Chip Hitware 8
Text File
877 lines
LHA Version 2.55E Manual
Ver 2.55 Jan. 04, 1996
Haruyasu Yoshizaki SDI00506@niftyserve.or.jp
Translated and Edited by: Hitoshi Ozawa h_ozawa@bekkoame.or.jp
homepage: http://www.bekkoame.or.jp/~h_ozawa/
0. Liability
The author and the developer of this software will not take
responsibility for any damage that may result from the use of this
software. The files contained in LHA255.EXE are distributed "as is"
and without any expressed and implied warranties. The user assumes
the entire risk of using the software.
1. Introduction
LHarc, a precursor to the LHA file utility, became one of the
standard file compression/extraction utility in Japan despite its
slowness. I am also pleased that some overseas users have taken
to using this tool.
I, however, have continued on my research for a new compression
algorithm even after releasing LHarc to the public. The fruit of
my two years of research is incorporated in the new utility, LHA
which I would now like to make public.
(Feb. 24, 1991 Yoshizaki)
Differences between LHA and LHarc:
- Higher compression
LHA offers a higher compression rate than LHarc especially when
compressing large files. On the other hand, compression rate is
worse for files smaller than few hundred bytes.
- Faster file extraction
Extraction algorithm was changed to static Huffman algorith from
dynamic Huffman algorithm to decrease file extraction time.
Nevertheless, compression time did not decrease as much as I
- Increased memory usage
LHA requires more memory. Use caution when executing LHA from
another program or in a child process. When LHA detects memory
shortage, it will try to continue by decreasing compression rate.
- Only upward compatible with LHarc
Files compressed by LHA can not be extracted by LHarc. However,
files compressed by LHarc may be extracted by LHA.
2. Copyright
LHA is copyrighted by Haruyasu Yoshizaki.
Microsoft is a registered trademark and MS-DOS is a trademark of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States of America and other
countries. Other brand and product names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective holders.
3. Simple Usage Examples
To extract files with directories:
lha x [archive file name]
NOTE: Extension should be specified with archive file name.
Example: lha x temp.lzh
The above command extracts all files contained in archive
file TEMP.LZH.
To archive files to an archive file:
lha a [archive file name] [file name]
NOTE: Do not specify archive file name extension. Archived files
are created with extension LZH.
Example: lha a temp test1.txt test2.txt
The above command compresses files TEST1.TXT and TEXT2.TXT
and creates an archive file TEMP.LZH.
To convert an archive to to self-extraction format:
lha a [archive file name]
NOTE: Do not specify file extension. Self-extracting file with EXE
extension is created from archive file with LZH extension.
Example: lha s temp
The above command creates self-extracting file TEMP.EXE with
files contained in archive file TEMP.LZH.
4. Usage
A. General Format:
ü@LHA <command> [-<option>[-+012|WDIR]...] LZH [[DIR\] [FILE]...]...
<command>: One or more command listed in section B.
When omitted, displays quick LHA help
<option>: one of options below:
LZH: archive filename
DIR: base directory name
FILE: compression/extraction file name
(may include path)
WDIR: working directory name
B. <command>
a (Add) Add file to an archive file
File(s) specified by FILE are compressed and added to the
archive file (LZH file). If the archive file does not
exists, it will be created. If the file already exists
in the archive file, it will be overwritten. (Refer also
to u (Update) and m (Move) commands.)
< Example 1 > LHA a ex *.exe
Compress all files with extension EXE in the current
directory and add to (or create) a EX.LZH archive file.
u (Update) Add/Update file in an archive file
File(s) specified by FILE are compressed and added to the
archive file (LZH file). If the file already exists in
the archive file, the file will be added to the archive
only when the modification date of the file is more
recent than the one in the archive file. (Refer also to a
(Add) and m (Move) commands.)
< Example 2 > LHA u ex *.c
Compress all files with extension C in the current
directory and add/update to a EX.LZH archive file.
If the file already exists in the archive file, the file
will be added to the archive only when the modification
date of the file are more recent than the one in the archive.
m (Move) Move file to an archive file
File(s) specified by FILE are compressed and moved to the
archive file (LZH file). If the file already exists in
the archive file, the file will be added to the archive
only when the modification date of the file is more
recent than the one in the archive file. All files
(including those that were not actually updated to the
archive file) will be deleted.
