to a list
are combined into a single task to simplify
maintenance. HTML Builder includes a complete
help file. HTML Builder is created by
FLFSoft, Inc.
Reason for version: Distribution changed to Freeware
Category: Writing applications; Text editors
Keywords: Shareware HTML Editor WWW World Wide Web
Required Packages: HTMLBL11
This Package: HTMLBL11
Required Configuration
Processor Family: Intel 80x86 (minimum 80286 (AT))
Minimum OS: Windows 3.1
Hard Drive Space: 500K
Req'd Software: HTML Builder requires win32s for Microsoft
Windows 3.1x or Workgroups.
Address: FLFSoft, Inc.
P.O. Box 306
Oak Creek, WI 53154-0306
Internet: support@flfsoft.com
===== Information for Users ("READ-ME") ================
HTML Builder requires win32s to be installed if you are running Microsoft
Windows 3.1x or Microsoft Windows for Workgroups. If you do not have
win32s or cannot find win32s, contact FLFSoft, Inc. and we will ship you
a copy.
An on-disk copy of the manual is include with this distribution. The
on-disk copy of the manual is stored in HTML format. To view the manual,
start your web browser and choose "Open File". Select TOC.HTM from the
list of files in the manual subdirectory. You can order a professionally
printed and bound manual when you register HTML Builder.
HTML Builder is now Freeware. There is no registration of pay, just
enjoy the program. We do, however, ask that you do one of two things if
you find HTML Builder usefull. Please go to our home page and register
as a customer. You can do that at url:
http://www.flfsoft.com/html/suggest_new_links.html. If you prefer, you
can just mail us a postcard with you name, company name, address and the
url of you home page.
===== Packing List =====================================
As released by the author or publisher, this package contained the
following files in addition to this VENDINFO.DIZ:
Filename Size Date Time CRC32
READ_ME.1ST 171 1-Jan-1997 01:10a F9D97F00
HTMLBLDR.BMP 22678 5-Dec-1995 09:52p A05A2772
FILE_ID.DIZ 420 1-Jan-1997 01:10a 487A49BB
CTL3D32.DLL 25088 1-Jan-1997 01:10a 51DCDE27
HTMLBLDR.EXE 340480 1-Jan-1997 01:10a A468C5EF
HTMLBLDR.HLP 86301 1-Jan-1997 01:10a 45F019A4
BASICS.HTM 15962 1-Jan-1997 01:10a EAE85E03
FORMAT.HTM 12002 1-Jan-1997 01:10a 7734A6D4
IMAGES.HTM 2060 1-Jan-1997 01:10a CACED1F7
INTRO.HTM 4407 1-Jan-1997 01:10a D71C3BA0
LINKS.HTM 11480 1-Jan-1997 01:10a 2907D7A9
TOC.HTM 2349 1-Jan-1997 01:10a E0F185AE
WTGFH.HTM 2229 1-Jan-1997 01:10a 9EBE4E77
APP3.JPG 166334 3-Dec-1995 02:37p 6DB4911F