Specify the -c option to override the date comparision
and update all specified files.
< Example 3 > LHA m ex *.c
Similar to Example 2, but delete all files with extension
C in the current drive after updating the archive file.
Have the same result as executing the following 2
LHA u ex *.c
del *.c
f (Freshen) Replace file in an archive file
Similar to the u (update) option but only update the file
that already exists in the archive file. Files that do
not already exist in the archive files are not added to
the archive.
Specify the -c option to override the date comparison and
replace all specified files.
< Example 4 > LHA f ex lha.doc
Replace file LHA.DOC in the archive file EX.LZH if the
modification date is more recent than those in the
archive file.
d (Delete) Delete file from an archive file
File(s) specified by FILE are deleted from the archive
file (LZH file).
< Example 5 > LHA d ex lha.doc
Deletes file LHA.DOC from the archive file EX.LZH.
e (Extract) Extract file from the archive file
File(s) specified by FILE are extracted from the archive
file (LZH file). If FILE is not specified, all files
in the archive file are extracted.
If the file to be extracted already exists in the current
directory, the file will be extracted only when the
modification date of the file is more recent than the one
in the current directory.
Specify -c option to override the date comparison and
extract all specified files.
Files compressed by LHarc (-lzs-, -lz4-, -lz5-) may also
be extracted.
<Example 6 > LHA e ex
Extract all the files included in the archive file
< Example 7 > LHA e ex *.com
Extract all the files with extension COM from the
archive file EX.LZH.
x (eXtract) Extracts directory with files from the archive file
File(s) specified by FILE are extracted with their
corresponding directory from the archive file (LZH file).
If the directories does not exist, they are created.
If FILE is not specified, all files in the archive
file are extracted.
Same as executing LHA E -x1m1.
< EXample 8 > LHA x ex
Extract all the files included in the archive file
EX.LZH with their directories. If file \BIN\CG86.EXE is
included in the archive file EX.LZH, BIN directory is
created in the current directory and CG86.EXE file is
extracted to this sub-directory.
p (Print) Print content of an archive to the standard output
File(s) specified by FILE are extracted and their
contents are printed to the standard output. If FILE is
omitted, contents of all files in the archive file is
printed to the standard output.
< Example 9 > LHA p ex lha.doc
Extracts file LHA.DOC from the archive file EX.LZH and
displays its contents on a screen.
< Example 10 > LHA p ex lha.doc > prn
Extracts file LHA.DOC from the archive file EX.LZH and
print it out to a default printer.
l (List) Lists file names
Information corresponding to file(s) specified by FILE
are printed to the standard output. If FILE is omitted,
information concerning all files in the archive file is
printed to the standard output.
To display the full path name with the file names,
specify x option. Files with path are displayed with a
'+' prefixed to their names.
<Example 11> LHA l ex
Information concerning all files in the archive file
EX.LZH are displayed on the screen.
v (View) View file information
Same as l -x1.
t (Test) Execute CRC test on the archived file
CRC (cyclic redundancy check) test is executed on
file(s) specified by FILE.
This option is also used to check for the originality of
the distributed LHA.EXE file. The original LHA.EXE
displays "This file seems to be ORIGINAL distributed
from H.Yoshi." when LHA t lha.exe is executed.
It may not make too much sense testing itself, but
testing if the new copy of the LHA.EXE program for
originality may prevent unsolicited problems.
LHA is not able to test files that have been altered by
LEXEM, DIET, PKLITE, and LZEXE and files compressed by
< Example 12 > LHA t ex
Test integrity of all files contained in file EX.LZH.
< Example 13 > LHA t lha.exe
Test if the file LHA.EXE is the original file distributed
by Haruyasu Yoshizaki.
s (Self-extract)
Convert archive file (LZH file) to self-extracting
format (SFX file). Two types of self-extracting files
may be created. The default option, -x0, which is assumed
when type if not specified, creates a small model file
that may only self-extract to the current directory.
Size of a file created by this option is smaller than
the file created by the large model, but sub-directories
may not be recreated nor files executed during file
The second type, the large self-extracting model, is
able to recreate subdirectories and execute programs
during file extraction but the archive file is larger
then those created by the small model.
< Example 14 > LHA s ex
Convert archive file, EX.LZH, to small model
self-extraction file, EX.EXE.
WARNING: It is necessary to first create an archive file that is
to be converted to a self-extracting format. 's' option
does not create a self-extracting file directly a regular
C. <-option>
Options may be specified to more fully customize file
manipulation operations. Generally, options are specified
with numericals 0, 1, 2, or 3, but some commands do not
distinguish between 1 and 2. For some options, it is
possible to toggle between values 0 and 1 by specifying
'+' and '-'. Additionally, options may also be prefixed
by a '/' instead of a '-' to conform to the MS-DOS
command syntax.
-x[0|1] Use eXtended file names
When -x1 is specified as a file compression option, path
name is saved along with the file name.
When -x1 is specified as a file extraction option, files
saved with directory information are extracted to their
corresponding directories. If a directory does not exist,
they are created.
When -x0 is specified, only file name is save to the
archive file and files are extracted to the current path.
If file tc\include\sys\stat.h is compressed to an
archive file with its path, -x0 option compressed only
file name STAT.H to the archive file while -x1 saves
the complete path tc\include\sys\ with the file name.
When extracting from the created archive, -x0 extracts
STAT.H file to the current directory while -x1 creates
directories tc\include\sys in the current directory
and extracts STAT.H file in created directory.
When -x0 option is specified with the -l option, only
file names are listed with their attributes while
-x1 option lists directory names with files names.
-p[0|1] Distinguish files by Path names
When -p1 is specified as a file extraction option, files
with a same name in different paths are distinguished.
When a numerical is omitted after the 'p', 1 is assumed.
If files stat.h and tc\include\sys\stat.h is compressed
to an archive file, TC.LZH:
LHA e TC.LZH stat.h
tries to extracts both file stat.h and file
tc\include\sys\stat.h to the current directory.
(Only the one most recently modified file is
LHA e -p TC.LZH stat.h
extracts only the stat.h file without the path
name in the current directory.
LHA e TC.LZH sys\stat.h
extracts only the file stat.h file in the
tc\include\sys\ directory to the current
-c[0|1] (ignore file modification day/time)
When -c1 is specified with 'u', 'f', 'e', or 'x' command,
file modification time check is not executed. This
option may be used to restore the old copy of a file
from the archive file.
When a numerical is omitted after the 'c', 1 is assumed.
-m[0|1|2] (do not display query Messages)
When -m1 or -m2 is specified as an option, all query
messages (eg. Overwrite? [Y/N]) are answered with a
-m1 and -m2 differs in the following ways when extracting
files from an archive:
-m1 Overwrite a file only when last modification
date/time of archive file is more recent.
-m2 Extract all files regardless of modification date.
Affix consecutive number from 000 to 999 as file
extension when file with the same already exists.
-a[0|1|2] (ignore file Attributes)
When -a1 or -a2 is specified, file attribute is ignored
when compressing files (ie. system and hidden files are
also compressed) and file attributes are preserved when
extracting files from an archive file.
-a0 (default setting)
System and hidden files are not compressed to an
archive file. However, files with read-only
attribute are compressed with their attribute
intact in the archive file.
-a1 Compress all files with their attributes
-a2 Compress all files with their attributes but also
keep directory name when specified with -r2x1
option (same as -d1 option). Directory name is
listed with -lhd- attribute when archive is listed.
-a0 System and hidden files are not extracted from the
archive file. Read-only files are extracted, but
files attributes will not be preserved.
-a1 All files are extracted with their attributes
-r[0|1|2] (Recurse operation)
When -r1 or -r2 is specified, a command is executed
recursively in specified subdirectories.
-r0 Do not search sub-directories. (default option)
-r1 File name specification mode
Path name is extracted from the FILE name, and
command is executed recursively in its
subdirectories. Used to apply command all files
with matching files names in different directories.
-r2 Directory specification mode
Apply command recursively to all files in a
specified directory and its subdirectories.
WARNING: LHarc actually replaced -r with -x when
extracting files. However, LHA treats -x
and -r differently. Be sure to use the proper
< Example 15 > LHA a -r1 source.lzh \source.c \source\*.h
Compress files with extensions C and H from directory
\SOURCE and all its subdirectories.
< Example 16 > LHA a -r2x1 a:\*.*
Compress all files in drive A and all files in its
subdirectories with their directories intact.
Frequently Asked Questions
(1) How do I backup disk A: ?