AUTH-GS.JPG 15922 26-Nov-1995 09:36p B1107F93
BOLD.JPG 865 3-Dec-1995 09:22p 570BE1F2
BQUOTE.JPG 919 3-Dec-1995 09:22p ED5211E4
DOCKED.JPG 3556 26-Nov-1995 09:36p BAC0E4C9
EDITCOPY.JPG 1912 4-Dec-1995 08:21p CA341415
EDITCUT.JPG 1736 4-Dec-1995 08:21p 386183E5
EDITPAST.JPG 1970 4-Dec-1995 08:21p 2BA5B0BC
FILE.JPG 11190 26-Nov-1995 09:36p A57F4B1E
FILE1-GS.JPG 15282 26-Nov-1995 09:36p 8B2711D7
FILE2-GS.JPG 9707 26-Nov-1995 09:36p CB118B0F
FILENEW.JPG 1743 4-Dec-1995 08:21p 3522CD1F
FILEOPEN.JPG 2070 4-Dec-1995 08:21p 128F1498
FILEPRNT.JPG 1785 4-Dec-1995 08:37p 626EAF15
FILESAVE.JPG 1887 4-Dec-1995 08:21p 763D7C98
FIND.JPG 1452 26-Nov-1995 09:36p 5531C0EF
FINDNXT.JPG 921 3-Dec-1995 09:22p 156AA4CE
FLOAT.JPG 5330 26-Nov-1995 09:36p 10BD7501
FTP.JPG 13016 26-Nov-1995 09:36p C9178E4D
GEN-GS.JPG 23943 26-Nov-1995 09:36p 48EB529D
GOPHER.JPG 11623 26-Nov-1995 09:36p F626DE49
H1.JPG 859 3-Dec-1995 09:22p 4A52FA90
H2.JPG 871 3-Dec-1995 09:22p BC6313E5
H3.JPG 881 3-Dec-1995 09:22p 3D5298F6
H4.JPG 875 3-Dec-1995 09:22p 9E938E3E
H5.JPG 873 3-Dec-1995 09:22p 8131E927
H6.JPG 876 3-Dec-1995 09:22p 9AA47767
HLINE.JPG 866 3-Dec-1995 09:22p 7C1CB4B1
HOST-GS.JPG 14696 26-Nov-1995 09:36p D6B1444C
IMAGES.JPG 20707 3-Dec-1995 02:38p 0ADAF6B8
ITALIC.JPG 862 3-Dec-1995 09:22p 5448217B
LOCAL.JPG 9830 26-Nov-1995 09:36p 7B950805
LOCALREF.JPG 10404 26-Nov-1995 09:36p 53D91AAE
MAILTO.JPG 9931 26-Nov-1995 09:36p 63C531C3
MENU.JPG 25828 26-Nov-1995 09:36p 06B08BD3
NEWLINE.JPG 911 3-Dec-1995 09:22p FA8C278B
NEWS2.JPG 28122 3-Dec-1995 02:39p B0A41227
OLIST.JPG 889 3-Dec-1995 09:22p DA277B44
PPG.JPG 861 3-Dec-1995 09:22p 876FFE55
TELNET.JPG 9803 26-Nov-1995 09:36p 7A2D5AA5
TEST.JPG 876 3-Dec-1995 09:22p 1FCF9B38
TOOL-GS.JPG 15178 26-Nov-1995 09:36p C7A2F4D8
TT.JPG 929 3-Dec-1995 09:22p A63159C3
ULIST.JPG 887 3-Dec-1995 09:22p EE1F2D37
WAIS.JPG 11193 26-Nov-1995 09:36p 5943392F
WWW.JPG 11572 26-Nov-1995 09:37p DA099968
HOMECPNY.TPL 519 1-Jan-1997 01:10a 51B18298
HOMEPERS.TPL 1345 1-Jan-1997 01:10a B9B5DE25
TEMPLATE.TPL 387 1-Jan-1997 01:10a 35DE171A
GOODHTML.TXT 23971 1-Jan-1997 01:10a FE22D99F
VENDOR.TXT 216 1-Jan-1997 01:10a 13796CEE
WARRANTY.TXT 1411 1-Jan-1997 01:10a 9226EA03
HTMLWIZ.WSE 14338 2-Jan-1997 05:46p 155CC88A
===== Installation =====================================
HTML Builder is easy to install. From within Microsoft Windows, select
File, Run and enter <drive>:/setup.exe, where <drive> is the drive that
you will be installing HTML Builder from. Follow the instructions in to
setup program to complete the installation.