LHA a /r2x1 temp a:\
where temp is the name of the archive file
(2) How do I extract all directories and files to drive b:?
LHA x arc.lzh b:\
where ARC.LZH is the name of the archive file.
-w[0|1|<Directory name>] (assign Working directory)
Specify directory where temporary files are created.
When -w is followed by a directory name, temporary files
are created in the specified directory. If only -w1 is
specified without a directory, temporary files are created
in the current directory.
When -w option is entirely omitted, temporary files are
created in the same directory as the archive file and this
temporary file is renamed to an archive file name at the
end of the operation.
Additionally, when environmental parameters TMP or TEMP is
set, the specified directory is used.
'w' option may be benefitial in the following situations:
1. When there are not enough free space in the
directory (drive) where the archive file resides.
2. To speed operations by creating temporary files on
devices with faster I/O access time such as RAM
disk or hard disk instead of fds.
< Example 17 > LHA a -wd:\ arc.lzh *.*
Create temporary files on drive D: to compress all files
in the current directory to archive file ARC.LZH.
-t[0|1] (update Time stamp)
When -t1 is specified, modification date and time of the
archive file is set to the most recent date/time of files
contained in the archive.
When -t0 (default) is specified, modification date/time
of the archive file is set to date/time when the archive
file was created or modified.
-z[0|1|2] (Zero compress file to archive)
When -z1 or -z2 is specified, files are archived to an
archive file without being compressed.
-z1 Do not compress all files that are to be archived.
-z2 Do not compress files with extension ARC, LZH, LZS,
PAK, ZIP, and ZOO. Compress other files.
Beside files with extension specified with -z2
options, do not compress files with extension
Wildcard characters '*' and '?' may be used to
specify <extension>. (Refer to section F for
further information on wild card characters.)
Extension separator '.' is ignored. It may be
included in <extension> or excluded.
To specify files without any extension, specify
'-z.' as an option.
Multiple extensions may be specified by
sequentially defining extensions to be
(eg. -zexe -zcom)
< Example 18 > LHA a -zcom -zexe archive.lzh *.*
Archive all files in the current drive to file
ARCHIVE.LZH but do not compress files with extension COM
and EXE.
-o[0|1] (use Old compression algorithm)
When -o1 is specified, files are compressed in an format
that can be extracted using LHarc ver1.xx. -h0 option
is automatically specified when -o1 is specified.
Using this option with LHA creates archive file that is
more compressed than using LHarc.
-h[0|1|2] (select Header format)
Select header format of the archive file. The default
setting is -h1.
-i[0|1] (do not Ignore case)
When -i1 is specified, file(s) specified by FILE are
treated case sensitivity.
Some OSs are case sensitive to file names. Thus, files
contained in an archive file may contain files names with
upper and lower case characters. Use -i1 option to
extract files from these archives.
NOTE: File names of files archieved from MS-DOS are all
converted to upper case letters.
a. When manipulating files in an archive file
(commands f, d, s, e, x, t, p, l, v)
-i0 Do not distinguish between upper and lower case
file names.
-i1, -i2
Distinguish between upper and lower case file
b. When compressing files to an archive file
(commands a, u, m)
-i0 Convert all file names to upper case letters.
-i1 Convert all file names with wild card characters
('*' and '?') to upper case letters.
-i2 Convert all file names with wild card characters
('*' and '?') to lower case letters.
(Refer to section F for further information on wild
card characters.)
-n[0|1|2] (do Not display progress report)
When -n1 or -n2 is specified, file compress/extraction
progress are not displayed.
-n0 Display progress report.
-n1 Do not display ooo..... progress report.
-n2 Do not display ooo..... progress report and
file names.
-l[0|1|2] (display Long file name)
When -l1 or -l2 is specified, path name is displayed with
file name.
-l0 Display only file name.
-l1 Display path name to be/save in archive file with
file name. Used to display where in the archive
file the file is being archived.
-l2 Display path name of accessed file name with file
name. Used to display where the files being
archived is located.
Note:When -l1 or -l2 is specified, each file is displayed
in 2 rows.
< Example 19 > LHA a -r1x1l2 link.lzh c:\link.*
Archives all files named 'link.' in all directories
below C:\ and display path name of file being archived
with the file name.
--[0|1|2] (allow file name starting with option switch indicator)
When --1 or --2 is specified, file name may start with
a LHA option switch indicator, '-' and '@'.
(Refer to Section E for information on file starting with
/-0 Do not allow file name to start with '-' and '@'
-l1 Allow file name to start with '@'.
-l2 Allow file name to start with '@' and '-'.
WARNING: Do not use --0. LHA will mistake it for a
file name.
-s[0|1] (Do not display Skipped file message)
When -s1 is specified, 'Skipped <Filename>' message is
not displayed. LHA by default displays a skipped message
and do not archive/extract files if a file with the same
name but with more recent modification date already
-s0 Display skipped file message.
-s1 Do not display skipped file message. Used when LHA
is executed from a batch file.
-d[0|1] (save Directory name)
When -d1 is specified, all files (including system and
hidden files) and all files in all subdirectories are
NOTE: Same as specifying -r2x1a2 option.
-f[0|1] (Forcefully write files without checking free disk space)
When -f1 is specified, files are archived/extracted
without first checking for free disk space.
Specify this switch when an error occurs executing LHA
on some networked computers.
D. Base Directory
Base directory may be specified to compress files from and to
extract files to several different directories.
Base directory may be specified instead of moving to another drive
and directory to archive/extract files. Furthermore, several
different directories may be specified in one statement.
NOTE: When fd drive (eg. A:) is specified, LHA uses the current
drive. (Current drive may be displayed by changing to the
< Example 20 >
A>LHA x program c:\bin\ *.exe *.com c:\temp\ *.man *.doc
~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
The above statement is equivalent to executing the following
set of commands:
C>LHA x d:\program *.com *.exe
C>cd \temp
C>LHA x d:\program *.man *.doc
To extract a single file to several directories, it is necessary
repeatly extracted to each directory.
WARNING: When several extract to directories are specified to
extract a single file, the file is only extracted to the
first specified directory.
E. MS-DOS Redirection and Batch File
MS-DOS file redirection and pipes and LHA batch file are used to
compress/extract many files.
MS-DOS restricts number of characters on a single command line.
This restriction limits length of a LHA command disallowing many
files to be compressed/extracted with a single command.
a. Batch File
Batch files contains command, options, and parameters to be
1. Batch files name are refered by prefixing the file name with
with a character '@'.
2. A command may extend across multiple lines. A carriage return
is replaced with a space when batch file is executed.
WARNING: Batch file may not be called from within another batch
File name starting with a '@' within a batch file is
treated as a regular file starting with character '@'.
b. Pipes and Redirections.
A regular text file with content obeying LHA batch file guidelines
(refer to a. above) may be piped or redirected to LHA.EXE.
However, a batch file may be specified from this text file.
< Example 21 >
C> LHA l /n1 parts > files.txt
C> LHA a newparts @filess.txt
The first command line writes contents of archive file, PARTS.LZH,
to a textfile FILES.TXT.
The second command line takes the content of this FILES.TXT and
creates a new archive file named NEWPARTS.LZH.
Optional parameters may be added to the first command line to
create a new archive file containing files selected from the
original archive file, PARTS.LZH.
< Example 22 >
C> dir /b | sort | lha a all
This command line makes a list of files in a current directory
(excluding system and hidden files) without displaying file
attributes, sort this list, and create an archive file, ALL.LZH,
containing these files.
Thus, ALL.LZH file will contain files in the current directory
in alphabetical order.
F. Wild Card Characters (supported after Ver.2.54)
Along with the regular MS-DOS wild card character set, LHA supports
wild card character supported by LSI C. LHA supports the following
set of wild card characters:
? replace with one other character excluding '.' character.
* replace with text string excluding '.' character.
(may be null string)
+ replace with text string including '.' character.
(may be null string)
[] replace with a character within the parenthesis. Able to
specify range using '-' character. (eg. [a-z] to specify
all lower case characters between 'a' and 'z'.)
< Example 23 >
FLABO[_~][1-9A] matches with files FLABO_1 through FLABO_A,
FLABO~1 through FLABO~A but does not match with
FLABO[_~]* matches with all files except FLABO..
FLABO[_~]+ matches with all files.
G. Environmental Variables
Environment variables are usually set in MS-DOS in the AUTOEXEC.BAT
file. Use a text editor to set the following variable in this file.
a. LHA and LHARC
Set whether to use LHA.EXE or LHARC.EXE. The default setting is
b. TMP and TEMP
Set working directory (directory where temporary files are created).