===== Warranty =========================================
Disclaimer Of Warranty
FLFSoft, Inc. warrants the physical diskette(s) and physical
documentation provided with registered versions to be free of defects in
materials and workmanship for a period of ninety days from the date of
registration. If FLFSoft, Inc. receives notification within the warranty
period of defects in materials or workmanship, and such notification is
determined by FLFSoft, Inc. to be correct, FLFSoft, Inc. will replace the
defective diskette(s) or documentation. The entire and exclusive
liability and remedy for breach of this Limited Warranty shall be limited
to replacement of defective diskette(s) or documentation and shall not
include or extend to any claim for or right to recover any other damages,
including but not limited to, loss of profit, data, or use of the
software, or special, incidental, or consequential damages or other
similar claims, even if FLFSoft, Inc. has been specifically advised of
the possibility of such damages. In no event will FLFSoft, Inc.
liability for any damages to you or any other person ever exceed the
lower of suggested list price or actual price paid for the license to use
the software, regardless of any form of the claim.
===== License for Use and Distribution =================
This section contains important license information regarding the use of
HTML Builder. This information applies to individual users who wish to
pass copies out to friends and associates.
HTML Builder is NOT a public domain program. It is Copyright (c)
1995-1997 by FLFSoft, Inc. All rights reserved.
This software and accompanying documentation are protected by United
States Copyright law and also by International Treaty provisions. Any
use of this software in violation of Copyright law or the terms of this
limited license will be prosecuted to the best of our ability. The
conditions under which you may copy this software and documentation are
clearly outlined below under "Distribution Restrictions".
Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile,
disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program
except as provided in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall
result in immediate and automatic termination of this license. All rights
not expressly granted here are reserved to FLFSOFT, Inc.
Limited Distribution License:
As the copyright holder for HTML Builder, FLFSoft, Inc. authorizes
distribution by individuals only in accordance with the following
Individuals are hereby granted permission by FLFSoft, Inc. to copy the
HTML Builder diskette for their own use (for evaluation purposes) or for
other individuals to evaluate, ONLY when the following conditions are
The HTML Builder package is defined as containing all the material listed
in the packing list. If any files listed in the packing list are
missing, then the package is not complete and distribution is forbidden.
Please contact us to obtain a complete package suitable for distribution.
o The HTML Builder package - including all related program files and
documentation files - CANNOT be modified in any way and must be
distributed as a complete package, without exception. The packing
list contains a list of all files that are part of the HTML Builder
o No price or other compensation may be charged for the HTML Builder
package. A distribution cost may be charged for the cost of the
diskette, shipping and handling, as long as the total (per disk) does
not exceed US$8.00 in the U.S. and Canada, or US$12.00
o The HTML Builder package CANNOT be sold as part of some other
inclusive package. Nor can it be included in any commercial software
packaging offer, without a written agreement from FLFSoft, Inc.
o The PRINTED User's Guide may not be reproduced in whole or in part,
using any means, without the written permission of FLFSoft, Inc. In
other words, the disk-based documentation may not be distributed in
PRINTED (hardcopy) form.
o The HTML Builder package cannot be "rented" or "leased" to others.
o Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile,
disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed
program except as provided in this agreement. Any such unauthorized
use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this
o U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the
U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this
package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to
commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of
the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is
FLFSoft, Inc., P.O. Box 306 Oak Creek, Wisconsin, 53154-0306.
All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to FLFSoft, Inc.
===== About VENDINFO Files =============================
Each VENDINFO.DIZ file contains extensive information about a product.
This "human-readable" section is followed by a compressed data record
useable by automated tools. The data record allows BBSes and other
distributors to automate package handling, and provides users with a
wealth of product information. VENDINFO tools (free viewer for users,
free or inexpensive processors for distributors, editors for authors)
are available from many sources, including the originators of VENDINFO:
Rams' Island Software Voice: 303-841-2848 CompuServe: 76244,324
7644 E. Lakecliff Way BBS: 303-841-6269 FidoNet: 1:104/333
Parker, CO 80134-5904 USA FAX: 303-841-6269 RIME: 1235
===== Compressed Data Record Follows ===================