When omitted or when the specified directory could not be found,
working directory is set to the current directory.
When both TMP and TEMP are set, working directory is set to the
directory set by TMP. (Refer also to -w option.)
c. TZ
Set the time zone (eg. EST, PST). Used to adjust time when archiving
with -h2 option or when extracting files archived by -h2 option.
If time zone is not set correctly, file version control supported by
LHA may not work properly, and files may not be updated.
To set to the Eastern Standard Time (US), SET TZ=EST+5. To set to
Japanese time zone, SET TZ=JST-9.
H. Return Codes
LHA returns the following return codes after execution. They may be
used in batch files or in other programs to detect errors.
Code Description
0 Normal termination (No error).
1 File extraction error. CRC error, not enough free disk space,
or file not found when extracting files from archive.
2 Fatal error. Process terminated without modifying archive
3 Failed to convert temporary files to an archive file.
Temporary archive files named LHTMP???.LZH, created in the
working directory, may manually be renamed to an archive file
(extension LZH).
I. Temporary File Names
LHA finds the first available file name with LHTMPxxx.LZH (where
xxx is a consecutive number between 000 and FFF) in the working
directory to use as a temporary file. It is usually not necessary
to know about this file during normal LHA execution.
5. Self-Extracting Archive File (SFX)
General Extraction Format:
<Self-extraction file> [-x] [-!] [-eDIR] [DIR]
/x: do not create new directory.
/!: auto-execution batch enable.
/a: restore file attributes.
[/eDIR],[DIR]; specify directory to extract.
Self-extraction files are executable archive files (with EXE
extension) that extract files within itself when executed. They may
also be extracted using LHA tools. Example of a self-extracting
file is the LHA file that this file was archived in.
LHA is only able to convert archive files created by LHA utility
to a self-extraction file. It is not able to convert archive files
created by LHarc.
Specifying either -x0 and -x1 options creates small model and large
model self-extracting files respectively. LHA self-extracting files
also have the following features:
A. Telop
When files are self-extracted from a LHA archive, file named
'!' is extracted in a memory and its contents is display on a
screen instead of being extracted to a file on a disk. After
displaying the content of a file, user is prompted with [Y/N].
If 'Y' is entered, process is continued. If 'N' is entered,
process is terminated.
B. Directory Specification (effective only when self-extracting
=========================== archive file was created with -x1
option. i.e. large model self-
extraction files.)
Directory where files in a large model self-extracting archive
file are to be extracted may be specified.
< Example 24 >
LHA255.EXE c:\user
Extracts files in self-extracting archive file, LHA255.EXE to
directory C:\USER. Files may also be extracted to a directory
using LHA with the 'e' command:
LHA e -x0 lha255.exe c:\user
C. Auto Execution (effective only when self-extracting
=================== archive file was created with -x1 option.
i.e. large model self-extraction files.)
A batch file named !.BAT in the archive may automatically be
executed after extracting files from large model
self-extraction file by specifying -! option. !.BAT file is
always extracted to the current directory even when extraction
directory is specified. If a file named !.BAT already exists in
the currently directory, it will be over written. Furthermore,
!.BAT must be included in the archive file. A file named !.BAT
in the current directory will not be executed after files are
There are 2 types of LHA self-extracting files, small and large.
They are created by specifying -x0 and -x1 options when converting
an archive file to a self-extracting format.
a. Small Model (Default)
Creation command format: LHA s -x0 <archive file>
Small model self-extracting files only contains file name
information and do not contain directory information. Even if
archive file to be converted contains directory information,
created self-extracting file will not. Thus, small model self-
extracting files can only be extracted to the current directory.
Furthermore, !.BAT file will not be executed when small model file
is extracted. However, telop files are extracted in memory.
Finally, LHA small model self-extraction file does not have archive
file limitation as is imposed with LHarc.
b. Large Model
Creation command format: LHA s -x1 <archive file>
Large model self-extracting files has an advantage of supporting
all functions described above. Additionally, if archive file that
was converted contained directory information, large model files
creates necessary directories when files are extracted. To stop
directories from being created, specify the -x option when
invoking self-extraction.
6. Compatibility between LHA and LHarc
LHA is upward compatible with LHarc but much has been changed.
Followings are only some of the differences between these two
tools and is not a comprehensive list.
Files are not sorted
The major difference between LHA and LHarc is that LHarc sorts
files when creating a new archive file while LHA does not.
To archive file in sorted order, use an utility such as dsort,
ordir, and fd to sort the files in the directory before
archiving them. Files in an archive file may also be sorted
by executing a following command line:
C> dir /b | sort | lha a all
This command archives all files excluding hidden and system
files to ALL.LZH in ascending sorted order.
-x option must be explicitly specified with -r option
-r option is supported to extract files in LHA. Therefore,
-x option is no longer activated with -r option.
Support x command
x command is supported in LHA to create subdirectories and
extract files. x command is equivalent to 'e -x1m1' command.
Self-extraction file changes
LHA executes !.BAT file in the self-extracting file while LHarc
executes AUTOLARC.BAT file. Furthermore, -! option must be used
to execute a batch file, and keyword may not be used in LHA to
stop execution.
Internal date/time convension
LHA keeps track of date/time by recording time difference
measured in seconds between 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC and current
date/time. If erroneous date/time is specified, LHA is unable
to record them.
7. Acknowledgments
Following software were used to develop LHA:
A-MACROS /Structured Assembler Macros, from AMSCLS.INC
(c) Hortense S. Endoh 1986,1987 ver.2.10.
Thank you very much for offering this excellent software.
Furthermore, following software were used to develop LHA ver.2.55:
1. LSI C-86 ver 3.30b by LSI Japan
I was just content that I thought that I was able to contribute to
improvement in data compression algorithm and influence tools such
PKZIP and PAK, but I would like thank people who have further
encouraged me to continue with my research to make this version
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Haruhiko
Okumura and members of SIG Science on PCVAN BBS (Japan) for
the assisting in improving compression algorithms.
To K. Miki who provided me with an place to hold a research
in archiving and also for offering an opportunity to introduced
archiver tools to the public.
To K.Okubo who introduced and supported LH113c on overseas
networks such as CompuServe and GEnie.
To the late Irvin Hoff, CP/M sysop Compuserve, who reviewed
the English version for spelling, grammar, and phrasing
correctness while struggling with cancer.
To the members of FHONYAKU forum in Nifty Serve who prepared
the original English LHA manual.
Finally, I would like to offer the deepest gratitude to all
LHarc and LHA users.
8. Distribution
LHA may be freely distributed if the following conditions are
1. Copyright notifications must not be altered in any way.
2. All documentation files must be included with the
distribution file.
3. If any modification is made to any of the files, part that
was modified must be explicitly stated with the name and
contact address (Email, street address, or phone number) of
the person who made the modification.
4. Make it apparent that LHA is FREE SOFT.
It is necessary to state this in the program description.
5. If this program is to be mentioned or included in any
publication, it is necessary to state LHA copyright
6. LHA must be distribution on a medium that is not
If all of the above conditions are satisfied, it is not necessary
and even discouraged to send the author a mail to obtain a
distribution permission.
Lastly, all files have have been compressed (including self-
extraction files) using LHA may be distributed without any
9. Support
LHA is supported in FLABO forum on Nifty Serve BBS (Japan).
To users who do not have accesss to Nifty Serve, support for LHA
is provided by internet E-mail.
Please send all bug report, questions, opinions, suggestions, or
any other comments to:
Haruyasu Yoshizaki SDI00506@niftyserve.or.jp
Hitoshi Ozawa h_ozawa@bekkoame.or.jp
homepage: http://www.bekkoame.or.jp/~h_ozawa/
10. References
1. Knuth, D.E., "Dynamic Huffman Coding", J.Algorithms, 6:163-180.
2. Kurita, T., "Hard Disk Cook Book", 1987, Shoeisha,Tokyo.
3. Kurita, T., "Tool Box of Computing", Huffman Coding, BIT,
4. Okumura,K.,Masuyama,K.,Miki,K., "Practice and theory of Data
Compression", The Basic, 70(March):1-65,1989.
5. Fiala,E.R., and Greene,D.H., "Data Compression with Finite Win-
dows", Communication ofACM, 32:490-595,1989.
6. Okumura,H., and Yoshizaki,H., "Introduction to Compression
Algorithm", C Magazine 3:1:44-68,1991.
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